Removal of complex eight. Do wisdom teeth heal? Treatment or extraction

This tooth sometimes grows quite unexpectedly - it happened to me when, at the age of 40, he suddenly decided to reveal himself to the world. And a lot of questions arise: do people need wisdom teeth or is it better to remove them, is it worth treating, and indeed, what are they for and what is the use of them.

For dentists, these teeth are still a mystery. There is an opinion: we inherited these chewing tools from distant ancestors because they ate exclusively coarse food, without heat treatment. The chewing process required our ancestors to have a much larger chewing surface than a modern person. Agree, the food that we now eat is softer and more convenient to digest, so it is believed that in fact the need for these teeth has disappeared.

What is a wisdom tooth

Doctors - dentists call these teeth eights because they are located the very last in the dentition. Or a third molar. They usually erupt before the age of 25, although it happens much later. Often, their appearance is accompanied by a number of serious problems: the root part of the second molars is damaged, periodontal tissue becomes inflamed, nerve fibers are pinched. In this case, the question often arises about the preservation or removal of the chewing instrument.

Teeth differ from others in a more complex structure; they do not have a fixed number of roots and canals. The third molar is larger and distant. They can grow uneven, sometimes appear in the bone horizontally, "upside down". And it creates serious problems in humans and leads to malocclusion.

But in most cases, they appear without any obstacles and quite freely, and begin to perform the chewing function, for which, in fact, they are intended.

Are wisdom teeth necessary?

We can say that the figure eight does not carry specific functionality. Although she participates in the chewing process, but very little. I have already said that for our ancestors, the third molar was relevant, since the food was not cooked, they ate mostly raw. Therefore, nature took care of the appearance of additional, so to speak, tools. Today, the need for the presence of the eight has disappeared.

Interesting! According to statistics, more than 15% modern people rudiments of molars are completely absent. Moreover, scientists suggest an increase in this indicator over the years. And it is not surprising - there is very little hard food left in the diet of people.

The figure eight also does not participate in the formation of the bite, but sometimes its presence can do a good job:

  • If you need to install a bridge type prosthesis, the molar will act as a support for it.
  • In the absence of neighboring teeth, the figure eight will begin to perform a chewing function.
  • The figure eight can become a deterrent when loosening adjacent chewing instruments.

However, the third molar is considered the most problematic by dentists. Firstly, teething often causes problems, in addition, it is quickly affected by caries and requires treatment.

There is another reason: due to the incorrect location in the jaw, the figure eight often injures the cheek and gums. And then several important questions arise: is it worth extracting teeth or is it more correct to try to cure them.

Do I need to remove a wisdom tooth

Patients always have a lot of questions. What to do if the figure eight causes inconvenience, hurts - it must be removed, or it makes sense to cure it. What to do during pregnancy, with not erupted, whether braces are removed before installing braces and many others.

In each case, the decision to remove the tooth is strictly individual, and only after weighing all the pros and cons, the doctor will give an answer to the question: do you need to remove the tooth or is it still worth keeping.

Let's look at the cases in which there are indications for surgical intervention:

  • Wrong position of the eight. If the tooth is horizontal, tilted to the side, its value is close to zero. They cannot chew, it is impossible to install a crown. In addition, often such an arrangement injures the gums and cheeks, interferes with neighbors, often causing them to loosen and collapse.
  • Not enough space in the jaw. In this case, the figure eight must be removed if it has cut through and grown, simultaneously displacing the neighboring ones. But in most cases, the consequences of a lack of space are much sadder - remaining in the gum, the tooth persistently tries to get out, destroying and displacing those growing in this place.
  • Impacted. An incisor that has not erupted and is in the wrong position. In order to avoid future complications, dentists recommend removing a missing tooth.
  • Pericoronitis. An inflammatory process affecting the gums caused by teething. It happens because a hood from the mucous membrane hangs over the figure eight. In the gap between them, a free space is formed in which food accumulates and which serves as an excellent place for the reproduction of microbes. Inflammation surrounds the erupting tooth, the gum swells strongly, in addition, pus forms there. The only way out is to delete.
  • Caries. If the molar is deeply affected by caries, severely destroyed, then there is nothing to save and get rid of it. Since molars are difficult to access for quality treatment, in addition, some of them erupt already affected by caries.
  • Inflammatory process in the pulp. The doctor will try to save the molar, but on the condition that the canals are even and in the correct position. When treatment does not help, the pain does not decrease and the inflammation has spread to adjacent tissues, then the tooth will have to be removed.
  • impassable channels. There is no fixed number of channels in the figure eight, and often, the tooth does not imply the possibility of filling. In this case, the treatment can be put an end to.
  • infringement trigeminal nerve. The complication occurs with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the chewing instrument, and with its abnormal growth. Infringement, as a rule, is accompanied by very severe pain from the affected side, not only the gum itself, but the entire jaw, neck, half of the head. The dentist, having found out the reason, decides whether to carry out the removal. The indication for this is the incorrect position of the figure eight. If the pain is provoked by inflammation, then drug treatment is carried out.
  • Cyst. The presence of a cyst also calls into question the preservation of the molar. If the figure eight has channels with good patency, then treatment is possible. With a curvature of the canals, the tooth will have to be removed.

