Kalina: health benefits and harms - red viburnum berries, juice, jam, fruit drink. Viburnum properties: benefits and harms to human health

Our ancestors knew how to cope with their ailments with the help of natural medicines. Many plants are famous for their healing power already for many centuries.

These include the viburnum berry. The benefits and harms of its use are familiar to every herbalist. Therefore, we can use folk wisdom, using berries for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. You just need to carefully read the information about this plant, known today.

Kalina berry: benefits and harms

A modest unpretentious plant gave mankind fruits that, thanks to their palatability and unique composition, are widely used. Berries are successfully used in traditional medicine, cooking, pharmaceuticals and cosmetology, so it is difficult to underestimate the benefits of viburnum. AT medicinal purposes bark, flowers, leaves and, of course, viburnum berries are used. The benefits and harms of this plant have always been considered unequal - there is a limited circle of people who are contraindicated in the use of these are hypotension, allergies, pregnant women and people suffering

But if there are no contraindications, you can simply and tasty strengthen the protective functions of the body, replenish its vitamin reserve, and also get a huge amount of macro- and microelements. Thanks to high content Vitamin C is recommended to include viburnum in the diet to combat viral and acute respiratory diseases. By taking medicine in the midst of epidemics, you can strengthen your immune system so much that a cold will bypass you and your family.

Nature has balanced the composition of viburnum berries so well that they are an excellent analgesic (hence the bitter taste), and are also characterized by diaphoretic and diuretic effects. Many people have already tested on themselves how gently it removes headache viburnum berry. Its benefits and harms are described in many manuals, but positive aspects still prevail. For example, viburnum has the most beneficial effect. But, as mentioned above, this does not apply to people who have low blood pressure. But the regular use of berries allows you to smoothly reduce the pressure of those who are used to doing it with the help of medicines.

Recipes from viburnum - tasty and healthy

For medicinal purposes, viburnum is used using various variations: decoctions, infusions, tea, or fresh.

In order to prepare an infusion, use fresh or in the following proportion: 2 tbsp. l. product in a glass of boiling water. It takes about four hours to insist. By drinking 3-4 glasses of this drink, you can get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To prepare a decoction, we take the ratio of water and berries in the same proportions as indicated above. Only viburnum must first be kneaded, then pour water and boil for five minutes. The broth is filtered, topped up with water to the previous volume and consumed in half a glass before meals.

You can prepare simple teas, in which honey, lemon and viburnum are taken as the basis. The benefits and harms of red berries should be studied in every family. After all, in this way you can safely replace half of the medicines from your first-aid kit with valuable gifts of nature!

Dear friends, do you use red viburnum for medicinal purposes? The plant is very beneficial for health. And although berries are most often used, one should not forget about medicinal raw materials in the form of bark, flowers and seeds (pits). The topic of today's article: viburnum - the benefits and harm to human health. I hope that by reading to the end, you will learn something new about this amazing plant and you will have a desire to use it for the benefit of your body.

Before proceeding directly to the question of the beneficial properties of viburnum, it is worth getting to know the biochemical composition of valuable raw materials. After all, it is biologically active compounds that determine the medicinal properties.

Biochemical composition of viburnum raw materials


For medicinal and culinary purposes, they are harvested after the first frost has hit. Until this time, the fruits give off bitterness and astringency. The beneficial properties of red viburnum berries are explained by the presence of vitamins C, K, A, E, group B, as well as essential oils, tannins, pectins, amino acids, phytoncides, carbohydrates, organic acids (isovaleric, acetic, myristic and others).

rich and mineral composition red berries. Magnesium, iron, manganese, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, cobalt - this is a far from complete list of macro- and microelements. Due to this composition, the fruits are used as a means of:

  • vitamin
  • diaphoretic
  • laxative
  • emetic
  • choleretic


According to the rules of resource science, the bark is harvested in the spring. It is during this period that the maximum amount of biologically important compounds accumulates in it. First of all, these are tannins, viburnin glycoside, esters like resins, organic acids (formic, valeric, ceratinic, butyric, acetic, caprylic, linoleic, palmitic,), bitter substances, vitamin K and C.

In some countries (for example, in Russia and the USA), the bark of the red viburnum is used not only in traditional medicine, but also in the official one. Due to the rich biochemical composition, viburnum preparations are very beneficial for human health. They have the following effects:

  • astringent
  • hemostatic
  • antispasmodic
  • calming
  • anticonvulsant

Kalina - benefits and harms to human health

From what diseases does red viburnum help? The list is impressive. In each case, different raw materials of this plant are used. After all, the scales on which the benefits, and not the harm of viburnum for human health, are put, still outweigh.

