Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) of blood vessels: how and when they do it, advantages, particular situations. How is duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck

The first one shows the vessels and adjacent tissues. It is based on sending impulse signals and their reflection from tissues of different density. From the data obtained, a two-dimensional picture of the organ is immediately built. The duplex study mode, in turn, gives a complete description of the work of the vessels. When a signal is reflected from objects moving inside the arteries, for example, red blood cells, its frequency also changes. So you can measure the speed of blood flow and get a color cartogram. Therefore, the method is called color Doppler mapping.

As a result of diagnostics, data are obtained on the state of the arteries and veins in general, as well as on each vessel separately. It becomes easier to identify the appearance of pathologies.

After receiving the results, it is possible to draw conclusions about:

  • elastic characteristics of vessel walls;
  • the presence of intraluminal formations;
  • change in the structure and thickness of the walls;
  • degree of vascular obstruction.


Such studies are prescribed for postoperative control or if a person has neck pathologies, varicose veins, aortic aneurysms, vascular injuries, thrombosis. Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head shows not only disturbances in the work of the vessels, but also various formations in the brain, for example, inflammation or tumors. Such an analysis helps cancer patients, being an accurate way to determine their current condition. Based on it, the doctor can draw conclusions about the further direction of treatment.

Scanning has no contraindications and can be applied to people of all ages. The analysis does not use drugs, which eliminates the likelihood of allergic reactions. Special preparation for the study is not required. Just do not take on the day of analysis:

  • coffee;
  • nicotine;
  • energy drinks.

Frequent headaches and dizziness may be the result of various severe vascular pathologies of the brain. In order to identify them, there are various methods diagnostics and research, one of which is duplex scanning vessels of the neck and head.

This method is non-invasive, and therefore is considered one of the safest. It is especially attractive that it does not require any special training and does not have any contraindications.

What is a diagnostic method

This method of diagnosing blood vessels provides full information throughout the vascular system of the human body. With its help, you can evaluate and analyze the speed and nature of blood flow, as well as determine the presence of thrombosis or other vascular pathologies.

The study usually proceeds in two stages: two-dimensional mode and duplex study.

In 2D mode, you can see the vessels and adjacent tissues, limited only by this information. He does not give any information about the blood supply.

With a duplex examination, you can see the full picture of what is happening in the vessels, with a detailed description and a two-dimensional color picture.

What is the procedure for?

Unlike simple ultrasound, this method diagnostics provides the most complete information about hard-to-reach vessels of the neck and head. This is especially true for vessels located in the brain, with identified blood flow disorders.

Before the advent of such a modern technique, it was extremely difficult, if not almost impossible, to examine the state of the brain.

Diagnosis was carried out using ultrasonic Doppler equipment. The uzist applied the sensor to the problem areas and recorded the sound using a special apparatus.

But to see what happens in the vessels cervical and the brain became possible only when using the technique of duplex scanning.

What is the difference between duplex and triplex scanning

These diagnostic methods are very similar to each other and have practically no differences, with the only difference being that with triplex scanning, the vessels can be viewed in three-dimensional space. Duplex mode represents information in only two planes. In fact, triplex scanning is positioned as an additional procedure when conducting a duplex study.

And if we take into account the fact that the crystal that transmits and receives the signal is the same, then the resolution of the triplex method is considered slightly worse than the duplex one. The quality of work will depend entirely on the quality of the apparatus and the qualifications of the doctor conducting the study, and not on the diagnostic method.

Who needs the procedure

Usually, a doctor prescribes such a procedure to a patient if he is diagnosed with: atherosclerosis or endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis or vasculitis, aortic aneurysm, diabetic angiopathy, various vascular injuries, varicose veins, vascular anomalies of the head and neck, syndrome vertebral artery.

Such an examination is indicated as a screening for asymptomatic diseases and as a control after surgical intervention into vessels circulatory system.

Currently, transcranial duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head is considered the most important method for studying vascular system brain. It is done using ultrasound with color Doppler mapping, as well as through spectral analysis.

The main indications for such an examination are:

  • dizziness, severe headaches,;
  • cerebral hypertension;
  • memory impairment;
  • hearing loss;
  • chronic and acute cerebral ischemia;
  • vasculitis and diabetes mellitus;
  • vascular pathologies of the brain;
  • various brain diseases with identified blood flow disorders after surgery.