Should I extract a tooth before getting braces?

Usually braces are installed in order to change the malocclusion. Under the influence of braces, the teeth will begin to change position, and in this case the figure eight will actively interfere with this.

Because of this, the correction process will not bring the expected effect. Therefore, the figure eight should be removed, even if it is correctly located and does not cause trouble.

When should a tooth be saved?

Provided that the figure eight has grown absolutely correctly and the tooth is healthy, you do not need to remove it, it may come in handy later:

  1. Remained the only one. If the neighboring ones are candidates for departure or are absent, it is advisable to leave it and use it for prosthetics. Sometimes a dentist advises to leave a tooth if his "colleagues" - six and seven - are in a very deplorable state and will not live long.
  2. The presence of an antagonist. Antagonist - a tooth located on the other jaw, "opposite". Together, closing, they participate in chewing. And if you remove one of them, then the second will gradually bend.

Interesting! In the West, patients are encouraged to immediately get rid of the symbols of wisdom, regardless of whether they are healthy or not, considering them useless.

Can it be treated or removed during pregnancy

Dental treatment, and not only wisdom, while waiting for a child is fraught with the danger of adversely affecting the body future mother and child.

There is an opinion: before pregnancy they must be removed. The opinion is not correct, if they grew up correctly, are not affected by caries and do not cause inconvenience, leave them alone. Before the start of pregnancy, it is recommended to conduct an examination and cure all problematic ones.

However, pregnant women are a special category of patients in the dental office. Since they are subject to many restrictions during treatment, namely:

  • Molar extraction is prohibited due to the risk of complications and the complexity of the surgical intervention.
  • Without fear, you can only treat in the second trimester. The exception is acute toothache.
  • You can not use general anesthesia, and with local anesthesia, only drugs that are safe for the child and do not contain adrenaline and other similar substances are used.

Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth

Any surgical intervention- always stressful for a person, and tooth extraction is no exception. It is not for nothing that patients are afraid of pain to the point of trembling in their knees.

Modern medical advances in dental practice make it possible to avoid pain during the procedure. Today, there are many anesthetic drugs that allow patients to transfer it without much discomfort - it does not hurt at all to extract it.

Some clinics practice surgery under general anesthesia, but in most cases, dentists recommend local anesthesia, considering it less harmful to the body.

After the procedure, the patient, moving away from anesthesia, feels pain associated with tissue damage for several days. After a few days, the tissues will recover, but the healing process depends on the complexity of the operation. As a rule, after 10 - 14 days the patient does not hurt at all.

I remember how at the age of 40, or even more, a symbol of wisdom suddenly began to erupt in me. It was a terrible pain in the entire half of my head, preventing me from sleeping, eating and living in general. I remember that on the third day I trotted to the clinic, and there I amazed the dentist. By the way, he advised me to be patient and leave him.

In this video, you will hear answers to the most important questions for everyone: is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth and how to properly care for them. Be healthy, my dears, and may your teeth always be healthy. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Most likely, at least once in your life you have a question, why does the wisdom tooth have such a noble name? A photo of where the wisdom tooth is located does not give an answer to this question. Contrary to a rather funny misconception, the eruption of third molars does not depend on the level of human intelligence.