How to cook viburnum for the treatment of these diseases, you will learn below - in the next chapter, there are different recipes. In this section, we will consider how viburnum is useful for men, women and children. Also, do not forget that sometimes, if there are contraindications, viburnum can be harmful to human health. But first things first.

What is useful viburnum red for the heart

The question often arises: red viburnum increases or lowers blood pressure. The answer lies on the surface. Berries of this useful tree not only strengthen the walls blood vessels, but also help high blood pressure. And although tea or an infusion of fruits will not help to quickly reduce pressure, with long-term use these drinks will have a beneficial effect. But the bark and flower raw materials do not have such an effect.

How to cook viburnum? You can grind it with honey or sugar (if there is no diabetes), you can use other recipes for the heart. For example, infusion, berry juice or viburnum jam are good for this purpose.

The benefits of viburnum for the liver

Kalina with honey helps with various diseases liver, especially jaundice. In this case, it is taken after insisting in warm honey. Viburnum juice and tea enhance bile secretion and cleanse the liver.

In addition, viburnum gives a slight analgesic effect and helps to dissolve stones and sand in gallbladder. To cleanse the liver, honey is added to the decoction of berries and taken on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons in the morning and evening. Course admission consists of 10 days.

It looks like a blooming red viburnum in the photo

The benefits of viburnum for the stomach and intestines

The fruits are used for peptic ulcer stomach, diarrhea, gastritis with low acidity of the stomach. Traditional medicine recipes are used to prevent stomach cancer. In this case, you need fresh berries and an infusion of them.

To keep the intestines in good shape and get rid of constipation, it is recommended to prepare coffee from viburnum seeds. To do this, the seeds are fried in a dry frying pan until Brown color and grind into powder. Then this "coffee" is used to brew the drink.

A decoction of viburnum seeds is useful for children in order to improve digestion. This part of the fruit is considered good sorbent to cleanse the body of toxins.

Use for colds

To help yourself and loved ones with coughs, bronchitis or pneumonia, berries insist on hot honey for 6-7 hours. It helps well with colds, in addition, it saturates the body with vitamins and bactericidal substances.

Red viburnum berries are useful to use with lemon, rose hips and lime blossom. A drink prepared with these foods and herbs increases perspiration and strengthens the immune system. If you make a preparation for the winter with honey from viburnum berries, then it will definitely help you out in times of crisis.

The benefits of viburnum for women

In gynecology, viburnum bark is used to stop uterine bleeding, including during menopause. Preparations from the bark and flowers are useful in case of painful menstruation, as well as during pregnancy to stop a miscarriage.

At female diseases associated with mastopathy and changes in the structure of breast tissue, it is useful to make compresses from berries. To do this, fresh fruits are crushed, spread mashed potatoes on gauze and applied to the chest. Keep for about two hours. The procedure is repeated until the condition improves.

In the berries of red viburnum, analogues of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens - were found. Therefore, viburnum tea and jam are very useful for women, especially during menopause. The plant gently helps to maintain hormonal balance. In addition, there is evidence that viburnum with honey is useful for fibroids. For this, 1 tablespoon in the morning and evening is sufficient, but always on an empty stomach.

Medicinal properties for skin diseases

To eliminate diathesis, rashes, abscesses, eczema on the skin, an infusion of flowers or young twigs is used. But for the treatment of lichen, traditional medicine recommends externally applying the juice from the berries of this tree. Bioflavonoids and phytoncides contained in medicinal raw materials have bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal effects.

A decoction of the bark helps reduce sweating of the feet and hands. To do this, the skin of the feet and hands is wiped with a decoction several times a day. Dosage for the preparation of the drug - 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 250 ml of water.

What is useful viburnum red for the face

AT cosmetic purposes most often used berries. from juice and clean water preparing tonics and ice cubes for rubbing the skin. Masks are made in combination with sour cream, ground oatmeal, honey, aloe. The benefits of viburnum for the face and décolleté are multifaceted, in particular, it:

  • Softly, smoothing dark spots and freckles.
  • Evens out the complexion, giving the skin a pleasant shade.
  • Regulates the function of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the increased oiliness of the skin.
  • Helps to get rid of inflammation, acne and blackheads on the face.
  • Improves the elasticity and firmness of the dermis due to nourishment with vitamins.
  • Reduces the depth of wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Moisturizes skin and maintains cell turgor.