Preparation for the procedure and contraindications

This technique is especially popular precisely because it is absolutely harmless and has absolutely no contraindications. This procedure can be performed on patients regardless of age: both children and elderly patients. You can repeat the procedure as many times as necessary until the diagnosis is definitely established.

In addition, a diagnostic examination does not require absolutely any preliminary preparation. But there are some recommendations that will allow you to do this procedure much more efficient.

On the day of the examination, give up nicotine and any other substances that, to one degree or another, affect vascular tone:

  • energy;
  • strong .

If you are using any medications, such as Betaserc or Phezam, you should first warn about this, who appointed this procedure. Before scanning, you need to get rid of jewelry from the neck of the head: earrings, chains, hairpins, and others. And at the end of the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hair.

How is the procedure

This diagnostic method is absolutely painless and does not require general or local anesthesia. The patient is examined standing, lying or sitting, depending on which organ needs to be examined.

The surface of the skin is lubricated with a special gel, which facilitates the procedure. Then the uzist directs the sensor to the pathology site.

When duplex scanning the brain, the sensor is applied to the so-called "ultrasound windows" - the foci of the cranium, where the bones are thinner or where there are holes in them.

Through such zones, the ultrasound beam freely enters the cranial cavity.

During the procedure, the patient may be required to adopt a more comfortable posture for the examination. The doctor may also ask you to hold your breath or do something similar. This examination lasts about half an hour and causes absolutely no discomfort.

Advantages and disadvantages of the methodology

The advantages of this method of examination include the identification vascular diseases such as thrombophlebitis or atherosclerosis, early stages, the most reliable data on the state of blood flow and the vascular system of the brain, easy way diagnosis of pathologies of vascular patency, detection of thrombosis.

The most important advantage of this method is the detection of diseases at very early stages, when the first clinical signs have not yet appeared.

This method is safe, it can be carried out as many times as needed. In addition, it is non-invasive, which means that during its implementation it is not necessary to use any medical preparations. This is also a significant plus, since it certainly excludes the presence of possible allergic reactions or side effects.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head is one of the most effective and at the same time the most informative diagnostic method. It is absolutely harmless and safe and does not require any special preparation for its implementation. This modern research method makes it possible to identify diseases and vascular pathologies at the earliest stages of their development and to cure them in a timely manner.

Duplex scanning is a type of diagnostic study. This greyscale sonography includes color coding and spectral Doppler analysis. Today, duplex scanning of the head and neck is considered the main diagnostic method when identifying different pathologies circulatory canal systems in these areas. Next, we will consider in more detail what this procedure is and for what diseases it is prescribed.

General information

Duplex scanning is a procedure that combines the ability to visualize the lumen of the blood channels and surrounding tissues in the 2-dimensional grayscale echography mode (B-mode) and the simultaneous assessment of hemodynamics using Doppler technology. In accordance with the results, an analysis of the elasticity and rigidity of the walls, the functional state of the endothelium, violations of the integrity (dissection), the presence, prevalence and nature of changes in the structure and thickness of the wall is carried out. During the study, a specialist can identify intraluminal formations, their localization, echogenicity, length. Duplex scanning of blood vessels allows you to assess the degree of patency of the lumen, changes in diameter. During the procedure, the geometry of the blood channels is analyzed. In particular, deformations, deviations from the normal anatomical trajectory, anomalies of discharge, branching and length are revealed. Duplex scanning of vessels provides information on intraluminal flows. The information is obtained from the processing of the Doppler reflected signal using the Fourier (Fast Transform) method.

Collection Methods

Information during transcranial and conventional scanning may appear in the form of Doppler spectra or color cartograms. In the latter case, based on the research data, the specialist receives qualitative information about the blood flow, its nature (turbulent, laminar), defects in filling cartograms, and other things. The spectral mode makes it possible to quantify the intraluminal fluxes. In other words, the study makes it possible to objectify the absence or presence of hemodynamic disorders and determine the degree of their severity. The obtained diagnostic information is based on the assessment of speed indicators and various calculated indices, which indirectly characterize the degree of peripheral resistance, as well as the tone of the walls of the blood channels.

Extracranial examination: indications

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head is prescribed for:

Duplex vein scanning is carried out in the presence of clinical signs thrombosis.

