Black cumin, the benefits and harms of how to take, recipes. Black cumin seeds: useful properties and contraindications

    Heat the seeds before eating. Do not eat whole, raw seeds. Heated seeds taste better and do not irritate the stomach. Place the seeds in a saucepan and turn on the stove over low heat. Stir every few minutes.

    • You will know that the seeds are ready when they become tasteless. 5 minutes after heating, start tasting. If the seeds still have a sharp taste, you need to leave them on the fire longer.
  1. Grind the seeds after heating. Take the seeds and grind them in a coffee maker or spice grinder. Grind to a small size so you can swallow them easily. It is best to grind the seeds to a powder.

    • You can also grind them with a mortar and pestle.
  2. Place the powder in an airtight container. It is recommended to put the ground black cumin in a container that does not allow moisture to pass through. You can put it in tablet capsules or store the powder in a jar for quick access to daily use.

    Buy black seed oil or processed seeds. If you don't want to heat and grind the seeds, you can buy already processed seeds or black seed oil. They can be found online or in natural food and natural health stores.

    • Do not buy products that require consumption in large quantities. You just need to take a little bit, for example, a teaspoon once or twice a day.
  3. Mix black cumin oil with kefir or yogurt. Black cumin oil is commonly used for intestinal and stomach ailments. If you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, or other gastrointestinal problems, try mixing one cup of kefir, Greek yogurt, or plain yogurt with one teaspoon of black seed oil. Eat this mixture twice a day.

    Add black cumin to your food. Once you have heated and crushed the seeds, you can add them to any food. Consider adding one teaspoon to bread, oatmeal, smoothies, or whatever.

Black cumin, or black seed, or kalindzhi is far from a new product. Its miraculous effect on the body and healing properties were known many centuries ago. But it is today that seeds are experiencing the peak of popularity. The moment has come when people are tired of medicines, switched to natural wealth and remembered cumin. It is worth figuring out whether it is really so useful or the properties of the product are exaggerated.

The overwhelming popularity of cumin is due to the composition. It contains substances that not only help maintain vitality, but also improve the functioning of weakened, diseased, damaged organs and systems. Seeds have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antispasmodic pharmacological effect. They can be safely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, if there are no serious contraindications.

The unique properties of black cumin allow it to be used for the prevention of gum disease, skin problems, hair loss and dandruff. The product is in demand not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. On the basis of seeds, many medicinal, caring products have been created that give positive results. Many of them can be prepared at home.

Video: Black cumin with honey - the medicine of the prophet

How to choose and store

Any black cumin can be used for food and medicinal purposes, but it is important that it is fresh and harvested from environmentally friendly areas. Usually it is bought in the departments of spices, pharmacies, online stores. Seeds have a specific aroma, somewhat reminiscent of nutmeg, pepper. The taste is pleasant, the color is dark, the surface is wrinkled. The shape is trihedral, slightly elongated.

General strengthening of the body

Black cumin - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp


Black cumin for weight loss

The unique and beneficial properties of cumin can be used in the fight against overweight. The product will give the body vitamins, minerals and other necessary substances, but that's not all. The seeds effectively suppress sugar cravings. After their use, the desire to eat something harmful and forbidden disappears. Lipolysis and metabolism are also accelerated. An important property of black seeds is neutralization, excretion of fat breakdown products. The body is cleansed naturally.

Cough treatment

Video: Cumin tea for cough treatment

Black cumin for hair loss

Video: Black cumin seed decoction for hair health

Black cumin contains monoterpene phenols, cineole, thujone, tannins, saponins. All these substances have anthelmintic action. Unlike pharmaceutical preparations, they do not harm the body, such a medicine can be given even to children. When compared with others folk remedies(wormwood, tansy, other plants and fruits, seeds), then in terms of efficiency, cumin is second only to some types of pepper.

Recipe for a folk remedy for getting rid of worms. The course of treatment is 7 days, it is desirable to repeat it every 3 months.

Dill seed - 0.5 tsp
Black cumin - 0.5 tsp.
Water - 120 ml

Grind both types of seeds into powder or knead well. Dill, you can take the usual garden or pharmacy fennel. Add a spoonful of water, make a paste. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach, drink the rest of the liquid. No food or drink for an hour.

Main contraindications:

  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cardiac pathologies.

In some cases, the seeds cause side effects: diarrhea, lowering blood pressure, irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach, dizziness. In the presence of insomnia, you should not take the product in the evening, as it can increase activity. Black seeds should not be consumed during pregnancy, but they will be a wonderful help during lactation, as they increase milk production and improve its quality. There are few contraindications for black cumin, but you should not abuse the product and exceed the recommended dosages. Any medicine can become poison if taken carelessly.

Important! Black seeds promote healing of wounds, seams, restore tissues. They can be used in postoperative period but if there was no organ transplant. Otherwise, the immunostimulating agent will increase the rejection of foreign tissues.

The composition of useful substances

The energy value of black cumin is 375 kcal per 100 g. The product contains saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, sugars and fiber.

Vitamin and mineral content table (per 100 g)

Are you tired of being sick? Do you feel that something is wrong in your body? Would you like to protect yourself from future ailments? Black Cumin, unique medicinal properties predicted by the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.S.) - this is what can help you solve most of the above problems. Yes, and one more thing - black cumin acts on ANY human body, regardless of its religion.
I decided to compile a small digest of the practice of using black cumin and its derivatives, especially oil. Here's what happened:
O medicinal qualities black cumin oil has been known since the time of Ibn Sina and Hippocrates. Official medicine became interested in black cumin oil in the fifties of the nineteenth century. Since then, many laboratories around the world have been trying to understand the secret of the amazing effect of black cumin oil on the human body. The chemical composition of black cumin oil was studied. It turned out that this unique product contains the same polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3, which give wonderful healing properties to seafood. Numerous studies have shown that black seed oil helps prevent acne. oncological diseases especially blood cancer. If you regularly consume black cumin oil, then your condition will improve. bone marrow, the composition of the blood will be updated. Another unique effect of black cumin oil lies in its effect on activity. thymus. This gland is very important for the state of our immunity. All other healing properties of black seed oil stem from this. Strengthening the body with black cumin oil, you simultaneously get rid of diseases such as allergies, acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections.

If you want to reduce a wart or mole, then make applications of black cumin oil on these places. After a while, the skin will become smooth, and there will be no trace of the wart.

The use of a mixture of honey and black cumin oil will help get rid of throat cancer.

Black cumin oil will help you improve the condition of your hair, and even fight their thinning. To do this, massage problem areas using black cumin oil.

If you are tormented by pinworms, treat the anus with black cumin oil. The worms will go away.

To get rid of most dermatological problems, such as eczema or infected scabies, make compresses with black seed oil and vinegar.

Treatment of the nose with black cumin oil will help you get rid of rhinitis, cough.

For general strengthening of the body, use one teaspoon of black cumin oil daily. Drink this amount once a day. You can mix it with juice if you find it difficult to drink in its pure form or do not like the taste of the oil.

If you get sick with bronchitis or pneumonia, then along with ingestion, you need to rub your chest with black cumin oil. To do this, add cumin oil in the amount of ten grams to the base oil in the amount of fifty grams. Use this mixture to rub.

For diarrhea, take half a glass of fresh kefir and mix with one tablespoon of black cumin oil. This "cocktail" should be consumed in the morning and evening for three days.

If you suffer from migraines, drink black seed oil in the amount of one tablespoon, and also rub this oil on your forehead. Eliminate desserts and chocolate from your diet.

If you suffer from rheumatic pains, then black cumin oil mixed with cinnamon decoction will undoubtedly help you. For two hundred grams of decoction, take five drops of oil. To relieve pain in the heart, take two hundred grams of milk, heat it, add a teaspoon of honey and five drops of black cumin oil.

In case of inflammation of the middle ear, it is necessary to drip one drop of black cumin oil into each ear - this will relieve pain and inflammation.

Some people prefer to use black cumin seeds, but the oil is more effective, as it is the quintessence of all the healing properties of black cumin. The examples of treatment with black cumin oil given in this article do not exhaust all the possibilities of this unique dietary supplement (dietary supplement).

Source: ImmunityMeans to enhance immunity with the use of black cumin.

1) Take 250 g of well-ground fresh black cumin seeds, mix with 1 kg. honey in a jar and close it firmly. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of this mixture on an empty stomach daily until it runs out.

This method is also effective against cancer.

2) Sick diabetes it is necessary to apply another recipe: chew half a teaspoon of black cumin seeds and drink low-fat milk daily on an empty stomach.

Crayfish Apply black cumin oil to the affected area. At the same time, 3 times a day after meals, take a drink consisting of 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil and 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice(shake before use). Or: morning and evening 15 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil, drink 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural honey in 0.5 cups of water.

Application Methods- For allergies, skin and chronic: morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, plus wiping the sore spot.

For asthma, pneumonia: previous dose, plus chest and back massage with black seed oil and inhalation (tbsp per 1 liter of water).

In case of eye disease: wipe whiskey and eyelids with cumin oil before going to bed. At the same time, apply 7 drops inside with a hot drink, preferably with carrot juice.

When sick circulatory system: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days.

For gallbladder disease: add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Apply within a week.

For bone pain: eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil 2 times a day. At the same time, rub the places of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.

When the spleen is swollen: Add 7 drops of oil to a decoction of radishes sweetened with honey. 1 glass on an empty stomach at bedtime for a week.