Kalina - contraindications

In some cases, the abuse of viburnum is not useful, but, on the contrary, is harmful to health. It is worth remembering that for the treatment of this medicinal plant there are contraindications. Some precautions apply to the berries, some to the bark of the tree. Contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy. Let me remind you that fruits contain a certain amount of phytoestrogens. Although these plant hormones are beneficial for female body, their excess can harm the developing fetus.
  2. Hypotension. Considering the fact that berries lower arterial pressure, for hypotensive viburnum is harmful in large quantities.
  3. kidney disease. Bitterness can cause irritation of the renal parenchyma in pyelonephritis or other diseases of the urinary system.
  4. Increased stomach acid. Viburnum juice enhances the secretion of the gastric glands, thereby increasing the production of hydrochloric acid.
  5. Blood diseases. First of all, the restriction concerns leukemia and thrombophlebitis. In people with increased blood clotting, when taking funds from berries and bark, there is a risk of thrombosis.

Recipes for treatment

This section will discuss how to prepare viburnum for treatment. Exist different forms drugs that, according to doctors and healers of traditional medicine, have healing properties. This is tea, decoction, infusion, tincture, juice. So, how to make healing remedies so that viburnum brings benefits, and not harm to the body.

tincture recipe

Therapeutic tincture of viburnum is made on vodka or alcohol. You can also make cognac. According to one recipe, a bitter tincture is obtained, according to another, it is sweet.

Unsweetened tincture recipe

Vodka and fruits are taken in equal proportions, that is, one bottle of 0.5 liters will need 500 g of fresh berries. They are poured with vodka and insisted in warmth and darkness. The standard infusion time is at least 2 weeks. The liquid is then filtered.

liqueur recipe

Sugar (150 g) or honey is dissolved in warm water (200 ml), one liter of vodka and freshly squeezed viburnum juice (200 ml) are added. The bottle is kept warm and away from sun rays. After 2-3 weeks, the sweet tincture is ready.

Decoction of berries

First, the fruits (2 tablespoons) must be crushed, and then poured with boiling water (250 ml). Put in a water bath to heat for another 15 minutes. After turning off the fire, let cool, strain, add warm water up to 250 ml.

Infusion of berries with honey

For cooking, you will need fresh berries (40 g) and honey (200 g). The fruits are mashed, honey is heated to 60 degrees. Then both components are mixed and insisted in warm conditions for 6-7 hours.

If you do not know how to cook viburnum for pressure and arrhythmia, you can use another recipe. Pour 3 cups of dried berries into a 3-liter thermos and pour 2 liters of boiling water. They insist six hours. If there is no such large thermos, you can either reduce the volume of raw materials and water, or do everything in a 3-liter jar, wrapping it in something warm.

Then the infusion is filtered, the fruits are well squeezed and 500 g of honey is added to the liquid. This drug is taken 2 tablespoons before breakfast, lunch and dinner. For one course, you need exactly this amount of medicine.

Kalina with sugar

it good recipe for the winter. Berries and sugar are poured into a sterile jar in layers. The top layer should be sugar. Such a blank must be kept for some time in the room so that the fruits give juice and only after that put it in the refrigerator.

There is another way. The viburnum berries are sprinkled with sugar and lightly crushed so that the juice appears. Then the whole mass is transferred to sterile containers and stored in the cold.

A decoction of the bark

For its preparation, 1 part of the raw material is taken and from 10 to 20 parts of water. The contents are brought to a boil over a fire, and then transferred to a water bath and continue to heat for another 15-20 minutes. Before straining, the broth is kept for about an hour.

Infusion from the bark

The crushed bark in the amount of 3-4 g is poured with a glass of boiling water and incubated for 30-40 minutes, wrapped in something warm. It is convenient to make the infusion in a thermos - after all, the bark is a tougher raw material and for the extraction of substances, a longer exposure to hot water is needed.

You can learn even more interesting information about the beneficial properties of viburnum from this video:

I hope that the information on the topic "Kalina - the benefits and harm to human health" was interesting to you. This plant deserves our attention. valuable plants there are a lot on Earth and they should definitely be used for the benefit of your body.

Kalina is not just a tree of the honeysuckle family. Among the Slavs, this plant causes special feelings. The fruits and branches of viburnum were used in folk rituals. The tree was considered a symbol of the family, so it was planted in many yards.

And now red viburnum can be seen in the private sector. Increasingly, it began to be used as a medicinal crop. After all, the value of viburnum is invaluable due to its useful qualities.

Kalina has long been recognized by official medicine, using the roots of the plant for medicinal purposes. For folk healers all parts of the tree that have healing qualities are good. This is due to the powerful chemical composition:

  • in terms of sugar content, viburnum is 3 times higher than raspberries;
  • fruits are saturated with vitamins C and P;
  • viburnum is bitter due to the healing glycoside viburnin;
  • in the list of mineral salts, iron is significantly released.