Study Benefits

Duplex scanning is characterized by high resolution, non-invasiveness and the possibility of multiple repeated procedures. Due to this, the study is considered an indispensable tool in clinical neurology. Duplex scanning allows full preventive screening in asymptomatic populations. With the use of this research method, the possibilities of differential diagnosis are greatly expanded. Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck reveals medium and small stenoses of the carotid canals. Based on this, it can be stated that the study can be used as a basic screening method in individuals without clinical signs of cerebrovascular disorders.

Transcranial examination: indications

This type of study is assigned if:

Research objectives

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the head not only helps to identify occlusive and stenosing brain pathology, but also allows to assess its hemodynamic and pathogenetic significance. The survey reveals:

  • A complex of violations due to systemic diseases blood channels.
  • Anomalies in the development of blood vessels, aneurysms, malformations, cerebral vasospasm of the fistula, circulation disorders.
  • Early (preclinical) signs of a systemic disease.

Duplex head scanning allows monitoring the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. During the study, it is possible to assess the reserve capacity of the circulatory system of the brain, to establish the probable etiological role of the detected pathological process or a symptom complex in the genesis of the manifestation of one or more clinical syndromes for a particular patient. The examination also makes it possible to determine the functions of the central and local mechanisms of regulation of the tone of the blood channels.

Duplex neck scan

Several sites are included in the mandatory scope of the survey. In particular, they include:

If indirect signs of disturbances in the V3 segment are detected, echolocation can be performed in this area as well.

Duplex scanning of the lower extremities: indications

An examination is scheduled when:

  • Swelling in the ankle joint.
  • Discomfort and pain in the lower part of the legs when moving and at rest.
  • convulsive twitches, pulling sensations in the fingers.
  • Heaviness in the lower limbs.
  • blanching or darkening skin, redness or induration.
  • Vascular asterisks, pronounced changes in the saphenous veins.
  • Trophic ulcers.

Duplex vein scan lower extremities It is also recommended in the absence of a pulse in the legs.

Description of the procedure

Duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities does not require special training. Clothing should be chosen so that the specialist has access to the areas being examined. Before duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities is performed, the patient lies on the couch. With the help of special equipment and a sensor with a gel applied to it, the doctor conducts it through the main blood channels of the legs. Due to the gel, the transmission of information to the device is enhanced. Additionally, duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities can be performed in a standing position.

Research features

When performing duplex scanning of the vessels of the head, a low frequency of radiation is used. This is due to the existing obstacles in the path of the rays in the form of bone elements of the skull. When using low frequencies, it becomes impossible to visualize the vascular walls and assess the state of the lumen. The information received is indirect. The information is based on the analysis of color cartograms for the flows of intracranial veins and arteries, as well as Doppler spectra. In this regard, against the background of a transcranial study, it is impossible to evaluate changes and diagnose processes that are not accompanied by the formation of systemic and local hemodynamic disorders. Due to the different thickness of the bone elements of the skull, which determines the unequal permeability of ultrasonic radiation, echolocation is performed in specific areas. They are called "ultrasonic windows". The quality and volume of information received during transcranial scanning depend on their severity. The main limitations may be due to a significant deterioration in ultrasound imaging against the background of a decrease in the acoustic ability of the bony elements of the skull.

Additional features

In the process of scanning the extracranial sections of the brachycephalic arteries, differential signs are revealed that are characteristic of stenosing atherosclerosis, microembolism, thrombosis, vasculitis, and angiopathy. In a transcranial study, it is possible to verify occlusive or stenotic lesions with the determination of their severity without specifying morphological equivalents. Also, the examination allows you to identify specific phenomena characteristic of a failure of autoregulation of blood flow in the brain, cerebral angiospasm, and others. If an atherosclerotic lesion of the stenosing type is detected in the carotid arteries, the echostructure of the plaque and the degree of lumen patency disturbances for each damaged vessel are assessed.

Examination of the vertebral blood channels

Due to the presence anatomical features their location, visualization of the arteries is possible only fragmentarily. They are available in monoplane examination. This significantly limits the possibilities of scanning in the diagnosis of various diseases. Thus, only stenosing lesions with a narrowing of the lumen of more than 40-50% in diameter, located in accessible areas, are determined with high reliability with low visualization quality. Echostructural analysis of formations inside the lumen, as a rule, is not performed. This is due handicapped to visualize the walls of blood channels. Determination of functional changes in the diameter of the vessels is carried out using load testing. There are no objective specific ultrasound signs for extravasal compression in the vertebral blood channels in the area of ​​the transverse processes of the vertebral elements of the upper column in the area of ​​the craniovertebral joint.