In most cases, figure eights begin to appear at the age of 18-25, or even later. For this reason, they are called wisdom teeth, since their appearance coincides with the time when a person has a certain life experience.

What does a wisdom tooth look like in a photo

A healthy wisdom tooth looks just like other molars. In its structure there is a root, a neck and a coronal part, which, like the rest of its colleagues, contains enamel, dentin, pulp and has a standard chewing tooth fissure. Does a wisdom tooth have a root? He, like other molars, several roots, whose number varies from two to five.

Quite common is the interlacing of several curved roots into one large one. This phenomenon greatly complicates the treatment, and root canals become difficult to clean and seal.

Red arrows indicate wisdom teeth

The formation of the third molar can be subdivided into three main steps, each of which is important both individually and in combination, allowing the eight to grow up healthy:

  1. Crown formation. It completes its formation by the age of 12-13.
  2. teething. At the age of 18-21, the third molar begins to come out.
  3. Root formation. The roots usually take their final form by the age of 25.

However, it should be remembered that the figure-eight teeth for each person are purely individual and can begin to grow even after 40 years.

An important feature of third molars is that they do not have dairy precursors, whose role is to lay the right growth direction for future teeth.

wisdom tooth problems

Due to its special structure, the figure-eight tooth (see photo) can cause a lot of trouble to a person even during its eruption. Wrong growth direction can injure the mucous membrane of the gums or cheeks. Another problem of the third molar is its localization.

The location of the wisdom tooth in such a hard-to-reach place makes it a real collector of bacteria and harmful plaque. Only careful and timely hygiene of the entire oral cavity can protect against the appearance of caries on it.

Wisdom teeth can cause many problems

However, even this does not always help, and the wisdom tooth can become a distributor of diseases and a provocateur of inflammation in the oral cavity. In this case, most doctors suggest its removal, since the treatment of such a deeply hidden molar is fraught with significant difficulties, and the dentist is not always able to carry it out effectively.

Also an indication for the removal of a wisdom tooth (see photo) is its erroneous direction of growth, painful and mucosal inflammation.

But the loss of a third molar is not a cause for sadness. In the vast majority of cases, wisdom teeth are not involved in chewing food, but only serve as an obstacle on its way to the esophagus, collecting small pieces of food on itself, which can subsequently cause caries and a number of other dental diseases.

Also, there is nothing to worry about if the wisdom teeth did not appear at all. In some people, due to the small size of the jaw, third molars never erupt because there is no place for them.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Removal of a figure-eight tooth (see photo), the procedure itself is not simple. However, modern dental office equipped with everything necessary for this operation. And yes, that's exactly it. operation so she will require the participation of a dental surgeon who is engaged in the extraction of teeth on a professional basis.

Depending on how many roots the wisdom tooth has (see photo) and how they are woven, incisions, fragmentation, sawing of the jaw and suturing may be required.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Restoration of soft tissues of the gums, as a rule, takes a period of 2-3 weeks. But at the same time, under the restored gum, new bone tissue is still actively developing. Usually, after 2-3 months, the wound at the site of the pulled out wisdom tooth overgrows both outside and inside.

Another common consequence after a molar extraction is swelling of the gums. Any damage to body tissues causes an influx of fluid into the causative site. During the operation without complications, the edema disappears already on the third day, but in those cases when cutting the gums is required, the edema can last up to a week.

It should be borne in mind that when removing, for example, the lower wisdom tooth, the figure eight from above, may also soon require a similar procedure. The fact is that without closing with its antagonist, on the contrary, the other third molar will gradually break out of the dentition and can cause damage to adjacent teeth.

With the development of medicine, preventive surgery is gaining momentum more and more. In the 50s, it was advised to remove appendicitis and adenoids, considering them to be rudimentary organs. Today, their functions and significance for the body have been studied, but the mammary glands fell under the scope. The same situation is with wisdom teeth: in the USA and Western Europe they are recommended to be removed immediately after eruption or even earlier. Why did these two pairs of teeth not please the doctors?

Wisdom teeth are popularly called the third molars, which close the rows of teeth on each side and are the 8th in a row. In terms of structure and size, they are no different from the rest. chewing teeth, only the roots and channels in them are often strongly curved.