For liver diseases: in a cup of honey, add the previous dose of cumin, 1 tablespoon of ground oak bark. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.

For inflammation of the liver: add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Apply within a week.

With inflammation of the spleen: Drink oil with a decoction of dill for a week (5 drops per glass). You can also use willow, as in the case of inflammation of the liver.

For hair loss: morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, plus head massage with a mixture of black cumin and olive oils 1:1, 3 times a week, while not rinsing the mixture for 10 minutes (after which the head can be washed with shampoo).

For hemorrhoids: dilute black seed oil + olive oil 1:1, take 3 tablespoons daily for 10 days. Massage the sore spot with black cumin oil to prevent constipation.

For headaches: take a teaspoon with rubbing the sore spot and the front of the head, (do not use chocolate sweets, etc.)

For dizziness and pain in the ears: it is necessary to drop one drop of cumin oil into the ear - for flu: Mix tincture of cumin with olive oil and drip into the nose 3-4 times a day (for flu and cough).

For a diuretic effect: Boil 1 cup of barley in 1 liter of water well until about a cup is left. After it has cooled, grind 3 cloves of garlic with a mixer and add to this water. Drink on an empty stomach every day and drink lemon or other juices.

For increase blood pressure: add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).

For coughs and nosebleeds: 3 teaspoons every day for a week, with wiping the sore spot, inhalation.

For skin growths: morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, + massage of the sore spot 3 times a day.

For elevated temperature: Add 7 drops of cumin to a glass of tea, mint, anise, parsley or coriander and drink after meals (3 times a day) for a week. You can also rub the body with oil before going to bed.

For sexual weakness: Wipe the base of the back (lower part) with cumin oil and massage, wipe the groin. Stir in a glass of warm water one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take at any time.

For toothache: Rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and apple cider vinegar.

For diabetes: grind 1 cup of cumin, 1 cup of flower cress (khabbur rashada), half a glass of pomegranate peel. Mix all this well and take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. (Store the mixture in a cool place.)

For prostate diseases: Wipe the base of the back (lower part) with cumin oil and massage, wipe the groin. Stir in half a glass of warm water one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take at any time.

For rheumatism: eat 5 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. An hour later, drink a glass of cinnamon brew, adding 5 drops of cumin oil to it. And also: 1 or 2 teaspoons of oil every day to rub into sore spots, 2 times a day for 3 months.

For weakening and learning ability: add 7 drops of oil to mint tea and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach 1 time per day.

To lower cholesterol in the blood: the previous dose, it is forbidden to eat with beef fat.

With ringworm, scab, eczema: it is necessary to wipe the diseased area with black cumin oil 3 times a day.

For eczema, hair loss, rheumatism: wipe the sore spot with oil, take a teaspoon of oil 25 minutes before breakfast and dinner, drink 1/2 glass of water with 1 tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

For constriction of the heart valves: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoonful of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bed.

With bruises: the previous dose with wiping the affected area 3 times.

With a stomach ulcer: in the morning and in the evening, 1 teaspoon, + a solution of flaxseeds (a tablespoon of flaxseed + a large glass of water) is boiled for 2 minutes, then infused. Drink 1 glass daily (sweets and citrus fruits are not recommended).

With dry cough, bronchial asthma, flu:

Inhale the oil into the nose and exhale forcefully through the mouth;

Make an inhalation from a solution of 1 tablespoon of oil in a glass of boiled water;

Take a teaspoon of oil 25 minutes before breakfast and dinner, drink ½ glass of water with 1 tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

Indigestion, bloating with insufficient bile secretion, gout, functional liver failure (hepatitis, cirrhosis), migraine, exhaustion of the body, increased immunity, stimulation of digestion, improved appetite, antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, diarrhea, antihelminthic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral effects , headache, ear pain, toothaches (inflammation of the gums and teeth), high blood pressure, bleeding (of the nasal mucosa), hemophilia, cancerous tumors, cestodes (tapeworms), hemorrhoids, diabetes mellitus, increased secretion of the mammary glands, normalization uterine bleeding, regulation of growth hormones, involuntary urination, gastric and duodenal ulcers, lowering blood cholesterol levels, increased sexual function, prostatitis, urethritis.

Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), expectorant, dry cough, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis (inflammation of the upper respiratory tract).

Method of application and dosage:

Lubricate the inside of the entrance to the nostril openings with oil, inhale strongly and expectorate sputum.

Inhalation. 1 st. a spoonful of black cumin oil in half a glass of boiling water.

Take morning and evening 15 minutes before meals, one teaspoon of black cumin oil, should be washed down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

Dermatophyte with localized lesions of the nails and feet, rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases, dermatitis (eczema), baldness and alopecia areata, psoriasis (scaly), leprosy, scab, acne, chronic and allergic skin inflammation.

Method of application and dosage:

Gently rub black seed oil on the affected areas of the body.

Take morning and evening 15 minutes before meals, one teaspoon of black cumin oil; should be washed down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

15 minutes before meals, one teaspoon of black cumin oil should be washed down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

Universal dosages, adjusted individually:

From one year to 3 years 1/2 tsp. in a day;

From 3 years to 6 years, 1 tsp. in a day;

From 6 years to 12 years old, 2 tsp. in a day;

From 12 years and more, 3 tsp. in a day.

Drinking with honey or juice enhances the healing properties of black cumin oil.

Precautions: during pregnancy, do not take orally, but only wipe the sore spot with oil. It is forbidden to apply to patients with transplanted organs of the body (liver, kidneys, heart), because. the immunity of the body is strengthened, which may be the result of the renunciation of the organs. The dose for children is half the dose for adults.

Recipes for using black cumin and black cumin oil Asthma and cough, pneumonia:

Morning and evening 1 teaspoon

Rubbing the sore spot

Massage of the chest and back with black cumin oil

Inhalation (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water)

Rub the chest with black cumin oil diluted with olive oil (ratio 1:5)

2. Diarrhea: Mix one tablespoon of black seed oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the resulting mixture twice a day for three days.

3. Headaches: take one tablespoon of black cumin oil with wiping the sore spot and the front of the head (do not use sweets, chocolate, etc.).

Recipe 1: One tablespoon of ground black cumin one tablespoon of ground anise seeds (anise seed) one tablespoon of ground cloves (cloves). Take one teaspoon before meals. Keep the mixture in your mouth until it is easy to swallow and swallow. Do not take with water.

Recipe 2: Take one and a half teaspoons of black cumin oil 2-3 times a day.

4. Rheumatism (muscle pain):

Eat five cloves of garlic on an empty stomach.

An hour later, drink a glass of cinnamon brew, adding five drops of black cumin oil to it.

Slightly heat a small amount of black cumin mixed with olive oil and rub the sore spot intensively.

Just before going to bed, drink a drink of boiled black cumin mixed with honey.

5. For skin diseases:

Mix a small portion of black seed oil with an equal portion of rose water and two portions of brown flour. Rub the sore (affected) area with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then immediately apply the resulting mixture to the skin and try to be in the sun.

Inside - take one teaspoon of black cumin 2-3 times a day.

Mix one teaspoon of black seed oil with one tablespoon olive oil. Rub the mixture on your face and leave for one hour. Then wash off with warm water and soap.

6. Dizziness:

Add one teaspoon of black seed oil to tea and drink.

Also rub under the cheeks and back of the neck.

take a spoonful inside a day, wiping the temples and the back of the head. Black cumin oil is instilled into the ears in case of infection.

7. Ear diseases, dizziness: it is necessary to drop one drop of black cumin oil into the ear - it will cleanse the ear and relieve pain.

8. At birth: one of the best means to relieve pain during childbirth: heat black cumin with honey and drink.

9. For burning heart: add a few drops of black seed oil and one teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot milk. Drink hot. It is also recommended to eat a lot of salad.

10. High blood pressure:

Add one teaspoon of ground black cumin seeds to a hot drink and take with two cloves of garlic before breakfast daily.

Mix black cumin with a hot drink (tea or other) and rub your body with black cumin oil.

11. Chest pains and colds: Add one tablespoon of black cumin to boiling water and inhale the steam. Cover your head before bed.

12. Pain in the eye:

Drip in the morning and evening before going to bed and take with honey after this procedure, a tablespoon inside.

Rub black cumin oil around the eyes before going to bed and drink a hot drink mixed with a few drops of black cumin oil.

13. Gastric ulcer:

In the morning and evening, mix one teaspoon with a solution of flaxseeds (a tablespoon of flaxseed in a glass of water), boil for two minutes, then infuse. Drink one glass daily (sweets and citrus fruits are not recommended).

Mix ten drops of black seed oil with one cup of honey, take the mixture on an empty stomach, one teaspoon. Then drink a glass of milk. Continue without interruption for two months.

Apply black cumin oil to the affected area.

Mix one teaspoon of black seed oil with a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice. Take three times a day for three months.

15. Sloth: Mix ten drops of black seed oil with a glass of orange juice and take this drink for ten days immediately after waking up. (Important: do not sleep after the morning prayer).

16. To improve memory:

Add seven drops of black cumin oil to the mint decoction and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day.

Bring the mint to a boil and mix it with honey and seven drops of black seed oil. Drink hot at any time. You should also stop drinking coffee and tea.

17. With diabetes:

Grind one glass of cumin, one glass of flower cress (khabbur rashada), half a glass of pomegranate peel. All this is good to mix and take one tablespoon on an empty stomach. (keep in a cool place).