Duplex diagnostic criteria used in everyday practice are indirect and require confirmation by methods that make visualization possible. These include, in particular, angiographic examinations in the background or with exercise functional tests. Scanning of the jugular veins (external, internal), as well as vessels in the vertebral venous plexus, is carried out in case of suspected thrombosis in them.

Diagnostic value

The clinical significance of duplex blood circulation parameters obtained in the Doppler spectral mode from the lumens of the above vascular collectors, as well as their role in assessing pathological changes in cerebral hemodynamics in other cases, is considered very doubtful. At the same time, the variability of the blood outflow from the cranial cavity when the patient changes the position of the body, the variability of the structure of the blood channels themselves, the synchronization of the flow with respiration, and the slight compressibility of the lumens are taken into account.


With the help of duplex scanning, it is possible to follow the course of blood flow and determine vascular reactions in the area of ​​damage both against the background of selective and systemic thrombolysis. Stabilization of the flow in the affected area or its acceleration in the lumen, a decrease in intensity or the disappearance of collateralization are considered objective signs of the effectiveness of the therapy used. In the absence of positive dynamics in assessing the echographic picture, the specialist can conclude that the treatment the patient receives is ineffective. In practice, there are often cases of discrepancy between the clinical effect and the success of revascularization.


Like any other ultrasound procedure, duplex scanning is an operator-dependent method. And - to a certain extent - subjective. The success of using a set of imaging capabilities in clinical neurology, in addition to the skills and experience of a specialist operator, will largely depend on the quality characteristics of the equipment used in the examination. As a result, in all controversial diagnostic cases in the course of planning a surgical intervention on cerebral vessels The reference method for ultrasound in angiology is the radiopaque method and its varieties, recognized in practice as the "gold standard".

Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck- a non-invasive diagnostic method that visualizes the carotid and vertebral arteries, neck veins, and the main arteries of the brain. Used in the diagnosis of vascular atherosclerosis, stroke, stenosis, thrombosis, embolism. Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck consists of several procedures: transcranial dopplerography, Ultrasound of blood vessels head, ultrasound and ultrasound of the vessels of the neck. The cost depends on the scope of studies, the mode used (vessel duplex, dopplerography).


Special preparation for ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck is not required. General recommendations before scanning are as follows:

  1. The day before the examination, it is worth giving up coffee, strong tea, alcoholic and energy drinks.
  2. Do not smoke two hours before the procedure.
  3. Warn the doctor about taking drugs that affect vascular tone (hypotensive, vasoconstrictor).

What shows

Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and neck visualizes the condition of the arteries and veins located outside and inside the skull, along the brain stem and cervical spinal cord. With transcranial dopplerography, the patency of the veins and arteries of the head is determined. Duplex examination of the vessels of the head reveals the speed of blood flow, the cause of the violation of vascular patency. Doppler ultrasound of the neck vessels provides information on the blood flow of the basilar, vertebral and carotid arteries. With ultrasound of the cervical vessels, the structure of the arterial and venous circuits is visualized, the rate of venous outflow and blood flow through the basilar artery is determined.

Normally, the thickness of the walls of the arteries is 0.9-1.1 mm, the diameter of the vertebral artery is not more than 2 mm, the lumen of the vessels is free, there is no turbulent blood flow and vascular branching, the blood flow velocity in the veins is 0.3 m/s (small deviations are acceptable) . With the help of ultrasound, the following pathologies are detected:

  • Atherosclerosis. With non-stenosing atherosclerosis of the artery, an increase in the walls, uneven echogenicity, narrowing of the lumen by 20% or less is found. Another feature atherosclerotic lesions - the wrong course of blood vessels, the presence of tortuosity and kinks.
  • Vascular stenosis. The key manifestation of vascular stenosis is a decrease in the diameter of veins, arteries, narrowing of the lumen.
  • The presence of thrombi. The ultrasound method determines the presence of plaques, blood clots. With complete obstruction of the vessel, the lumen is absent, with partial obturation, it narrows (the doctor assesses the degree of narrowing).
  • Anomalies in the development of blood vessels. At congenital anomalies brain vessels is determined by a change in their course, the presence pathological tortuosity, branches of small vessels in the pathological area.
  • Vasculitis. Vasculitis is characterized by a violation of the differentiation of the layers of the wall, a change in echogenicity.