Wisdom teeth appear in a person at the age of 16-20 and cause a lot of trouble during eruption. This is due to the fact that the "eights" do not have milk predecessors that would prepare the jaw for their appearance. Another reason is the thickening of the tissues, which occurs by the age of eruption.

Photo: Wisdom teeth often have crooked roots

In ancient times, our ancestors' jaws were much wider, and they needed 4 additional teeth to chew rough food: roots, hard meat.

The human diet has changed significantly, the jaws have decreased, and the need for wisdom teeth has disappeared. Today, wisdom teeth are considered vestiges, and sometimes a source of potential danger in the body.

Indications for removal

In addition to painful teething, often accompanied by swelling and fever, wisdom teeth can cause a lot of problems.

Dentists unanimously argue that healthy "eights" are a rare exception. This is due to the fact that wisdom teeth are located far away and often occupy the wrong position, which complicates their care and treatment.

It will not be possible to avoid the removal of "eights" when:

  • incorrect position in the jaw, which causes damage to other teeth or soft tissues,
  • extensive caries,
  • pericoronitis,
  • inflammatory processes in the pulp,
  • braces installation,
  • trigeminal nerve injury
  • cysts.

When wisdom teeth have just begun to erupt, it makes sense to undergo an x-ray examination and consult a doctor.

If the "eights" are located incorrectly, for example, horizontally, it is worth removing them without delay.

In youth, surgery and healing are much easier, and complications such as nerve damage are much less common than in adulthood.

impacted teeth

Due to improper location, lack of free space or high density bone tissue, wisdom teeth may not come out. In this case, they are called impacted if they have not erupted completely, or semi-retinated if the eruption has occurred partially.

Dentists compare them to a "time bomb". With external well-being, caries can develop inside such a tooth, and it can put pressure on the entire dentition, leading to its deformation.


The main problem of wisdom teeth is caries. The reason is difficult access for brushing and flossing, resulting in the formation of stagnant zones favorable for the growth of bacteria.

A photo: Extracted tooth wisdom with caries

Another potential focus of caries is the gap between the third and second molars, if the wisdom tooth is located obliquely.

It is extremely difficult to treat and seal "eights" because of their inconvenient location and tortuous channels. Only a high-class dentist can do such work, and the cost of treating a wisdom tooth from caries will be much more expensive.

But even a thorough removal of all carious areas and filling will only temporarily delay the removal of the damaged "eight". The process will be resumed again, since the causes of caries are not eliminated, and the damaged wisdom tooth will still have to be removed.

It is impossible to delay the procedure: the disease can progress to periostitis and spread to healthy "sevens" located in the neighborhood.

Caries often aggravates with weakening immune system body, hormonal changes, for example, during pregnancy. Sick wisdom teeth are a source of infection, which can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus.

Removal of "eights" during pregnancy is not contraindicated. The entire procedure in modern clinics is quick and as painless as possible. Anesthetics latest generation safe for the expectant mother and child.

Video: caries

When a wisdom tooth erupts, a “hood” of mucous often remains above it. Under it gets food, plaque, which become a breeding ground for bacteria.

As a result, pericoronitis is formed - purulent inflammation mucous membrane of the gums. It is especially common with a long, multi-year process of eruption.

Accompanied by inflammation, pain, local fever, edema, bad smell and difficulty swallowing.

If untreated, complications may occur in the form of the inability to open the mouth, phlegmon and abscesses. For the prevention and treatment of pericoronitis, the overhanging "hood" is excised, in severe cases, removal is recommended.

Pain along the trigeminal nerve

Trigeminal neuralgia, accompanied by severe pain and cramps in the muscles of the face, may be due to the negative influence of the wisdom tooth.

At wrong location it compresses the roots of the trigeminal nerve, with caries or pericoronitis, it becomes the cause of inflammation.

Tooth pathologies may not have external manifestations, and patients suffer from periodic pain for years. In chronic trigeminal neuritis, it is imperative to conduct an x-ray examination of the “eights” and, at the slightest suspicion, remove them.


Uncut wisdom teeth carry another threat - a follicular cyst.

This is a bag of connective tissue, which occurs at the root of the "eight" from the compression of the tooth and its surrounding tissues.

As the cyst grows, it can:

  • put pressure on nearby nerves, causing perineuritis,
  • go out to maxillary sinuses, causing purulent sinusitis,
  • lead to resorption of the jaw bone,
  • fester and become inflamed, up to the formation of fistulas and osteomyelitis.

Cysts are difficult to treat and on conveniently located teeth. In the case of the “eights”, tooth extraction cannot be avoided.

Incorrect position of an erupted tooth

Evolutionary wisdom teeth were designed for a wider jaw. At modern man, due to lack of space, they often take the wrong position, which is called dystopia.

The most common options are:

  • Horizontally. The wisdom tooth lies horizontally or at an angle and rests against the "seven", because of which it will collapse. Even if the tooth comes out of the gum, a gap forms under it, which cannot be cleaned of food debris. As a result, caries develops both on it and on the neighboring "seven", gingivitis or other inflammatory processes. Another danger is the deformation of the dentition due to the displacement of the teeth from the pressure of the wisdom tooth.
  • To the side of the cheek. "Eight" can cut through to the side of the cheek or tongue and permanently damage them. Such permanent microtrauma over time can lead to pathologies of the epithelium and, in the worst case, the emergence of neoplasms.
  • Back. A tilted back wisdom tooth can put pressure on the trigeminal nerve, leading to chronic pain, or injure the gums in the area of ​​the pterygomaxillary fold.

The deviation of the wisdom tooth from its normal position is a direct indication for its removal. In the case of a horizontal arrangement, it should be carried out as soon as possible.

After all we are talking about maintaining a healthy neighboring tooth and a normal bite. The subsequent alignment of the dentition will cost more and take longer than the removal of the "eight".

Video: wisdom teeth

Indications for conservation

Despite the tendency in Western dentistry to get rid of wisdom teeth as early as possible, domestic dentists advise leaving them if there are no pathologies and diseases.

Normally located healthy "eights" can be useful in a number of cases.

  • A strong wisdom tooth is suitable for installing a clasp on it during manufacture removable dentures or for use as a support under a bridge.
  • If the "seven" is removed or destroyed, the wisdom tooth can take the resulting place. This will require the advice and assistance of an orthodontist.

The hygiene of the wisdom teeth must be carefully monitored, cleaning all food debris as much as possible at least 2 times a day. For better cleaning, you should use an irrigator.

You need to see a dentist at least once a year, and preferably two, and immediately treat caries at the initial stage.

Pain on removal

Removal of teeth occurs necessarily with the use of local anesthesia, the dose of which is calculated by the doctor so that the procedure is comfortable for the patient. Patients who have undergone G8 removal describe it as more unpleasant than painful.

Does it hurt to remove the top? Due to the anatomical structure, the upper “eights” are less often curved, and their removal is faster and easier.

In rare and particularly severe cases, such as very deep impacted teeth or extremely curved roots, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Pain, of course, will remain for some time after removal, but do not forget that eruption that lasts for years or chronic pericoronitis can cause no less suffering.

Postoperative pain is well relieved with Ketanov or another similar drug, and the doctor will also prescribe antibiotics and rinses with chlorhexidine or another antiseptic solution.

Ice or a cold compress will help reduce swelling, but it is better to exclude warming up and even hot drinking in the early days.

Video: wisdom teeth removal

Frequently asked Questions

The removal of wisdom teeth is associated with an extremely unpleasant procedure and raises many questions from patients.

Do I need to remove a wisdom tooth if it does not hurt?

Even if the tooth does not hurt, it does not mean that it is healthy. Many pathological processes e.g. caries or cyst, long time flow hidden, then turning into severe inflammation or pain.

It is better not to bring the disease to an aggravation, since with it the removal of the "eight" is much more difficult and more often leads to complications. To determine whether a tooth is actually healthy, only a dentist can.

I'm 20 (25, 30) years old and I still don't have "eights". This is fine?

There are 2 options: the wisdom tooth is impacted, that is, it has not yet erupted, or it simply does not exist. According to various sources, the rudiments of wisdom teeth are absent in 8-15% of people, and over time this number is growing.

It is necessary to take an x-ray of both jaws and seek the advice of a dentist to clarify the situation.