Mix one cup of black cumin seeds, one cup of watercress seeds, one and a half cups of pomegranate peel, grind it all into powder. Take one teaspoon of this powder with one teaspoon of black seed oil before breakfast for one month.

18. Ear Pain: Soak one clove of fresh garlic in one ounce of black seed oil for three days. Bury a few drops of the resulting mixture directly into the ear and rub the oil around the ear.

19. Diseases of the eyes:

Wipe black cumin oil on whiskey and eyelids before going to bed. At the same time, apply seven drops of black cumin oil inside with a hot drink, preferably with carrot juice.

Apply a compress: boil one tablespoon of black cumin seeds in eight ounces (about one glass) of water, let cool for ten minutes, strain through a sieve. Soak two cotton swabs in the resulting liquid and apply the swabs to the eyes for ten minutes.

Rub whiskey with black cumin oil before going to bed.

20. Insomnia: mix one teaspoon of black cumin with honey or tea and drink before dinner.

21. Nausea, vomiting: add one teaspoon of ground black cumin to menthol decoction and take three times a day.

22. Toothache:

Rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and apple cider vinegar.

Mix ground black cumin with olive oil until a paste forms and apply it to the aching tooth.

Boil eight ounces of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of ground black cumin. Strain. Rinse your mouth with the resulting liquid for several days.

Rub the sore spot (tooth, gum) with a few drops of black cumin.

23. Excessive gas separation:

Make tea: mix equal parts of ground black cumin seeds, fennel (ground fennel) and peppermint(peppermint); add 3-7 drops of black cumin oil, sweeten with honey.

Apply a compress with apple cider vinegar and black cumin on the stomach.

24. Tonsillitis: Steam 10 grams (two teaspoons) of black cumin seeds in one and a half liters of water and strain through a filter. Gargle twice a day.

25. Gallstones and Kidney Stones: Eating ground black cumin seeds mixed with honey helps dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.

26. Inflammation of the nasal passages:

Steam baths (one tablespoon of black cumin pour a glass of boiled water and inhale the steam).

Lubricate the outside of the nose.

Drink a teaspoon of black cumin with a glass of water diluted with a tablespoon of pure honey and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

27. In the treatment of sore feet, sore nails, inflammation of the skin (eczema), hair loss:

Lubrication of the affected area with black cumin.

Drink a teaspoon of black cumin with a glass of water diluted with a tablespoon of pure honey and take fifteen minutes before breakfast and dinner.

28. Hair treatment: one tablespoon of black cumin seeds, arugula juice and apple cider vinegar, 100 ml. olive oil. Mix seeds with arugula juice and infuse for 10 minutes. Add apple cider vinegar and olive oil and stir. Pour into a bottle. Depending on the length of the hair, rub 1-3 tablespoon of the product into the head. Leave on for 20 minutes and then wash your hair as usual.

29. For acne vulgaris: Use 20-25 drops of black seed oil three times a day to cleanse the face.

30. Allergy, skin inflammation, chronic inflammation: morning and evening, one teaspoon of black cumin and rubbing black cumin oil on the affected area.

31. Diseases of the circulatory system: mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for five days. You can also regularly take five drops of the oil with a glass of thyme or mint.

32. Disease of the gallbladder: Take the oil in the same way as in a case of inflammation of the liver.

33. Pain in the bones: eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil twice a day. At the same time, rub the places of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.

34. Distended spleen: To radish tea sweetened with honey, add seven drops of oil. Drink one glass on an empty stomach before bed for a week.

35. Inflammation of the gums and teeth: ground black cumin is well boiled and placed inside an apple. Use like chewing gum

36. Inflammation of the liver: add five drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Apply within a week.

37. Inflammation of the spleen: drink oil with dill tea for a week (five drops per glass). You can also use willow, as in the case of inflammation of the liver.

38. Hair loss: morning and evening, one teaspoon of black cumin and head massage with a mixture of black cumin and olive oils in a ratio of 1: 1, three times a week, do not wash off the mixture for 10 minutes (after which the head can be washed with shampoo) .

39. Sluggish spleen: mix a tablespoon of fig jam with a spoonful of honey in a glass hot water and add seven drops of cumin oil. Drink morning and evening for five days.

40. Hemorrhoids: Diluted black seed oil and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, take one tablespoon three times a day, daily for ten days. Massage the sore spot with black cumin oil to prevent constipation.

41. Influenza: mix cumin tincture with olive oil in a ratio of 1: 1 and drip into the nose 3-4 times a day (for flu and cough).

42. For a diuretic and cleansing of the entire urethra: Boil well one glass of barley in one liter of water until about a glass remains. After it has cooled, grind three cloves of garlic with a mixer and add to this water. Drink on an empty stomach every day and drink lemon or other juices. Avoid sodas.

43. To increase blood pressure: add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).

44. Women's diseases: scars in the abdomen and chest (during pregnancy internal reception prohibited, only rubbing the affected area with oil).

45. Cough and nasal bleeding: three teaspoons every day for a week, with rubbing of the affected area, inhalation.

46. ​​Skin growths: morning and evening, one teaspoon of black cumin and massage the affected area three times a day.

47. Many diseases of the liver: add the previous dose of cumin and one spoonful of ground oak bark to a cup of honey. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.

48. Fever: add seven drops of black seed oil to a glass of tea or mint and drink after meals (three times a day) for a week. You can also rub the body with oil before going to bed.

49. Immune Support: Take one teaspoon of black cumin for three months.

50. Sexual weakness: rub the base of the back (lower part) with cumin oil and massage, rub the groin area. Stir in half a glass of warm water one spoon of honey, one spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take at any time.

51. Prostate: rub the base of the back (lower part) with cumin oil and massage, wipe the groin. Stir in half a glass of warm water one spoon of honey, one spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take at any time.

52. Reduce blood cholesterol: add seven drops of oil to mint tea and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day, eating with beef fat is prohibited.

53. Ringworm, scab, eczema: it is necessary to rub the diseased areas with black cumin oil three times a day.

54. Constriction of the heart valves: mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bed.

55. Bruises: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and at bedtime with rubbing the affected area three times.

56. If you have stuffy ears: put small pieces of cotton wool soaked in black seed oil into your ears and do not remove for one hour. The result will not keep you waiting.

57. For a runny nose: put a cotton swab soaked in pure black cumin oil for 15-20 minutes. You will immediately feel relief. With a severe cold, this procedure can be repeated.

In folk medicine, black cumin seed tea is valued as a remedy for bloating, diarrhea and biliary colic, as a diuretic, choleretic, anthelmintic, mild laxative and gastric remedy. It is also given to women in labor and with insufficient secretion of milk.

Black cumin tea: pour one teaspoon of crushed seeds into 50 ml of boiling water, leave for ten minutes and strain. Take two cups a day.

Tea against colds and bronchitis: mix in a large cup one tablespoon of ground seeds, one teaspoon of licorice root and chamomile flowers, half a teaspoon of anise seeds, pour hot water. Infuse for ten minutes, strain. Sweeten to taste (you can use honey).

Contraindication and side effects: And with all this, the consumption of black cumin has no side effects. Consuming black cumin, in general, helps the body's natural healing process to fight off infections, fight diseases, and maintain a person's health. At the same time, this in no way disturbs the natural balance of the body. And the regular use of black cumin in a great way improves the body's resistance.

It is forbidden to use the drug for pregnant women and patients with transplanted organs of the body (liver, kidneys, heart), because. the immunity of the body is strengthened, which may be the result of the renunciation of the organs. Not every cumin is black cumin, there are poisonous varieties.

For general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to consume one teaspoon of black cumin after meals ( daily dose which should not be exceeded). Contraindication to use is pregnancy (but recommended during childbirth). side effects you can not be afraid. Just avoid overdose to avoid irritant effect to the stomach and intestines.

You will find THOUSANDS of other recipes about the amazing healing properties of black cumin (ALL LINKS ARE ACTIVE!): (I RECOMMEND)

Black cumin, which has a spicy smell and pungent taste, is considered one of the most sought-after spices in cooking. However, the product can serve not only as a "highlight" of dishes, but also as a cure for many ailments. It is believed that the healing properties of black cumin pointed to the prophet Muhammad. He argued that the seeds of Kalinji are able to cure all diseases, and are powerless only before death. So, what are the benefits of seeds, popularly nicknamed "chernushka"? How to use them and what are the contraindications of black cumin?

Description and range

An annual plant came to us from the mysterious East. Cumin seeds are especially valued in cooking. Possessing a sharp taste and exotic aroma, they become an alternative to black pepper. Cooks, choosing between these spices, prefer cumin, because it does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Botanical features

Nigella sowing (left) and Nigella damask (right). Botanical illustration from Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen, 1887.

The plant is cultivated as a spice. Although in some countries the beneficial properties of black cumin are appreciated and the culture is considered a pharmacological raw material. Botanists refer to the genus Nigella about 20 species. Some of them are valued for their decorative effect and are grown in indoor floriculture. The characteristic features of the nigella are as follows.