The results of vascular ultrasound diagnostics are not used in isolation when making a diagnosis. Their interpretation is carried out taking into account the anamnesis, clinical picture and data laboratory research. Often, ultrasound is the primary stage of imaging, which requires supplementation with MRA results.


Ultrasound remains best method diagnostics according to the ratio of indicators of information content and the cost of the procedure. It has practically no contraindications, is safe and painless, can be used to examine all categories of patients: newborns, pregnant women, the elderly, somatically debilitated people. Compared to MRA, REG or CT, sonography has a lower cost, but it does not always allow you to get a complete image of the vessel and determine the factors of patency. The information content of the study is negatively affected by the presence of an obstacle for ultrasound waves in the form of bone tissue.

Duplex scanning is an advanced diagnostic method that combines the already familiar ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound.

It has an advantage over the last two, which is expressed in the ability to diagnose vascular pathologies at the earliest stage of development. This is achieved due to the fact that with the help of a duplex it is possible to evaluate not only the external characteristics, but also to examine the internal structure of blood vessels, to identify them. internal pathology. Duplex ultrasound examination is a three-dimensional echography method with a high degree of information content, which is important in determining the causes of diseases and making a diagnosis.

With all its research capabilities, this procedure is characterized by absolute safety and painlessness and the absence of contraindications and side effects. For the diagnostic procedure, the patient does not need special preparation. However, it requires a highly qualified doctor to obtain reliable results. This research provides an opportunity to:

  • reliable determination of any pathology of the vascular bed;
  • determining the speed of blood flow;
  • identifying the causes of changes and disturbances in blood flow.

Duplex scanning is a modern diagnostic method

Duplex ultrasound scanning is modern way ultrasound examination, with which you can get a two-dimensional image of the vessels and determine the state of the circulatory system, the nature and speed of blood flow in it. The method is based on the action of ultrasonic waves of a high range. The data is obtained by means of an ultrasonic sensor, which visualizes information on the monitor of the device in the form of an image. The forerunner of duplex scanning was dopplerography.

The advantage of the new technique is that it allows not only to assess the direction and speed of blood flow, but also to determine the structural changes that occur in the walls of blood vessels and their lumen. Unlike conventional ultrasound, duplex examination allows you to visualize blood vessels in hard-to-reach places and carefully study their characteristics.

It is absolutely safe method diagnostics, which does not provide any harmful influence on the human body, and therefore can be carried out several times in a short period of time. It belongs to the category of non-invasive examination methods. Through such an ultrasound scan, the vessels, veins and arteries of the lower extremities, head and neck, and brachiocephalic arteries are examined. This diagnostic method is used in screening, to detect diseases that are asymptomatic, and also as a control after drug treatment or vascular surgery.

After the end of the diagnostic procedure, the patient can lead a normal life, no complications are observed. Thus, ultrasound duplex scanning is a highly accurate method for diagnosing pathologies and diseases of the vascular system at an early stage of their development. Based on this diagnosis, the doctor has the opportunity to make a diagnosis and determine the tactics of treatment. Duplex scanning of blood vessels is performed for the following diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities;
  • vascular pathologies of the neck and brain;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • atherosclerosis and inflammation of the blood arteries;
  • diabetic angiopathy of the vessels of the legs;
  • aneurysm of the aorta and blood vessels;
  • vascular injury;
  • vasculitis.

What are the symptoms of duplex scanning of brachiocephalic vessels? The blood supply to the brain is carried out by several arteries, one of which is brachiocephalic. It is the pathology of the brachiocephalic artery that can lead to serious consequences. It is known that it is in them that atherosclerosis develops most often. If the patient complains of frequent dizziness and headaches, noise in the head and ears, a feeling of pulsation in the temples, the doctor prescribes this diagnostic procedure to identify the causes of this condition and make a diagnosis. In addition, the basis for this procedure is the patient's complaints of weakness and drowsiness, unsteadiness of gait and memory impairment, instability blood pressure and visual impairment. In addition to these symptoms, the duplex scanning procedure is performed before preparing for a heart operation, after a stroke and operations on the vessels of the head and neck, as well as after the detection of various cardiac pathologies.