Why should wisdom teeth be removed before braces?

Often the cause of twisted and crowded teeth is a wisdom tooth located horizontally or at an angle.

It puts pressure on the entire row and leads to deformation. Even if the "eight" is correct, it must be removed to make room for the correct position of other teeth.

People can suffer for years from headaches, neuralgia, inflammation of the gums and sinusitis, not even suspecting that the root of their troubles is in small tooth wisdom, without which the body can do without. Scheduled examination and treatment by a dentist, removal of "eights" with his recommendation will help to avoid many health problems.

Why is a wisdom tooth removed more often than treated? The third molars are rudiments that have long lost their functions. The body does well without them. On the other hand, they can become a “fallback option”, useful when installing a prosthesis.

Do I need to treat the "eight"? Yes, absolutely necessary. After all, this is a full-fledged tooth, which also suffers from caries and pulpitis. And an infection in the mouth is a danger of infection of the body. But when there is no point or opportunity to treat, removal is prescribed.

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

The third molars erupt much later than their neighbors - at 20-26 years. Problems with them arise even at an early stage of growth. The jaw has formed, the teeth have taken their place, so the “eights” have to literally break through the gum, pushing the neighboring molars apart.

This creates a number of problems - from excruciating pain and trigeminal neuralgia to malocclusion. Therefore, as a rule, wisdom teeth are removed. In the USA and Canada, they are eliminated immediately after eruption, and for all patients, and this is considered the norm.

"Eights" quickly deteriorate due to the location in a hard-to-reach place, which is difficult to reach with a toothbrush, not to mention floss. Bacterial plaque quickly accumulates on the surface of the enamel and the carious process begins.

It is difficult to treat the extreme molars, therefore it is easier for both the doctor and the patient to remove the culprit of all troubles.

Indications for removal

  1. Atypical growth of the "eight".
  2. When the eighth tooth grows horizontally or at an angle, it presses on the cheek or injures the adjacent tooth. This is called dystopia. It is necessary to extract the growing "eight" as early as possible, otherwise chronic pain will grow.

  3. Too narrow jaw.
  4. If the patient has a narrow jaw, then there is no room left for the eighth tooth in the row. Chewing molars are displaced towards the central incisors, crowding occurs in the smile zone. To prevent this from happening, the "eight" is removed at the stage of eruption.

  5. Pericoronitis.
  6. This is an inflammation of the gum hood hanging over a growing wisdom tooth. Accompanied by excruciating pain, swelling of the mucosa, accumulation of pus, general malaise and even fever. The doctor has to dissect the hood, remove the problematic tooth and sew up the wound.

  7. deep caries.
  8. If most of the enamel is damaged by caries, there is no point in time-consuming and expensive treatment. When there is nothing to save, the destroyed crown must be removed. Moreover, the less healthy tissue remains, the more difficult it is for the doctor to extract the remains.

  9. Impossibility of treatment.
  10. If the tooth has curved roots or impassable canals, a full treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis and others is required. inflammatory diseases. The only way out of the situation is removal. The decision is made by the doctor, based on the testimony of the x-ray.

Atypical growth of the "eight"

When is the best time to save a tooth?

If the third molar grows normally, without damaging adjacent teeth and without disturbing the bite, it is worth keeping it. Firstly, it may be useful in the future as a support for the prosthesis. Secondly, you do not have to go through a difficult, unpleasant and dangerous operation.

Missing adjacent 7th or 6th tooth

If the seventh, at the same time the seventh and sixth teeth are missing, or they are in a deplorable state, the "eight" is used as a mount for a bridge or removable prosthesis.

The presence of an antagonist tooth

Antagonist teeth are a pair of closing molars on the upper and mandible. If you remove one "eight", for example, on the lower jaw, then the antagonist on top row loses chewing load. It ceases to participate in the chewing of food, losing its functional load, and therefore, over time, it protrudes or bends.


Is it painful to remove a wisdom tooth

No, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, which relieves pain. Dental surgeons use potent analgesics - a solution of lidocaine, ultracaine, or the like. To extract several "eights" at once, general anesthesia is used. You will not feel any physical discomfort during the sleep treatment.

Do I need to remove a wisdom tooth if it does not hurt

The absence of pain does not mean that the tooth is healthy. For example, chronic caries or cyst formation are almost asymptomatic. Only after a visual examination and X-ray diagnostics, the doctor will make a conclusion.

Why remove wisdom teeth before getting braces

It is problematic third molars that often cause crowding of incisors and other deformities. Orthodontic correction with braces involves moving teeth in order to align the entire row. Third molars interfere with this process, so they are eliminated. This is common practice.

Is it possible to remove the "eight" during pregnancy

No. The operation in 50% of cases ends with complications, which is dangerous for the life and health of the baby. Therapeutic treatment is recommended. It is better to do this in the 2nd trimester, when the fetus is well protected by the placenta. But in case acute pain, see a doctor.

How much does it cost to remove

  • Normal removal costs 1000-1500 rubles.
  • The price of removing an impacted or dystopian wisdom tooth is 5000-7000 rubles.
  • Local anesthesia and X-ray is another 400-500 rubles.

© pathdoc / Fotolia

Wisdom teeth are the last molars in the dental arch. In another way, wisdom teeth are called the figure eight or third molar. They erupt between the ages of 17 and 25.

In isolated cases, the period of tooth development falls on a later age. Teething of wisdom teeth is often accompanied by problems of a different nature: damage to the root of the second molars, inflammation of periodontal tissue, pinched nerve fibers and etc.

Due to the frequent diagnosis of complications of the eruption of the figure eight, the question of its preservation or removal always remains relevant.

Are they treatable?

The last molars in their functionality are no different from the rest of the units, and just to be treated. But unlike them, figure eights have a more complex structure, large size and remote location.

This allows you to stop the development initial stages dental diseases, but with advanced forms, treatment is very difficult. It is especially difficult to stop periodontitis or pulpitis. In both cases, it is necessary to process canals, which in molars often have an irregular structure.

In addition, the treatment of the last molars is longer than the rest of the teeth. In some cases, it can last up to 3 months.

What are they for?

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The figure eight does not carry specific functionality. She is practically does not participate in chewing and bite formation. If tens of thousands of years ago the last molar was an obligatory part of the dentition and served for chewing solid food, today the need for its presence has disappeared.

According to statistics, more than 15% of people completely lack the beginnings of wisdom teeth. Scientists suggest that this figure will only increase over the years, as there is less and less hard food in the diet of people and the need for the presence of the last molars disappears.

Lack of functional need for third molars, does not mean that they need to be removed immediately after eruption or during growth.

Under certain circumstances, the presence of eights is simply necessary:

  • when setting up a bridge-type prosthesis, where the molars act as supports;
  • loosening of adjacent teeth. The figure eights act as the basis for the splint;
  • lack of chewing units. At the same time, wisdom teeth begin to partially perform the function of chewing.

If the third molars erupted without complications, and do not create problems in the future, then their removal will be unnecessary.

Treatment or extraction?

The question of removing or treating a wisdom tooth most often arises when certain problems appear. The answer to it will depend on their specificity, the anatomical structure of the molar and the clinical picture that appears.


They are a wisdom tooth that has not erupted, which has the wrong position. The main method of eliminating the problem will be removal, since the crown part presses on the root of the adjacent molar and provokes its displacement or destruction.


The last molars are difficult to access for high-quality cleaning, which contributes to the accumulation of many cariogenic microorganisms in their deep fissures. In addition, most of them erupt with enamel already affected by caries.

With minor changes in the surface, treatment is carried out, which consists in grinding off the affected dental tissues and filling, formed depressions.

Fissure sealing with a special preparation is often used as a prevention of caries on molars. Deep lesion with caries, requires removal, only if it is impossible to qualitatively clean the cavity or canals of the tooth.


This disease covers not only the tooth, but also the periodontal tissues surrounding it. Pathology is characterized by the formation of gingival edema and the accumulation of pus in it. The main reason for the development of pericoronitis is the incomplete eruption of the tooth, over which there is a hood of gum tissue.

Bacterial deposits constantly accumulate under it, as a result of which the inflammatory process begins in soft tissues. Usually, in the presence of a purulent capsule, the third molar is removed, unless special indications are determined for its preservation.