  • Stem. A straight, rather branched stem can reach 10-40 cm.
  • Flowers. Single blue flowers, regular shape. Near the base they are slightly narrowed and form a short stem.
  • Leaves. Nigella has small and long leaves. Their length can be 2-3 cm. They are collected in small baskets of three. The leaves in their shape resemble representatives of the umbrella family.
  • Fruit. Long leaflets, swollen, bumpy. Three to seven spikes protrude at the top of the fruit. The box contains seeds.
  • Seeds. Wrinkled bumpy. They are triangular in shape. Seeds resemble small pyramids. They have a strong aroma reminiscent of a combination of pepper, nutmeg and strawberry.

Where does it grow

Nigella is a fairly unpretentious plant and is easy to cultivate. Some botanists even classify it as a weed. The Mediterranean countries are considered the homeland of the plant. Here nigella is still found in the wild today.

The plant is distributed in European countries, in the Balkans, Central Asia, in Ukraine. It can be found in gardens or vegetable gardens. Nigella willingly inhabits the steppe slopes and can grow along the roads.

Black cumin: medicinal properties and harm

Almost all ancient healers spoke about the health benefits of black cumin. Even in the Bible there are lines confirming the healing properties of the plant. Since 1959, over 200 black seed studies have been conducted at leading international universities. Their results were simply stunning. They fully confirmed all the healing effects of the plant, which were discussed thousands of years ago.

Chemical composition of seeds

The value of Kalinji seeds lies in the unique and very rich chemical composition. A small pyramidal seed contains 100 useful components. And many of these substances have not yet been studied by physicians. The main components of Kalinji seeds are:

  • essential oil;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • nigelon (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent);
  • coarse fiber (activates peristalsis);
  • micro and macro elements;
  • vitamins E, C, A, group B.


Healing seeds can be safely called universal medicine. The healing properties of black cumin are so extensive that doctors believe that it is from black cumin that a medicine that can defeat oncology will be developed in the future. Kalindzhi seeds in the days of Ancient Rome were called "panacea", which in translation is interpreted as "the cure for all diseases." Black cumin is a potent and rather versatile medicine, therefore it is in demand in the treatment of many diseases. Indications for the use of black cumin include the following pathologies:

  • colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, diarrhea);
  • liver disease (hepatitis);
  • skin ailments (dermatitis, wounds, boils, eczema);
  • pathology oral cavity(periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis);
  • cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • ENT diseases (rhinitis, cough, laryngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, otitis media);
  • helminthiases;
  • malaria;
  • male ailments (decreased potency, inflammation of adenoma, prostatitis);
  • joint pathologies (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism);
  • female diseases (endometriosis, mastopathy, fibroids, infertility, erosion, bleeding).

On the shelves you can find not only seeds, but also cumin oil. This product is highly concentrated and therefore requires a special approach.


Nigella can not boast of the absence of contraindications. Therefore, regardless of whether only the prevention of diseases with black cumin seeds or the treatment of diagnosed ailments is planned, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The main contraindications to therapy with Kalinji seeds are the following conditions.

  • Pregnancy. Black cumin contains plant hormones that can tone the uterus. And this can end in spontaneous miscarriage.
  • Hypotension. People suffering reduced pressure, black cumin can cause serious harm, further aggravating the hypotonic state.
  • Recipients. People who have undergone organ transplants are advised to refrain from treatment with Nigella.

Usually therapy is well tolerated. But sometimes patients complain about the appearance of side effects. Most often they manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions or disorders of the digestive tract.

Healer Recipes

To strengthen the body, protect yourself from the development of unpleasant pathologies, healers recommend consuming cumin seeds daily. Adults need to eat a teaspoon of seeds. Traditional medicine claims that such therapy will not only prevent diseases, but also strengthen the nervous system, protect against stress and activate mental activity. If it is planned to treat some diseases with black cumin at home, then one chewing of the seeds is not enough. In this case, you need to turn to the recipes of traditional healers.

From a cold

  • cumin seeds - a teaspoon;
  • water - 1 l.

What to do

  1. The seeds are ground to a powder.
  2. Then they are poured with boiling water.
  3. In a closed saucepan insist ten minutes.

From cough

Peculiarities. Effectively stimulates the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract milk decoction of seeds. It will quickly eliminate cough and clear the lungs and bronchi. This remedy can be used to treat flu, colds. Healers advise taking 100 ml of the drink four times a day. And definitely warm.

  • black cumin - a teaspoon;
  • milk - two glasses;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tablespoon.

What to do

  1. Seeds are poured into milk.
  2. The mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil.
  3. Soda is added to the drink.
  4. Once the solution has cooled, it is filtered.

From hemorrhoids

Peculiarities. Kalindzhi seeds help fight hemorrhoids. When added to tea, they provide an improvement in the functioning of the digestive tract, normalize stools, eliminate inflammation and, if necessary, provide an antibacterial effect. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, a cream is applied, which is applied in a thin layer to the anus twice a day. Continue therapy for four weeks.

  • cumin seeds - 30 g;
  • cumin oil - 15 ml.

What to do

  • black cumin - 10 g;
  • onion (chopped) - 15 g.

What to do

  1. The seeds are fried in a pan to get a lightly fried raw material (not ash!).
  2. The onion is ground to a state of gruel.
  3. The components are mixed.

From women's ailments

Peculiarities. In case of cycle disorders, mastopathy, myoma, erosion, gynecologists advise doing douching or baths. These procedures are repeated daily for 10-14 days.

  • nigella seeds - a tablespoon;
  • water - 1 l.

What to do

  1. The crushed raw materials are brewed with boiling water.
  2. The drug is insisted in heat for one hour.
  3. Filter.

From infertility

Peculiarities. If infertility is provoked by a disturbed hormonal background or inflammatory processes, then you can resort to the help of a medicinal decoction. Take a drink of a quarter cup three to four times a day, preferably before meals.

  • nigella - a tablespoon;
  • water - glass.

What to do

  1. The seeds are crushed in a mortar.
  2. Fine raw materials are added to water.
  3. The solution is boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  4. When the broth cools down a little, it is filtered.

From gastritis

Peculiarities. Infusion of black cumin is used to treat gastritis, colitis, ulcers. This remedy has a carminative, laxative and choleretic effect. But it can only be used when hyperacidity, since black cumin provides a decrease in the production of gastric juice. This tea is drunk twice a day 20 minutes before meals, half a glass.

  • cumin - a teaspoon;
  • water - 300 ml.

What to do

  1. Crushed cumin seeds are poured with boiling water.
  2. The solution is poured into a thermos and kept for an hour.
  3. Then they filter.

To give taste and enhance the medicinal properties of tea, you can add a little honey.

From pancreatitis

  • nigella seeds - four tablespoons;
  • liquid honey - four tablespoons.

What to do

  1. Black cumin is ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. Aromatic raw materials are mixed with honey.

From tearing

Peculiarities. Caraway drops will help in the treatment of eye diseases, which are accompanied by increased tearing. The drug is slightly heated before instillation. Two or three drops are instilled into each eye. Repeat instillation three to five times a day.

  • cumin seed - a tablespoon;
  • boiling water - a glass;
  • plantain leaf - a teaspoon;
  • blue cornflower flowers - a teaspoon;
  • eyebright grass - a teaspoon.

What to do

  1. The seeds are soaked in water.
  2. The mixture is boiled for ten minutes.
  3. Chopped herbs are added to the hot broth.
  4. The pan is covered with a lid, wrapped in a warm towel and insisted for four hours.
  5. Then the solution is filtered.

Drops are stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

For potency

Peculiarities. To increase potency, men are advised to take a medicinal mixture. The drug is consumed in a tablespoon, twice a day after meals.

  • cumin seeds - 200 g;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • honey - 200 ml;
  • ground olibanum (incense) - 100 g;
  • cumin oil - 50 ml.

What to do

  1. The cumin is crushed.
  2. The component is combined with an olive.
  3. Olibanum is ground and injected into the olive-cumin mixture.
  4. Honey and cumin oil are added to the medicine.
  5. Mix thoroughly.

From prostatitis

Peculiarities. An infusion that combines the healing power of black cumin and chamomile will help in the treatment of prostatitis. Take the medicine 50 ml two to three times a day.

  • cumin seeds - a tablespoon;
  • chamomile - a teaspoon;
  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • water - 400 ml.

What to do

  1. Ground seeds are mixed with pharmaceutical chamomile.
  2. Raw materials are poured with boiling water.
  3. Honey is added to the solution.
  4. The medicine is infused for 15 minutes.
  5. Filter.

From oncology

Peculiarities. Cumin seeds help in cancer therapy. They help cleanse the body of toxins. Take a tablespoon, three times a day.

  • cumin seeds - a tablespoon.

What to do

  1. Raw material is crushed.
  2. Drink warm milk.

Cosmetic products

Kalindzhi seeds are also popular in cosmetology. They are included in various balms, lotions, skin creams and shampoos, conditioners. Black cumin provides hydration to the dermis, activates blood circulation, relieves peeling and promotes rejuvenation.

Chernushka is used for anti-cellulite procedures. It is included in face masks as a product that can smooth out wrinkles, deeply cleanse the skin and eliminate acne. Cumin is recommended for strengthening and improving the appearance of hair. And scientific studies have confirmed that the product is able to get rid of seborrhea and stop baldness.

For face

Peculiarities. A facial cleanser is recommended. The mask will provide deep cleansing for oily skin. If the covers are dry, then a couple of drops of olive oil are added to the mixture. Apply the product on cleansed and steamed skin for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure once or twice a week.

  • seeds - two tablespoons;
  • water - two tablespoons.

What to do

  1. Cumin must be ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. Water is poured into the flour and mixed.

For hair

Peculiarities. A healing mask will improve the appearance of the strands, restore their shine. This remedy is suitable for brittle, split hair. The mask effectively fights dandruff, strengthens the bulbs and prevents hair loss. Apply the product on the strands for 30-40 minutes. Repeat once a week.

  • cumin - two teaspoons;
  • water - a glass;
  • yolk - one.

What to do

  1. Initially, a decoction is brewed. Cumin put in water and boil for ten minutes. The cooled solution is filtered.
  2. The yolk is beaten.
  3. Whipped yolk is added to caraway broth and mixed.

The benefits of black cumin seeds are very multifaceted. Therefore, many rush to resort to seed therapy. But before you introduce the product into the diet, you need to remember one more rule so as not to harm the body. Regardless of whether the product is taken for treatment or for prevention, no more than 25 g of Kalinji seeds can be eaten during the day.

Nigella treatment: reviews

I drink black cumin seeds for the second time. Sleep became better, earlier at night, I didn’t sleep, I just had insomnia, and now everything is super, cheerfulness. No permanent fatigue. I cannot put into words what a miracle this is, and not a cure. Menstruation goes without pain. The only thing, a little sick, but it passes, as the intestines are cleared. I advise everyone. Even for people who suffer from tuberculosis, an open form, and drink in combination with a bear, motherwort and chicory, it becomes 100 times better. I have been involved in traditional medicine for a long time, and especially in cancer and tuberculosis, and for all my practice I am very pleased with black cumin.


I have been using the seeds for 2 months, I was told whoever has diseases, then these sores will begin to exacerbate, and then they pass after a while, for someone else. Now everything hurts me, I have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and intestines. True, heartburn has passed and nausea, too, which used to torment me.

Black cumin is very useful thing for the body, both seeds and oil from it! I drank a couple of times. I can't say anything bad. On the contrary, I even practically stopped getting sick for the flu and colds. In principle, it is worth it if used correctly.

Maxim Zvorsky,

I know people who treated cancer with folk remedies, and one of them was black cumin oil. Also, the husband of a close friend got rid of the bull tapeworm with the oil of this seed. In the morning I give children on an empty stomach ground black cumin seeds mixed with honey. They do not suffer from colds.


Black cumin, or sowing nigella, or kalindzhi - this is far from a new product. Its miraculous effect on the body and healing properties were known many centuries ago. But it is today that seeds are experiencing the peak of popularity. The moment has come when people are tired of medicines, switched to natural wealth and remembered cumin. It is worth figuring out whether it is really so useful or the properties of the product are exaggerated.

Main useful properties

The overwhelming popularity of cumin is due to the composition. It contains substances that not only help maintain vitality, but also improve the functioning of weakened, diseased, damaged organs and systems. Read more: Celery juice: useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harms.

Seeds have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antispasmodic pharmacological effect. They can be safely used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, if there are no serious contraindications.

Useful properties of black cumin:

  1. Strengthening immunity. Seeds increase the protective functions of the body, help fight viruses, infections, fungi. The product is useful for weakened people who have undergone serious illnesses or surgical interventions.
  2. Cumin improves mood, increases the overall tone of the body, improves performance, well-being and endurance. It is indispensable for people with increased physical activity.
  3. Black cumin cleanses blood vessels, increases their elasticity and lowers cholesterol levels. The product prevents, alleviates and helps to get rid of diseases such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins, but it should be used with extreme caution in case of thrombosis.
  4. Seeds alleviate the condition with menopause, reduce the pain of menstruation, improve hormonal background, are useful for any problems of the female and male genitourinary system.
  5. Cumin helps to cleanse the kidneys, improves their work, has a slight diuretic effect and helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  6. Cumin increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves overall biochemical parameters.
  7. Seeds are effective in the treatment of coughs, can even cope with chronic bronchitis, relieve asthma.
  8. The product has an antitumor pharmacological effect, and is often used for the prevention and treatment of various types of formations.

The unique properties of black cumin allow it to be used for the prevention of gum disease, skin problems, hair loss and dandruff. The product is in demand not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

On the basis of seeds, many medicinal, caring products have been created that give positive results. Many of them can be prepared at home.

How to choose and store

Any black cumin can be used for food and medicinal purposes, but it is important that it is fresh and harvested from environmentally friendly areas.

Usually it is bought in the departments of spices, pharmacies, online stores. Seeds have a specific aroma, somewhat reminiscent of nutmeg, pepper. The taste is pleasant, the color is dark, the surface is wrinkled. The shape is trihedral, slightly elongated.

You can store cumin with other spices and cereals. After the purchase, the product is poured into a jar, closed, and put away in a kitchen cabinet. It is better not to keep the seeds in the light, as the sun's rays destroy some of the vitamins.

General strengthening of the body

The product has pronounced immunomodulatory properties, has many active substances, is an excellent prevention various diseases. With regular use, you can forget about colds, high pressure, joint pain, decreased vision, hearing and other health problems.

Recipe for an immunomodulating agent

The course of taking the drug is not limited by anything, it can be used daily throughout life. With intolerance to bee products, honey can be replaced with lemon or other juice, any syrup.

  • Black cumin - 1 tsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp


Mix whole seeds with honey, eat slowly in the morning on an empty stomach an hour before meals, chewing the mixture thoroughly. You can drink water or unsweetened tea, a decoction of herbs. If you have problems with your teeth, cumin can be ground in a mortar, but it is not recommended to use a coffee grinder and other metal objects. If there are diseases of the stomach, the mixture should be taken during or after meals.

Black cumin for weight loss

The unique and beneficial properties of cumin can be used in the fight against excess weight. The product will give the body vitamins, minerals and other necessary substances, but that's not all. The seeds effectively suppress sugar cravings. After their use, the desire to eat something harmful and forbidden disappears.

Lipolysis and metabolism are also accelerated. An important property of black seeds is neutralization, excretion of fat breakdown products. The body is cleansed naturally.

Ways to use for weight loss:

  1. Decoction. Boil 2 tbsp. l. cumin in 500 ml of water for 2-3 minutes, insist. Divide into three servings, drink before the main meals.
  2. In the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, eat 0.5 tsp. seeds, chew slowly and thoroughly, drink a glass of water.
  3. At night, drink kefir with 1 tsp. ground seeds. You can add 1 tsp to the cocktail. honey. If you use it instead of dinner, the weight will go even faster.

Whichever of these methods is chosen, you need to remember about moderation in food. If you abuse fatty and high-calorie foods, it will be difficult to achieve good results.

Cough treatment

Black cumin is effective in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, asthma. Seeds have a mucolytic effect, promote sputum discharge, improve the condition and accelerate recovery. Decoctions can be used for gargling, irrigation of the tonsils.

How to use cumin for cough:

  1. Brew 1 tablespoon of seeds with 500 ml of boiling water, insist. Drink warm water 3-5 times a day between meals. You can add honey.
  2. Grind 1 tsp. seeds, mixed with warm milk or a decoction of chamomile, drink daily in the morning and at night for at least 5 days.
  3. It is useful to use black cumin simply in a dry form, a few grains, slowly chew, bite. You can eat 1-2 tablespoons per day.

Additionally, in the treatment of cough, massage chest or compresses using natural cumin oil.

Black cumin for hair loss

The seeds can be used to treat hair and scalp. They cope well with dandruff, accelerate growth, and help prevent cross-section. But most often used in the fight against hair loss and baldness. Active substances strengthen the bulbs well, nourish the scalp, and normalize fat metabolism.

How to use cumin for hair:

  1. Masks. The ground seeds are mixed with purchased hair masks in a ratio of 1: 2, rubbed into the scalp, insulated, kept for several hours.
  2. Decoctions. A spoonful of seeds is poured into 150 ml of water, boiled for 3 minutes, filtered. Water is rubbed daily into the hair roots at night. Wash your hair in the morning.
  3. Alcohol tinctures. Crush a spoonful of seeds, pour 100 ml of good vodka, leave for a week and strain. Rub into the scalp 2 hours before washing your hair, be sure to wear a warming cap.

There are many ways to use cumin seeds. But we must remember that with chronic and genetic alopecia, not a single home remedy won't do it. In this case, it is pointless to waste time, it is wiser to immediately seek help from a trichologist.

Black cumin contains monoterpene phenols, cineole, thujone, tannins, saponins. All these substances have anthelmintic action.

Unlike pharmaceutical preparations, they do not harm the body, such medicine can be given even to children. When compared with other folk remedies (wormwood, tansy, other plants and fruits, seeds), then in terms of effectiveness, cumin is second only to some types of pepper.

The benefits and harms of black cumin oil

The plant is also called Chernushka, Roman coriander, Nigella and other names. And it grows in Asia, the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean countries. Obtaining oil is a rather complicated process that requires a lot of time and care.

Black cumin oil is also useful in its ability to bind and remove free radicals from the body with toxins. It also has a positive effect on such ailments as cystitis with pyelonephritis.

What diseases does it help?

Due to the properties of the plant to relieve spasms and inflammation with pain, bactericidal, diuretic, expectorant, choleretic, anti-allergic, sedative and immunomodulatory, it is indicated for use:

  • with stagnation of bile;
  • with pancreatitis, gastritis with a stomach ulcer;
  • with cholecystitis and psoriasis;
  • with dysbacteriosis and cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with infertility;
  • with hepatitis and enterocolitis;
  • with liver steatosis and hemorrhoids;
  • with diabetes and gallstone ailments.