Duplex scanning of brachiocephalic arteries allows:

  1. Assess the condition of the vessel walls.
  2. Determine the rate of blood flow in them.
  3. Recognize vascular lesions at an early stage of development.
  4. Identify and determine the severity of atherosclerosis.
  5. Identify the presence of stenosis and determine its severity.

The procedure is quite simple and does not require special training. During it, the patient is in horizontal position, a special gel is applied to the neck and collarbone area. Next, the doctor works with a special sensor. The duration of the procedure is approximately 40 minutes, the patient can receive the results of the study immediately after its completion. The decoding of the conclusion is carried out by a doctor, and on its basis, a drug therapy or surgical intervention. Timely diagnosis helps to avoid serious complications and start therapy. Duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic trunk will help identify the following pathologies:

  1. blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques and determine their location.
  2. Vascular stenosis. The degree of their narrowing is determined.
  3. Underdevelopment of blood vessels, a change in their diameter and the degree of damage to their walls.
  4. Aneurysms of vessels and arteries.
  5. Atherosclerosis and angiopathy.
  6. Abnormal crimp, elongation and bends.

Blood flow study of the head and neck

With the help of duplex scanning of the vessels of the head and neck, one can obtain comprehensive information about the state of the vascular blood flow of the brain, identify various vascular pathologies in the early stages of development, determine the degree of their patency and detect the presence of blood clots. The main advantage of this diagnostic method is the ability to detect the disease before the onset of tangible symptoms. clinical symptoms. In addition, this method is non-invasive and does not require the use of medications, which means that allergic reactions will be excluded. This procedure is carried out according to the following indications:

  • persistent headaches;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical region;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • weakness in the limbs and unsteady gait;
  • cerebral hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus and vasculitis;
  • significant reduction or loss of hearing;
  • constant feeling of noise in the ears;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • memory impairment and attention disorders;
  • postoperative pathology of cerebral vessels.

The diagnostic procedure has no contraindications for either age or condition, and can be repeated as many times as necessary. She does not provide negative impact on the state of the body. With the help of duplex scanning of the vessels of the head, it is possible to analyze the state of the vessels in the most inaccessible places, this is especially important in case of violations of cerebral blood flow. Duplex scanning allows you to accurately visualize all the processes that occur in the vessels of the head.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck and head is prescribed when pathologies of the following nature are detected:

  • endarteritis and atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • vascular injury;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • vasculitis;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • monitoring after vascular surgery.

As for the preparation for the examination, before the procedure, it is necessary to free the head and neck from various decorations. On the day of the procedure, it is advisable to stop smoking and not drinking. strong tea, coffee, energy drinks. The duration of the procedure takes no more than 30 minutes. During its implementation, a special gel is applied to the study area and ultrasonic waves are passed through a special sensor, through which the vessels are visualized.

Examination of the lower extremities using duplex scanning

Diseases of the vessels of the lower extremities is a fairly common phenomenon of our time. The lower extremities are characterized by complex venous system, which is integrated into a single network. These are deep and superficial veins, small vessels and valves, with the help of which the blood flow moves in the upward direction. Due to the fact that the main venous vessels are deep, they cannot be seen with the eye and, accordingly, determine possible pathological changes in them. It is through them that almost 90% of the blood flow is carried out. Therefore, duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities and its entire circulatory system is the most reliable and accurate of the modern methods diagnostics. It is recommended for the manifestation of the following symptoms, which indicates the possibility of developing diseases:

  • swelling in the ankle area;
  • unpleasant and pain in the legs at rest and in motion;
  • leg muscle cramps;
  • drawing sensation in the toes;
  • heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • visible spider veins on the legs;
  • changes in the saphenous veins;
  • the formation of trophic ulcers;
  • pathological changes in the skin of the lower extremities.

Duplex scanning of the vessels of the lower extremities will help to identify and determine the degree of development of such diseases as atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs, endarteritis, varicose veins, thrombosis, embolism, saphenous vein thrombosis, blockage of deep veins. The purpose of diagnostics is to assess the patency of blood vessels and identify various formations in their lumen, as well as the study of blood flow indicators in them. As part of the duplex scanning of the arteries of the lower extremities, the examination is carried out:
