Molar eight. Wisdom tooth treatment: how are they treated and should it be done? Indications for preservation of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth bring us a lot of trouble: they erupt for a long time, quickly deteriorate, hurt and destroy neighboring ones. Often, dentists recommend removing eights, as treatment sometimes becomes impossible due to a number of factors. So what about the wisdom tooth: treat or remove? Find out more about this and more below.

Why are wisdom teeth so problematic?

Indeed, for most people, the eights bring a lot of trouble, causing pain, provoking various complications, knocking out of the usual rut of life, sometimes for several days. What problems can arise with eights?

We make the right decision

For each patient, the attending physician must give individual recommendations, which are unconditionally supported by x-rays. The patient must also understand why the dentist recommends extraction and what risks such an intervention may have. Finally, the patient needs at least 24 hours to rethink the decision. In case of doubt, it is advisable to get a second opinion. The decision ultimately rests with the patient alone.

As with any operation, the more intrusive the specialist is, the more experience he has. That is, wisdom teeth must be removed by a specialist. Dentists fix teeth, orthodontists make tooth corrections - wisdom teeth attract oral or maxillofacial surgeons.

  • Problems in the process of eruption

Missing in place of the future G8 baby tooth, this significantly complicates its appearance, since the gum is unprepared, and the tooth will go through the already formed jaw bone. The result can be inflammation of the mucosa, an increase in body temperature, as well as a deterioration in general well-being. To avoid serious consequences, such a tooth has to be removed.

Anyone who wants to part with one or more wisdom teeth should also know: with pliers or surgically The removal of a wisdom tooth leaves an opening that gradually closes in the healing process through the bones. Usually the patient is on sick leave for two days. Because pain, bleeding and risk of infection are possible consequences this procedure. For one week, the patient should abstain from solid foods.

Arguments for removal

dental canvas permanent teeth partially completed by age 13, when it is assumed that 14 upper and 14 lower teeth should have exploded. However, between the ages of 17 and 23, it is possible that the third molar will erupt, better known as wisdom teeth. Depending on the size of the jaw, the late eruption of these molars can create problems that in some cases require their removal.

  • Very high risk of caries

It can erupt for years, and often appears already with. To treat or remove, the dentist will decide, taking into account a large number of factors.

  • Dystopia

Dystopia is a very common occurrence among eights, this is their incorrect location in the bone and oral cavity. The cause of dystopia is the lack of space for eruption. As a result, the figure eight can grow into the cheek, towards the tongue, into the adjacent tooth, or even in the opposite direction. Dystopia brings a lot of discomfort and usually ends with an operation to remove it.

When should wisdom teeth be removed?

These are the last teeth that erupt in the mouth. When they align properly with other teeth and the gum tissue that covers them is healthy, third molars should not be removed. But, unfortunately, this situation does not always happen. This may be necessary when they grow diagonally, appear only partially, or even when they fall under the gums. The percussive teeth in the bone may take several positions to try and find a way to erupt. This bad position can cause a number of problems.

This is a figure eight that has not cut through and is located under the gum or even in the jaw bone. The impacted figure eight brings a lot of trouble: it causes headaches, provokes the development of diseases of other teeth, as well as serious diseases of the jaw. Removal in this case complex operation, which lasts several hours.

When they have partially erupted, the opening of the gums allows bacteria to develop and cause an infection. The result: swelling, pain and even fever. The pressure can move other teeth and irritate their proper alignment, causing orthodontic problems. Less frequent but more serious problem consists in the formation of tumors or cysts around the tooth, which cause destruction of the bone mandible and healthy teeth around her.

Removing wisdom fault teeth usually solves the problem. For this reason, in cases that are expected to be difficult, prophylactic exodontics is recommended to avoid the risk of late surgery. The importance of the oral exam. Through oral examination and x-rays, the dentist can assess the position of your third molars and predict if there are or will be problems. This assessment should be done during adolescence so that it is affective and can anticipate problems.

It happens that a wisdom tooth can become a support for the installation of a fixed prosthesis.

Plaque is the focus of infection, which often provokes the development of periodontitis, in the absence of adequate treatment, it can develop into periostitis.

  • pericoronitis

Often a hood is formed over the crown from the mucous membrane of the gums. Under it, plaque accumulates, bacteria that cause an inflammatory process. The gum swells, pain can radiate to the ear, throat, it becomes difficult for a person to swallow and even open his mouth. In this case, the hood is excised, its contents are drained, and the wound is treated with an antiseptic.

Extraction of a wisdom tooth. Extraction of a wisdom tooth is usually performed under local anesthesia, although the most appropriate option is studied on a case-by-case basis. After the tooth has been extracted, the gums are sewn up and some measures are taken to speed up the recovery.

If you have children adolescence and have not yet had this type of dental check-up by a dentist, call dental clinic Prodental. For some people, the appearance of wisdom teeth is silent, but there are those who suffer from severe pain. Dentist Mario Groisman, a member of the Brazilian Academy of Dentistry of the American Academy of Periodontology, explains that this is because, since these are the latest permanent teeth, there is usually not enough room in the mouth to accommodate them. "This can lead to the inclusion of wisdom teeth - teeth stuck under the gum tissue by other teeth or bones."

When can a wisdom tooth be saved?

In some cases, it is advisable to treat the figure eight, as it can still come in handy and play an important role in your life. Your doctor will recommend treatment for you if:

  1. It may be needed in the process of prosthetics(read more about prosthetics)

If you do not have a seven, seven and six at once, or they are subject to removal, the eight in this case will make it possible to fix a fixed prosthesis.

This is why most people are hesitant about whether to take wisdom teeth or not. The dentist's answer is that not always. If it does not push other teeth, it has no problem, but care with it should be different, after all, because this is an area with difficult access to the brush, often hygiene is not performed properly, leaving space that can stimulate the accumulation of food waste and could infect the region,” he explains. To help clarify this and other questions, the expert lists eight myths and truths about the “judgment tooth.”

Myths and truths about wisdom teeth

After this time, extraction may be more difficult. The ideal age for extraction also depends on the shape and position of the teeth, he says. It depends on the degree of complexity of the tooth extraction. If you can extract four teeth at a time, it's important that the specialist get used to this type of procedure, he said.

  1. The figure eight is correctly located in a row, takes an active part in chewing and has an antagonist

For example, for the lower right wisdom tooth, the antagonist is the upper right wisdom tooth, they are closed. And if one of them is removed, the second will take the wrong position in the row. Therefore, if the figure eight takes part in chewing, has an antagonist, it is undesirable to remove it. An exception may be situations where it is impossible to carry out high-quality treatment.

The ideal age to remove a shave depends on the shape and position of the teeth. “A wisdom tooth does not interfere with speech and breathing, but it can impair mouth movement if the gum swells around it due to a process called pericoronitis,” he says. Everything will depend on the position of the tooth and how the surgical procedure was performed. Lack of swelling may occur with the extraction of included teeth, but if bone is to be removed or there is soft tissue trauma, postoperative period may be more uncomfortable, he explains.

Usually, a wisdom tooth does not cause pain or bleeding to be born. Pain occurs when there is an infection in the part of the gum that restores wisdom. The pain is not normal and only happens if there is some kind of infection. “Brushing should be normal, but always avoid the corner where the tooth was extracted so as not to cause irritation, oral rinses can be used,” he says.

If the root canals are treatable, they can be filled with high quality, such a tooth can be saved.

  1. Treatment of cysts and periodontitis

Here, the treatment will take more than one month and will require repeated visits to the dentist.

When is it better to remove the eight?

Unfortunately, there are times when a wisdom tooth cannot be treated and has to be removed:

Although we know many people who have had to withdraw wisdom, it is much more common to find one who has never been, because it is an endangered itch, that is, over time, the human arcade has decreased and the number of teeth has been reduced. human adaptation to the evolution of the species.

The force of the sari's eruption can cause adjacent teeth to shift or even overflow. The birth of a sari can also disrupt orthodontic treatment he says. In order for the eruption of wisdom teeth to be normal, there must be sufficient growth behind the jaws. For most people, this rarely happens and wisdom teeth may not fully emerge. In fact, they remain either "on" if they are completely submerged under the gum or "partially on" if they only partially pierce the gum.

  • If the wisdom tooth negatively affects the neighboring tooth, contributing to its destruction

Very often, figure eights grow in the wrong direction, resting on neighboring teeth. Such constant pressure negatively affects the enamel nearby. standing tooth, the result of such a detrimental effect is the development of a carious process. In this case, it is impossible to save the adjacent tooth and cure it qualitatively if the figure eight is not removed.

Bleeding after removal

It is recommended that these molars be extracted when they are symptomatic or cause problems such as intermittent pain, infections, damage to other teeth. What if these teeth are not causing any symptoms? They are often said to cause tooth movement by putting pressure on other teeth to find their place. This will disturb the alignment of the teeth and improve the alignment of the teeth. In fact, studies have shown that they play only a minor role in this phenomenon. Other more important factors should be considered, such as residual growth.

If the problem of crowding exists, then the eruption of the eight will only aggravate the situation. In this case, it will have to be removed.

  • Incorrect position of the wisdom tooth in the oral cavity

In the process of evolution, the human jaw has been greatly reduced in size, as a result of which there was no room for wisdom teeth. And very often they erupt at an angle, in the other direction, creating a lot of problems for their owner: they injure the cheek, tongue, gums, destroy neighboring teeth and provoke malocclusion.

Thus, even when wisdom teeth are removed, tooth movements may occur later. Several dental associations have ruled that it is inappropriate to extract them solely for this reason. Other reasons may, however, motivate intervention.

The wisdom tooth can sometimes be difficult to reach when brushing your teeth, leading to cavities. When it is "semi-closed", its chances are great to know this fate in the medium term. But their position is that traditional care is not enough to treat them. When the second molar is attenuated and the wisdom tooth is too close to it, it is often difficult to treat it properly. The useless tooth must then be extracted in order to treat the diseased tooth. It is also desirable to extract a wisdom tooth when it does not have an antagonist on the opposite arch. If the tooth is not supported, it will continue to grow until it finds a new foothold to stop it, and this will compromise the stability of the dentition. Thus, even if there is only one wisdom tooth that is the problem, it is preferable to have the corresponding tooth removed as well. It's best to take the lead and extract it when it's still healthy. . A person may well be seen extracting their two wisdom teeth at an advanced age, when only one of them decays.

  • Lack of space for cutting

As already noted, often there is not enough space in the mouth for the appearance of the eight. Therefore, in the process of its growth, it gradually shifts the entire dentition, provoking the development

  • pericoronitis

When the gum mucosa (it is called a hood) completely or partially cut through the eight, a complication occurs called pericoronitis. Between the crown part and the hood, an infection, food debris is collected, as a result of which an inflammatory process develops with the release of pus. If the removal of the hood does not save the situation, the eight is removed.

Semi-closed tooth and tooth included. However, it is possible to keep wisdom teeth "on" if they are not the result of any symptoms but need to be monitored regularly. X-rays are recommended every 3-4 years to detect potential problems. Indeed, it is impossible to predict the movement of wisdom teeth in the long term.

Removal process and possible complications

At least once in a lifetime, virtually everyone suffers from annoying pain. They can have a variety of origins, from simple caries to the accumulation of plaque or tartar on the surface, but also gingivitis, pyrrhochia, and severely frightened abscesses. These conditions can cause annoying and constant pain, with a throbbing sensation of the affected area, which may be exacerbated by the contact of several agents from water - too hot or too cold - for the purpose of chewing.

  • The coronal part is severely destroyed

If the crown is destroyed so much that it cannot be restored, or if it is not possible to treat and seal the root canals with high quality, the tooth must be removed.

Features of the treatment of eights

Wisdom teeth are very capricious and require much more attention than their ordinary relatives. Their treatment usually takes much more time, material costs, as well as the efforts of the dentist. In addition, only an experienced specialist with certain skills and knowledge can qualitatively cure the eight.

Should it be removed?

Whenever it occurs toothache, it is always important to contact your dentist immediately, who will be able to better treat the disorder as the underlying cause, but in case it is not unavoidable, you can use simple natural remedies. They will be very useful not to cure the problem, but to relieve irritation and unbearable pain - at least until you see a dentist.

There are countless remedies for relieving toothache, but above all, you must take a little care in your daily hygiene: this requires the use of warm water whenever you brush your teeth - which should usually be done at least twice a day. In any case, it is better use warm water because if too cold or too hot can aggravate the pain - using a thread - to remove food debris that the toothbrush has failed. Of course, special attention should be paid to avoid sore throat - and rinse warm water- when you can't wear toothbrush- Remove food debris.

The main difficulty in the treatment of wisdom teeth is the system of their roots. The figure eight can have up to five roots, they can be so twisted that it will be simply impossible to fill them with high quality.

In addition, the complexity of the treatment lies in the fact that the figure eight is located at the end of the dentition, and it will be inconvenient for the dentist to work in such conditions. The task is also complicated if the patient has a strongly developed gag reflex.

The expediency of treatment will be decided by the doctor individually in each case, taking into account a number of factors, as well as the results of x-rays.

Dear readers, glad to see you on my blog! The wisdom tooth is the most capricious in humans. Their eruption is almost always accompanied by pain and discomfort, and sometimes even occurs pathologically. For example, they may not erupt completely or not erupt at all, thereby violating the natural structure of the dentition. A hood over a wisdom tooth can generally cause an inflammatory process. Eights, as they are commonly called, are more likely than other teeth to be affected by caries, since it is quite difficult to care for them (located in a hard-to-reach place). In many people, they are already cut with the presence of a carious process. This article is all about wisdom teeth. Here you can find out why they hurt, remove or treat them, and what problems may arise after the removal of the eight.

I want to tell you a little history related to the wisdom tooth. Even a child knows that adults should have a total of 32 teeth: 4 canines, 8 incisors, 8 premolars and 12 molars (of which 4 are wisdom teeth located at the very end of the dentition on each side). Do you know, dear readers, that the 8th tooth is considered a vestige? What does this mean? This means that the figure eight is a completely unnecessary education for modern humanity, i.e. the wisdom tooth is an echo from the past. Already today in dental practice there are about 10% of people who do not even have its germ. This is how humanity evolves in the modern world.

There is no exact concept as a wisdom tooth. But there is an assumption that it is so called due to the fact that it is cut the very last and already when a person has become an adult and began to grow wiser. On average, the 8th tooth grows at the age of 18-20, but it happens that much later. There are no teething dates, because the figure eights can begin to grow at the age of 20, and even at 40 years. There is even a small belief among the ancient Slavs that wisdom teeth grow in a person only when he was able to reach spiritual maturity. And the more eights he cut through, the more developed he was considered. And the owner of all 4 wise teeth generally bore the title as the guardian of the clan.

Here is such an interesting and unusual story about wisdom teeth, my readers! But, this is just a source of information. Now let's talk about the more pressing problems that these so-called rudiments can deliver. Although humanity does not need them, they are still genetically incorporated, so their eruption and growth causes a lot of trouble. This is what I will write next.

Wisdom tooth hurts - what to do

Basically, pain is a signal that a wisdom tooth is just erupting. But it also happens that the tooth hurts after it has completely crawled out. Moreover, it hurts so much that the pain gives to the entire jaw and head. Pain and discomfort can be caused various reasons: from normal eruption to the development of pulpitis, caries, periodontitis and others inflammatory diseases. Of course, when a wisdom tooth hurts a lot, the first question arises - what to do and how to alleviate the condition? If the pain is caused by normal teething, then you can take a painkiller tablet. But it is more correct to go to a dental clinic for a consultation, because a tooth can be impacted (cannot erupt) and semi-retinated (partial eruption). The doctor will suggest taking an x-ray to determine the cause of the pain.

Let's look at the situation. Your temperature has risen sharply, your gums are sore, swollen and swollen, your cheeks have swelled. You have so severe pain that it seems that not only the whole jaw hurts, but also the throat, ear and other parts of the head hurt, and the tooth still won’t come out. Urgently go to the dentist, here you will definitely need an urgent qualified help doctor. Maybe your figure eight is growing in the wrong position, or rather at an angle. This is fraught with displacement of the entire dentition, unbearable pain and deterioration in general well-being. This shows the removal of the figure eight, such a tooth cannot be treated. It doesn't matter where the tooth is - up or down.

Inflammatory diseases and their symptoms:

  • Caries is a painful reaction to sweets, saltiness, cold and hot. Usually the pain disappears after the elimination of the irritant;
  • Pulpitis is a paroxysmal spontaneous pain that does not depend on stimuli. It lasts a long time, it is very difficult to eliminate it, the attacks intensify at night during sleep. In this case, there may even appear pus in the pulp and jerking incessant pains;
  • Periodontitis is a pain of a aching nature, palpation of a diseased tooth intensifies pain syndrome. If such inflammation is accompanied by a purulent process, then the pain becomes throbbing, and the tooth hurts continuously.

Dear readers, how did you understand that the exact cause can be determined by the nature of the pain pathological conditions wisdom tooth. Do not delay going to the clinic, this will help to avoid complex removal and possibly save your tooth.

Wisdom tooth grows, gum hurts - what to do

Very often, when a wisdom tooth grows, the gums begin to hurt. This is a normal and temporary phenomenon, which can be alleviated with the help of painkillers, gargles with herbal decoctions or special anesthetic gels. Most people do not want to endure the discomfort and painful condition, so they prefer to take a Nurofen or Ketorol tablet. Of course, this is easier than constantly brewing decoctions and rinsing your mouth regularly.

I want to talk about the advantages of rinsing with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark and others). They not only help to alleviate the condition of eruption, but also have other healing properties. Herbs act as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. When rinsing, you not only eliminate pain, but also treat the process of inflammation, eliminate swelling of the gums. Gels with an anesthetic in the composition relieve pain very well. It is enough to anoint the sore spot, the pain subsides in a few minutes.

Wisdom tooth caries - treat or remove

Perhaps the most sensitive question is whether it is worth treating or removing wise tooth if it shows signs of caries. If the figure eight has completely crawled out and does not hurt, and during a visual examination there is a small hole, or it has broken off a little, then definitely treat it. If the doctor assures you that it is located in a hard-to-reach place, the roots and similar excuses are poorly considered, insist on treatment. You can always pull out a tooth.

Having an impacted tooth inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, when a tooth contributes to the destruction of nearby teeth in a row, then it is better to remove it immediately. With advanced caries of the wisdom tooth, it may be necessary not only to remove it, but also subsequent treatment. The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic, put drainage in the wound after a difficult removal.

Do not neglect your health, because disease prevention is faster and cheaper than treatment. Visit the dentist once a year, and at the slightest discomfort in the oral cavity, immediately go to the hospital. Shouldn't be sorry extracted tooth, especially if it's a figure eight. Even after high-quality treatment, these teeth tend to collapse anyway and bring a lot of problems.

What to do after wisdom tooth removal

It is very important to do a computed tomography before removing a wisdom tooth, which should be prescribed by a doctor. The essence of this examination is to find out where the roots of the problem tooth are located and the mandibular nerve passes. If the nerve is affected during the removal of the wisdom tooth, then the pain in the lower jaw will accompany for quite a long time.

The removal of a wisdom tooth, if there are no anomalies, proceeds in the same way as the removal of other teeth. This dental simple manipulation is performed under local anesthesia, so you should not be afraid of pain. If the removal was difficult, then the doctor will prescribe additional medications, rinses. What and how to rinse has already been written a little higher. During this time, you can not eat, drink alcohol. For several days after removal, you should not eat very hot or cold food.

You can rinse your mouth with decoctions of herbs only after a day, otherwise you can wash the fibrin clot.

Swelling after wisdom tooth removal

The tooth was removed when the swelling subsides? Swelling after removal may take several days. If available severe swelling, which does not subside after removal within 5-7 days, then be sure to visit the doctor again. This is necessary to clarify the cause of the edema.

Bleeding after removal

After the tooth is pulled out, there may be slight bleeding (the blood should stop after 2-3 hours). If bleeding continues for more than a day, go to the hospital immediately. Wound closure and professional dental care may be needed.

How to care for wisdom teeth

As already mentioned, the rudiments are in a hard-to-reach place, so caring for them is difficult. Care consists in brushing your teeth, and it can be difficult to clean these teeth with a regular toothbrush.

Therefore, it is important to know and use special toothbrushes for cleaning - they are without bristles. After brushing, the teeth must be thoroughly rinsed with water, but it is better, as dentists recommend, with special rinses. In the presence of carious teeth, it is better to use water solution chlorhexidine.

If any pathology occurs, and especially pain, be sure, without delaying pathological process, consult a dentist.

Dear, after reading this information, you have learned why the wisdom tooth hurts to remove or treat it. And in such situations, you will be able to correctly navigate.

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