The use of oil for fibroids, any neoplasms and other serious diseases is shown. But with all the positive qualities of the product, you should not engage in self-treatment - consult with a specialist first.

Medicinal properties and application

The numerous healing qualities of the product allow it to be used for various diseases of the body, even for skin cancer, for which smear it every day on the affected area.

Together with these procedures, it is desirable to take it orally 1 tbsp. l., mixed with a small spoonful of honey, the same amount of chamomile and warm water (100 ml). Let the composition brew a little, then strain and drink 3 times a day. A medicinal drink must be prepared fresh all the time.

For hemorrhoids, plant seeds (30 g) will be required, which must be fried to a burnt state. Then grind and pour black cumin oil. This solution is applied to the anus area 2 times during the day after visiting the toilet, having previously carried out hygiene procedures. And inside, take cumin oil and olive oil in a ratio of 1/1 for 10 days, 2 times.

For psoriasis, it will be necessary to apply the product to the affected area of ​​the skin, combining it with sesame oil(1/5 respectively). But this method is not always and not suitable for everyone, therefore, if there is no improvement or even deterioration in the condition after a week, the treatment must be stopped.

If you suffer from cough, asthma and pneumonia, drink 1 small spoonful of the product 2 times a day and massage the chest and back area with it. You can combine it for this with olive oil 1/5, respectively, or do inhalations by taking 1 large spoonful of black cumin oil for 1 liter of water.

In case of upset stools in the form of diarrhea, take a glass of yogurt without additives and add 1 large spoonful of oil to it, taking the resulting composition in the morning and evening, dividing the amount equally. To get rid of the problem, 3 days of admission will be enough.

With head pains, massage with caraway oil will help. And when dizzy, just pour the product into tea - 1 small spoon.

If your ears hurt, then inject just a drop of black cumin oil into ear canal, which will not only relieve pain, but also cleanse it.

For memory problems, prepare a mint infusion - 1 tsp. honey and 7-8 drops of the product. Drink hot from morning to breakfast.

Important: juvenile acne in adolescents disappears if you drink 25 drops of oil 3 times a day.

At high blood pressure blood, drink hot tea or chamomile infusion with the addition of 5 drops caraway oil.

With a high cholesterol level, hot mint infusion (200 ml) from 1 tsp will help to reduce it. honey and 7-8 drops of the product. The recommended intake is in the morning on an empty stomach, while removing beef fat from the diet, that is, stop eating beef for the period of treatment.

To improve digestion, simply dress fresh vegetable salads with black seed oil.

Benefits of cumin oil for appearance

Beauticians have also long understood the benefits of the product for hair, skin and nails, recommending and applying it to solve many problems with appearance.

For hair

Biologically active substances in the composition of the product accelerate the metabolic processes of the scalp and hair roots, filling them with vitamins and minerals.

You can make your own medicated shampoo, which by washing your hair regularly will greatly improve the appearance of your hair and speed up its growth. To do this, add up to 5 drops of black cumin oil to your usual shampoo.

And here is the recipe for the mask - combine 3 large tablespoons of olive oil with 1 black cumin, pour the same amount of apple cider vinegar, mix everything thoroughly and apply the composition on the scalp, distributing it along the entire length of the hair, while massaging the head intensively. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse off.

For facial skin

The product qualitatively eliminates wrinkles and sagging, hives with acne, eczema with psoriasis.

The appearance of wrinkles is due to a decrease in nutrition and moisture, as well as a slowdown in the processes of recovery and metabolism in the body. Plant oil has a stimulating effect on cell resources, activating the production of elastin with collagen.

To improve the appearance, simply massage the skin of the face and décolleté with black cumin and olive oil (1 large spoon each), adding juniper essential oil, tea tree and some citrus (all 2 drops each).

For nails

The product also has a beneficial effect on nails with eyelashes, for which you regularly apply it to them before going to bed. After a month of daily procedures, you will see a dramatic difference.

Proper intake of cumin oil

The versatility of the tool does not allow everyone to take it the same way - for each individual person and problem, this process is individual. And in order not to harm yourself, you should not self-medicate, since the wrong method can lead to intoxication with all the ensuing consequences.

  1. Normalize your diet by removing fast foods, confectionery and sausages, smoked meats and any canned food, sweet soda and alcohol from your diet in excessive amounts. Start eating natural food - fresh salads with aromatic vegetable oils, stews and boiled dishes without butter, herbal teas, compotes and plain water, low-fat meats and fish, cheeses and sour-milk products, whole grain bread, cereals and durum pasta wheat.
  2. Start your day by simply walking through the park areas, sign up for a fitness club, or exercise yourself moderately at home on your own. But if you are far from this, then it is better to do it under the guidance of a coach.
  3. Take in the morning cold and hot shower, which will give you a boost of energy for the whole day and give your skin tone.

These simple rules, and correct application black cumin oils will give great results that you will want to keep for years to come.

Possible harm and side effects

Before using the product, you must definitely study the contraindications to black cumin. Despite the huge amount of active substances, in some cases it can harm. In case of exacerbation of any chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor before use.

Main contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity and individual intolerance;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cardiac pathologies.

In some cases, the seeds cause side effects: diarrhea, lowering blood pressure, irritation of the gastric mucosa, dizziness. Read more: Lemongrass: useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harms.

In the presence of insomnia, you should not take the product in the evening, as it can increase activity. Black seeds should not be consumed during pregnancy, but they will be a wonderful help during lactation, as they increase milk production and improve its quality.

There are few contraindications for black cumin, but you should not abuse the product and exceed the recommended dosages. Any medicine can become poison if taken carelessly.

Cumin is one of the most famous spices in the world. Its other names are nigella, black coriander. Its seeds are used for baking, sauces, marinades and alcoholic beverages. It has a special taste and aroma, has many useful properties. There are several varieties of the plant. Among them, it stands out with its special properties and unique qualities. What are the medicinal properties of cumin and its application?

Composition of cumin

Since ancient times, healers have known about the healing qualities of the plant and used it in treatment. The composition of cumin includes many useful substances. The plant contains:

  • beta-carotene - a powerful antioxidant that helps fight infectious processes in the body and strengthens the body's defenses;
  • vitamin A, which affects the formation of skin or mucous membranes;
  • vitamin B1, which can strengthen cell membranes that prevent the penetration of free radicals into them;
  • vitamin B2, which is involved in the formation of red cells, which contain hemoglobin and are responsible for transporting oxygen to cells;
  • vitamin B4, which helps to remove cholesterol from the body;
  • vitamin B6, which is involved in the process of splitting proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which gives the body energy for motor activity and respiration;
  • vitamin B9, which improves liver function;
  • vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the fight against viruses and infection;
  • vitamin E, which reduces the risk of cancer;
  • vitamin PP, which can expand the vessels of the brain and lower blood pressure.

In cumin there are macro- and microelements that help the normal course of biochemical reactions in the body:

  • calcium strengthens bones and teeth;
  • magnesium helps to normalize muscle function (with convulsions - reduces their frequency);
  • potassium has a positive effect on heart rate;
  • iron is involved in the formation of hemoglobin;
  • zinc is the basis of bone tissue;
  • copper improves the skin, making it strong and elastic;
  • selenium is involved in the production of the hormone testosterone, which affects the potency in men.

The unique composition of the plant allows it to be used in folk and official medicine. What are the medicinal properties of cumin seeds?

The benefits of cumin

Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of black cumin and used it in the treatment of many diseases. In the countries of the East, cumin has been used for more than 3000 years, they consider it sacred. Here, the inhabitants used the green part of the plant and its seeds. In ancient Rome, women ground the seeds in a mortar so that their aroma spread throughout the dwelling. This helped to improve the appetite of children. Cumin with black seeds is especially rich in medicinal properties. As a spice, it is still used today, adding to drinks and dishes.

The use of cumin as a seasoning

Despite the medicinal properties of cumin, it is also widely used as a seasoning for cooking. It is worth noting that seeds added in their entirety are not liked by many people due to their specific taste. When ground, the seeds in baked goods, salads, and fried potatoes are enjoyed and readily eaten. When preparing sauerkraut dishes, a bag of cumin is used. It is placed during cooking, and before being ready, the cabbage is taken out and thoroughly mixed. In this case, the seasoning does not affect taste qualities dishes, and the healing properties of black cumin will be fully used.

The use of cumin as a seasoning is suitable for meat, fish, pilaf, salads and for pickling herring. In India, it is fried in a dry frying pan or with the addition of vegetable oil. Cumin is added to stews in the cuisines of Germany and Austria.

An excellent seasoning mix for all types of cheese can be made as follows: mix salt, cumin and black pepper. Cumin is added to pastries, and winemakers use it in the preparation of some alcoholic beverages. Dishes in which seasoning is present are currently numerous and they are widespread.

How to choose and store cumin

Black cumin should be used for food and treatment. He hails from Asia. Cumin is sometimes referred to as the black queen of spices. It is important that it is fresh and collected in ecologically clean areas. It is better to buy cumin in specialized departments of the store or pharmacies. The aroma of the seeds should be specific, a bit reminiscent of nutmeg or pepper. The taste is pleasant, the color is dark. Cumin has a trihedral, slightly elongated shape.

You can store the seeds along with other seasonings. After purchase, it should be poured into a separate jar and closed with a lid. It is not recommended to store them in direct sunlight - vitamins are destroyed, and the healing properties of cumin are reduced. Cumin is preserved for 3 years.

Healing properties of cumin

Possessing medicinal properties and contraindications, cumin is widely used in the treatment of many diseases. The main useful properties of seeds:

  1. Strengthening immunity. Due to its qualities, cumin helps to increase the body's defenses, therefore it is used in the fight against viruses and bacteria. It is useful for people who have undergone surgery or serious illnesses.
  2. Seeds improve mood, improve performance and endurance. They are necessary for people engaged in heavy physical labor.
  3. It is recommended to use cumin for insomnia, nervous tension and increased excitability. It has antidepressant properties, reduces the manifestations of hysteria and irritability.
  4. Cumin is able to cleanse blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels. The plant prevents the development of varicose veins and atherosclerosis and helps in their treatment.
  5. Seeds can alleviate the condition of a woman with menopause, reduce pain during menstruation. Help with different problems arising in the sexual sphere of men and women. The intake of cumin by the male sex is an excellent prevention of prostatitis.
  6. The plant helps lower blood pressure and improves heart function.
  7. Due to its medicinal properties, cumin cleanses the kidneys, improves their activity. The plant has a mild diuretic effect.
  8. The ability of cumin to increase hemoglobin in the blood is known.
  9. Cumin, which is part of the eye drops, improves the condition of the eyes and reduces their tearing.
  10. Seeds are effective in helping with allergies, including allergic conjunctivitis and runny nose, bronchial asthma.
  11. Due to the beneficial properties, the seeds are able to increase the production of milk in a woman during lactation.
  12. The seeds of the plant can cure coughs, as well as chronic bronchitis and asthma.
  13. Cumin has an antitumor effect.
  14. Seeds are useful for anemia and gastritis with low acidity.
  15. Helps reduce headaches and earaches.
  16. Due to its medicinal properties, black cumin improves the appearance of oily skin.
  17. Seeds promote healing of wounds, stitches and tissue repair. They are used in the postoperative period, but not in organ transplantation.
  18. Cumin can freshen your breath.
  19. Seeds can help in the fight against helminths.

The plant is used to prevent gum disease, skin and hair loss. Even in ancient times, many of the fair sex used it in the care of the body and facial skin. In cosmetology, many preparations based on cumin have been created.

The medicinal properties of cumin fruits are used in the treatment of diseases digestive system. To improve appetite before eating, you need to chew half a teaspoon of dried seeds. Cumin helps in the treatment of flatulence, constipation and colitis.

Currently, scientists have conducted studies and proved that the seasoning inhibits the growth of cancer cells and helps with autoimmune diseases.

Essential Oil Features

The oil obtained from cumin is a high quality product with unique properties. It has a rich aroma and a slightly bitter taste. The oil is produced from the raw seeds of the plant by cold pressing, which allows you to save most of its positive qualities.

The oil contains fatty acids that can cure many diseases. It includes vitamins A, E and D, nutrients that positively affect many body systems. Rich essential oil:

  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • amino acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • enzymes.

Due to its medicinal properties, cumin oil is widely used for the prevention of various diseases.

Many manufacturers in the manufacture of hair and skin care products include cumin oil in their composition. It has gained wide application in massage creams for cellulite, as well as in mixtures for wrapping.

Sometimes cumin oil is used as an independent remedy, adding to shampoo or balm. In this case, precautions must be taken because the product is concentrated and may cause skin irritation.

Medicinal properties of black cumin oil

Special studies have found that essential oil can:

  • improve the work of the digestive tract;
  • get rid of itching anus, hemorrhoids and chronic constipation;
  • strengthen the body's defenses;
  • it protects against the development of cellulite and the occurrence of edema due to the fact that it normalizes lymph flow and blood circulation;
  • effectively reduces pressure if taken in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon;
  • oil can refresh and soften the skin of the face;
  • strengthen hair, reduce hair loss and prevent the appearance of gray hair;
  • increase appetite;
  • slow down the premature aging process of the skin of the face and protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • eliminate dandruff and have a positive effect on the scalp;
  • reduce the manifestation of flatulence;
  • improve metabolism;
  • protect skin covering from peeling and drying;
  • cleanse the body of free radicals.

It has oil and a good choleretic effect. Cumin's properties medicinal purposes used not only in Asia, but also in Europe.

Instructions for use of cumin oil

Plant oil is used not only for external use, but also for internal use.

It is used externally in the treatment of bronchitis, chronic cough and bronchial asthma. Cumin oil can be mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:5. It is necessary to rub the back and chest well together with the inhalation procedure with oil for 15 minutes.

It is effective to keep 1/2 teaspoon of the product in your mouth: then there will be no trace of a cough. It is necessary to do this procedure until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

In the treatment of psoriasis, oil is applied to rashes on the body to reduce itching and irritation.

Cumin oil has medicinal properties, and it has contraindications, but they are minor: for example, you should not use it if you have insomnia: it can increase the activity of the body.

For cleansing, you need to take a teaspoon 2 times a day on an empty stomach. Usually, treatment continues for 3 months, and then a break of 1.5 to 2 months is taken. After that, the reception of oil can be continued again.

With infertility and prostatitis, the remedy is taken orally. The dose is from 1-2 teaspoons to 2-3 tablespoons per day until the effect is obtained.

To improve digestion, reduce pain and bloating, the oil is drunk with milk. A glass will need 0.5 teaspoon of the product and a spoonful of honey.

According to reviews, the medicinal properties of cumin are used for weight loss, they are included in the diet not only in oil, but also in seeds.

Cumin for weight loss

For greater effect, along with oil for weight loss, a decoction of cumin seeds is used. You can chew on an empty stomach the seeds of a plant to normalize metabolism, the appearance of a diuretic and laxative effect.

Cumin will give the body vitamins and minerals. The seeds effectively suppress sugar cravings. If you use them constantly, then the desire to eat something sweet will disappear.

The broth is prepared in the following ratio: 2 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water. You need to boil it for 10 minutes, then insist for several hours. It is recommended to drink a decoction of 0.5 cup three times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

Despite the medicinal properties of cumin, it has contraindications. Therefore, you need to drink the decoction with caution.

When using seeds to fight extra pounds, be sure to observe moderation in food. If fatty and high-calorie foods are present in the diet, it will be difficult to achieve results.

Contraindications when taking cumin

Black cumin has medicinal properties and contraindications. Restrictions include:

  • Pregnancy. Due to the presence of biostimulants in the composition of cumin, a woman may begin premature birth. Therefore, it is better not to take it during pregnancy.
  • With cholelithiasis or gastritis, colic may occur in gallbladder and discomfort in the stomach.
  • Pathology of the heart, heart attack. When taking cumin, blood circulation improves, so there is a load on the heart.
  • Thrombophlebitis. When using cumin seeds, the blood may thicken, especially with a tendency to disease.
  • Individual intolerance. In this case, before starting the procedure, you can test a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for an allergic reaction.
  • lactation period. It is not recommended to take cumin during breastfeeding, because of its ability to cause allergies in the baby.
  • Diabetes. Patients who suffer from this disease are advised not to use the seeds because they can increase blood glucose levels.
  • People with asthma should not consume cumin because of the risk of coughing.

This product, along with other seasonings, is an active allergen. Therefore, it is better to add it to dishes in limited quantities, mixed with other seasonings. You should not mix and use cumin with pineapple, guava and citrus fruits, which can significantly increase the secretion of gastric juice.

Black cumin has a rich composition and can be used to treat many diseases, but it has many contraindications that must be taken into account before using it!

Black cumin - unique plant which was used hundreds of years ago. In the East, people consider it a remedy that can save from all diseases except death. Treatment with black cumin helps to achieve incredible changes in a short time and saturate the body with many useful elements. Black cumin oil, what diseases does it treat, how to use it correctly and are there any contraindications?

Black cumin oil is extracted from the seeds of the plant using cold pressing. This helps to preserve all the properties of the product. The finished substance has many useful qualities and can cure a huge number of diseases. This plant grows in Russia only in Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

The product is indispensable because it contains fatty acids that are indispensable for the human body. These are Omega 3,6 and 9, these components are not synthesized in the human body, but play an important role in many processes, help to cope with diseases and pathologies.

There are also other irreplaceable and vital components, elements and vitamins, namely:

  • Squirrels.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Vitamins A, E and D.
  • Amino acids.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Essential oils and many other equally important substances.

Black cumin, or rather the oil made from its seeds, is not medicine, despite the many useful substances and components that make up its composition. Rather, this plant is food additive, and also serves as a source of vitamins and energy stimulants for the human body.

This plant has a positive effect on the systems and structures of the body, favorably affects gastrointestinal tract on the nervous system and removes toxins.

There are many indications for use, but it is important to remember that before you start using the oil, you should consult your doctor.

Indications for use

This plant from the buttercup family is a stimulator of a special gland in the body - the thymus. Thanks to this, the defenses increase, the immune system becomes more resistant and strong. Having such an effect on the human body, this folk medicine can help where medicines can not always have a positive effect.

Here is the main list of diseases that the plant fights:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Cancer of any etiology, provided that chemotherapy has not yet been used.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and gallbladder.
  • Ear ailments.
  • In the presence of bronchial asthma.
  • Diabetes.
  • Arthritis.
  • Intestinal diseases.
  • Treats colds, SARS, influenza.

This is a small list of diseases that such a nondescript plant at first glance can easily cope with. In addition, the product is added to cosmetics, balms, shampoos, hair masks. Applying it externally, you can make your skin clean, get rid of excess subcutaneous fat and clear clogged pores.

When using cumin in combination with other medicinal components and plants, you can enhance its work and achieve tremendous changes in your appearance and internal state organism.


Both the oil and the seeds of this plant were widely used in ancient Greece. Even Avicenna and Hippocrates argued that this natural remedy reinforces vital energy of the human body, helps fight fatigue and ailments.

There are still moments at which it is worth trying the internal use of cumin seed oil:

  1. As prophylactic to maintain immunity, to tone the whole body.
  2. For the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia and tonsillitis. Relieves inflammation of the throat, nose and ears.
  3. Breaks down gallstones and kidney stones.
  4. It helps to fight indigestion, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.
  5. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of thrombosis, the development of inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system.
  6. It acts as an antihelminthic, diuretic, biliary, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine.
  7. Treats infertility in both men and women.
  8. Helps fight excess weight.
  9. Therapeutic agent for the fight against hemorrhoids and skin diseases.
  10. Removes the appearance of a runny nose, nasal congestion and even reduces coughing fits.

A folk remedy can be used in many areas and in the development of almost many diseases. It is safe and can be taken by pregnant women, breastfeeding women and even small children.

Rules for preparation and use

Cumin treatment is effective only if it is properly prepared and used for its intended purpose. Therefore, we will consider some recipes for the treatment of the most basic diseases, but oil should be used only after consulting a doctor.

If you have a chronic disease, and you want to completely replace the course of treatment with cumin therapy, you should not do this. Better to use it in combination medications, and traditional medicine that will complement each other.

The following recipes will help cure some diseases:

  • with asthma, strong cough or pneumonia. The oil of the plant can be used in several variations, for massage of the chest and back, ingestion of one teaspoon, wiping disturbing places, for the preparation of inhalations with a 1: 1 ratio of herbal extract and water, as well as for rubbing the chest. Black cumin for asthma will help keep attacks "under control", helps to expand the passages and allows you to breathe normally.
  • At inflammatory processes in the ears, if you are in pain, you can get rid of them very easily and quickly. It is enough to put a few drops of cumin oil in the ear, close it with a cotton swab and leave it overnight or even all day.
  • At high pressure. Daily use 1 tsp. a spoonful of seeds, adding it to a cup of tea. It is also good to do rubbing with black cumin oil.
  • Tumors. You can apply oil to the affected areas of the skin or take orally 1 glass of carrot juice with 1 tsp. seeds or cumin oil several times a day.
  • Continuous ear pain. For several days, a small clove of garlic should be soaked in one hundred milliliters of caraway oil. Instill 3 drops daily into the ear and wipe around with a cotton swab dipped in oil.
  • stone disease. Cooking and constantly drinking honey with mixed ground cumin seeds will help break up all the stones, both in the kidneys and in the gallbladder.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver. Add 5 drops of cumin oil to a decoction of willow leaves and take this mixture for a week, 1 tsp each. 2-3 times a day.

Caraway oil treatment is very effective, it is a convenient tool that contains a lot of useful elements in its composition. However, this herbal substance is not a panacea and always requires the supervision of a specialist. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor and use cumin along with others. medicines in complex.

Adverse reactions and contraindications

Reception of cumin treatment with the use of this remedy is a kind of additive to the stimulation of various processes in the body. Since the product is natural, adverse reactions you are not threatened. After all, cumin excellent tool fighting infection, viruses, inflammation and other pathological processes.

Despite this, there are times when taking this herbal component is contraindicated, namely:

  1. Pregnant women at various gestation periods, exceptions are possible, but only with the permission of a doctor.
  2. Small children up to 6 years old.
  3. People who have had a recent organ transplant.
  4. The presence of an allergic reaction to the components.

Excessive use of the plant will not enhance the medicinal properties, but can only harm, create a burn of the gastric mucosa, so your doctor should help you with the dosage.

Black cumin - treatment and prevention of various diseases of human organs and systems, an excellent energy stimulator, a kind of battery inside you. Daily and correct intake of the remedy will fill your body with vigor, strength and desire to live.

Instructions for use:

Black cumin - low (up to 40 cm) herbaceous plant. Its stem is branched, covered with small hairs. The leaves are heavily indented. Black cumin blooms in mid-summer with blue flowers, very small. It is after flowering, at the end of summer, that seeds are formed, which are wonderful medicinal raw materials. They are used to make medicinal oils. Black cumin seeds are harvested from late summer to September.

In the East, black cumin is very popular: people there consider this plant sacred and have been using it for 3,000 years. In the East, since ancient times, it has been believed that treatment with black cumin and its use for prevention allows you to get rid of any disease.

Previously, cumin grew only in hot countries. Gradually, cumin appeared in Russia. It can be found in the south and southeast of the country, where cumin grows like a weed.

Other names for black cumin are as follows:

  • Nigella;
  • Chernukha;
  • Black coriander.

The composition and useful properties of black cumin

Black cumin seed oil contains more than 100 components in its composition, and some of them have not even been studied enough yet. Black cumin seed contains 35% fatty oil and about 0.5% essential oil. The use of black cumin for treatment is carried out using seed powder and oil. Thus, in any case, use useful material in plant seeds.

The chemical composition of black cumin is very rich:

  • Calcium;
  • Iron;
  • Phosphorus;
  • carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins of group E;
  • Acids.

The list of acids in the composition of cumin is quite large:

  • Oleic;
  • Linoleic;
  • palmitic;
  • Stearic;
  • Eicosene;
  • Alpha linoleic.

Due to this composition, the use of black cumin for the treatment and prevention of many diseases has all the indications. The use of black cumin has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • There is an activation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Eliminates fermentation, colic, belching and heartburn;
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Black cumin also works as:

  • Anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Painkiller - for headache and toothache;
  • Cleansing - for skin problems (abscesses, acne, boils);
  • Anti-cancer - for the prevention and treatment of oncology (especially the pancreas);
  • Anti-spasmodic - for painful menstruation.

Bread made using black cumin is loved by many for its unsurpassed aroma and originality of taste. It has been scientifically established that even inhaling the smell of cumin significantly improves a person's well-being.

The use of black cumin for treatment

The use of black cumin has long been known. So, in the form of cumin oil is used for the following purposes:

  • As an anthelmintic (on an empty stomach, with pumpkin seeds and garlic);
  • As a cosmetic product to prevent the formation of stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy, after childbirth;
  • For the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis;
  • To improve immunity;
  • To enhance the growth of hair, nails;
  • As an antifungal agent;
  • Removes inflammation, cracks from the skin;
  • Dissolves kidney and gallbladder stones;
  • Treats colds (ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis);
  • Helps with rheumatism to relieve pain and inflammation.

With urolithiasis, cumin should be consumed with honey, then the effect of using black cumin for treatment this disease will be the maximum. The use of black cumin can increase a person's efficiency and vitality.

Reviews of black cumin indicate the active use of black cumin in other forms. So, roasted seeds are crushed, added vegetable oil. This composition serves as an excellent substitute for nasal drops for any colds accompanied by a runny nose.

A warming black cumin compress, according to reviews, can be done like this: put the seeds in a cloth bandage, fix and apply on the forehead, legs, arms, back.

The use of black cumin in the form of a drink (brewed seeds) determines its sedative properties. Such a drink will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.

As you know from the reviews of black cumin, this remedy has a great effect on blood circulation. The color of the skin, at the same time, becomes much better.

There are reviews of black cumin by scientists who have established its powerful effect on blood vessels. So, cumin can be used to treat vascular diseases. It has been scientifically proven that the use of black cumin for the treatment of cerebral vascular sclerosis gives a good effect.

The use of black cumin is shown to young mothers when they are lactating. Cumin has the ability to activate the production of milk in the mammary glands.

The use of black cumin can reduce blood sugar, and therefore is indicated for patients with diabetes. Useful substances in the composition of cumin can reduce painful The lymph nodes, improve eyesight. Helps cumin as a fixative for diarrhea (diarrhea) and difficulty urinating.

There are reviews of black cumin as a remedy for getting rid of warts and moles. In this case, the gruel from the ground seed is mixed with honey and applied to the affected area, wearing a bandage for a day. Even in ancient times, reviews of black cumin were known as a remedy for getting rid of leprosy.

A great way to get rid of phlegm during a cold is to take cumin with lemon juice.

Smoke from burning cumin can get rid of annoying insects.

The general strengthening property of black cumin when it is used is due to the fact that the beneficial substances in its composition are able to stimulate the production of bone marrow and cells. immune system. This is evidenced by the reviews of black cumin from research scientists at the Immunobiological Laboratory from Southern California.

In addition, the studies of these scientists in reviews of black cumin prove the use of this medicine as a powerful tool in the fight against cancer.

Substances in the composition of cumin serve as an antidote for snake bites and poisonous insects.

Contraindications to the use of black cumin

With all the variety of useful properties of cumin, its use has practically no side effects.

The use of black cumin is contraindicated only for women during pregnancy. When breastfeeding, it is allowed to use black cumin for treatment only with external use.

In addition, the treatment of cumin black in patients with transplanted organs, such as the liver, heart and kidneys, poses a danger. This is due to the fact that in the case of the use of black cumin, a person's immunity is significantly enhanced, and this can lead to organ rejection.