Inflammatory processes in the pulp

With the development of inflammatory processes in the pulp, preservation will be a priority eights. But this option is possible only with smooth root canals and the correct position. Treatment begins with opening the pulp chamber and washing it with an antiseptic.

Then an anti-inflammatory drug is put into the cavity. At severe inflammation additionally prescribed a course of antibiotics inside.

If during the treatment period the intensity pain and other symptoms of inflammation are not reduced, then this may be a signal of the spread inflammatory process to adjacent tissues. In this case, figure eight extraction is shown.

Trigeminal nerve injury

© pathdoc / Fotolia

A complication of this nature can occur both with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth, and with its abnormal growth. Infringement of the nerve is accompanied by severe pain in the jaw and neck on the affected side.

Joins with inflammation headache extending to the entire half of the head. If inflammation is the cause of the infringement, then appropriate treatment is carried out. If the infringement is provoked by the wrong position of the tooth, then it is removed.


The preservation of the third molar in the presence of a cyst is possible only if it has well-passable root canals, for cleaning its cavity and tops. Treatment will continue for at least 2 months. Twisted canals will lead to mandatory removal eights.

Strong destruction

With severe destruction of the upper part of the tooth, but with a normal root, the molar can be restored using special techniques that are selected individually for each patient.

Damage to the root by caries or its loose structure will be a direct indication for extraction.

Canal obstruction

The obstruction of the canals for any tooth, including wisdom, is the right step towards its removal. Impassable channels do not allow access to problem areas and clean them from infection.

As a result, inflammation can spread to adjacent molars or bone tissue.

Lack of jaw space

Lack of space in the jaw arch leads to the development of an incorrect position of the figure eight, which may not erupt, or grow in the wrong direction, for example, towards the cheeks. This leads to permanent tissue injury and displacement of the remaining teeth.

The lack of space is characterized by crowding, the development of malocclusion, and the abnormal position of the teeth. The displacement of the remaining teeth will continue until the complete formation of the eight. The only way out of the situation is to remove it..

Installation of braces

© phoenix021 / Fotolia

In case of bite anomalies, provoked by insufficient space in the dentition, before setting braces, eights delete. If they are left, then the correction process will bring only an insignificant result, since the molars will interfere with the teeth, restore their normal position.

When is the best time to save?

If the eruption of the wisdom tooth goes without problems, and after its full formation it remains absolutely healthy, then it is recommended to keep it.

This decision is due to a certain influence possible factors, which in the future can provoke a change in the shape of the jaw arch and the process of chewing food.

  • decrease in the quality of chewing function in the absence of the first and second molars or their destruction. Eight at the same time takes on the role of the main chewing tooth;
  • impossibility of prosthetics due to insufficient number of abutment teeth. The last molar will serve as the supporting base for the orthodontic construction;
  • curvature of the jaw. The third molars are characterized by pairing, as well as for other teeth. The extraction of one wisdom tooth on any jaw will lead to a change in the position of the teeth with an offset to the area of ​​​​the removed figure eight.

    Lack of timely correction will provoke the development of malocclusion.

The decision to remove or retain the third molar should be made by the dentist, after a detailed study of the data obtained as a result of the examination of the patient.

Can it be treated during pregnancy?

© Kzenon / Fotolia

Dental treatment during pregnancy is associated with the risk of negative effects of anesthetic, therapeutic and aseptic drugs on the woman's body and fetus.

When acute inflammation, accompanied by severe pain or aggravated by a purulent process, treatment is also allowed in other trimesters, but taking into account the fact that negative influence of a diseased tooth, exceeds the bad effect of the means used in therapy.

During the procedure, certain requirements must be met:

  • general anesthesia should not be used for pregnant women;
  • anesthetics used should not contain adrenaline and other substances that adversely affect the fetus;
  • it is forbidden to remove the figure eight, as this process is associated with a high risk of postoperative complications.

A healthy wisdom tooth is no different from the rest, but in case of inflammation, it will deliver a lot to its owner. unpleasant problems, among which the main place is occupied by severe pain.

When unpleasant symptoms, the right decision would be to contact a specialist who will accurately identify the problem and determine whether it is worth leaving the eight or not.

More on that in the next video:

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