There are also tannins, pectins, carotene, flavonoids in viburnum. If you are lucky to find viburnum honey on sale, it is worth buying it, not in vain because bees love the nectar of the flowers of this plant.

Beneficial features

The healing composition made viburnum a good vitamin remedy that enhances immunity. Drugs are recommended to be used by cores to enhance the activity of the problem organ.

There are also specific properties for each part of the plant.

Most often, viburnum fruits are used in folk medicine as a disinfectant, sedative, diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative.

Fruits grated with sugar help to get rid of shortness of breath.

Even in the bones of red viburnum there are many useful substances. Therefore, it is recommended that when making winter preparations, they should not be thrown away.

First of all, they are very useful for heart diseases. It is in the bones that a large accumulation of fatty oils is found.


The bark, in addition to the listed elements, contains a lot of organic acids, resins, alcohols, vitamin K. Therefore, extracts and decoctions help well as a hemostatic agent for painful menstruation and uterine bleeding.

AT official medicine prescribe these drugs and as a mild diuretic. A decoction of the bark is good for beriberi.

Flowers and leaves of viburnum

Decoctions of petals help in the prevention of atherosclerosis, good for coughs and other colds.

from the leaves, as well as from other parts of the plant, can be brewed medicinal teas which strengthen the immune system.

The properties of viburnum leaves resemble mint, so they are useful for nervous disorders and in the fight against insomnia.

They are also used externally - fresh leaves are applied to wounds, skin diseases are treated with their juice.

Harvesting and storage of berries

Usually they are engaged in harvesting viburnum fruits - both for treatment and for the winter table. Berries ripen in autumn, but it is recommended to collect them with the onset of frost. Then the viburnum will not be so bitter and will acquire great value (medicinal and taste).

During the harvest, a number of rules are followed:

  • work is carried out in dry calm weather;
  • berries are not cut off separately, but cut in clusters;
  • it is better to collect viburnum in willow baskets - this will avoid mechanical damage to the fruit.

Further actions depend on how the berry will be preserved in winter.

Even fresh, it will live well until spring, if the brushes are hung on ropes in a cool place (cellar, insulated attic).


Many people prefer to dry the berries. This can be done outdoors (but under a canopy) or in an oven at a temperature of no more than 80 degrees. Only after that, the fruits are cut off from the brushes and stored in a canvas or paper bag.


Kalina can also be frozen if a suitable freezer is available. Individual berries or whole brushes are sealed in plastic bags or placed in special containers.

These blanks are used in winter to prepare various drinks, brew kissels, compotes, make jelly and other desserts.

Healthy drinks from viburnum

Made for the winter useful blanks, the hostess will pamper the household with drinks that are not only tasty, but also quite healing.

The technology of their preparation is simple, and it will bring a lot of pleasure.

If viburnum leaves were collected along with the berries, then you can make a very tasty vitamin tea:

  • put a few dried leaves and slightly crushed viburnum fruits on the bottom of the teapot;
  • brew with boiling water and cover;
  • wrapping the teapot in a napkin, leave for 20-30 minutes.

Strained, served to the table with honey. Strengthen healing properties and add flavor to tea will help Linden blossom, rosehip petals, strawberry, blackberry, mint or lemon balm leaves. You can also make a vitamin collection.

viburnum juice

This drink is prepared different ways. The simplest and most common looks like this:

  • the berry is poured cold water so that it slightly covers the viburnum;
  • put on low heat and stand until completely softened;
  • the fruits are kneaded and poured into a colander put on a pan with a double layer of gauze;
  • let the juice stand for 3 hours;
  • pour gently into another pan to separate from the sediment;
  • sugar is added (125 g per 1 liter of juice) and heated until it is completely dissolved;
  • the syrup is filtered through 4 layers of gauze;
  • bring to a boil, pour into jars.

Refrigerate upside down. Store in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding 12 degrees.

Berry fruit drinks have always been valued for their medicinal properties. You can also make this drink from viburnum fruits:

  • fresh berries (or frozen) are sorted and squeezed juice;
  • diluted with water at the rate of 3 liters per 0.5 kg of viburnum;
  • add sugar (0.75 kg) and mix well;
  • bring to a boil, remove from heat and strain.

The drink is served chilled to the table. But if fruit drinks are used for treatment colds, then it is better to warm it up a little.


Viburnum jelly will appeal to children. You can make it from juice closed in jars for the winter, or get twigs from the cellar fresh fruit. A sweet dessert is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • juice is squeezed out of berries (0.5 kg);
  • the pulp is poured with boiling water and boiled;
  • filter and combine with juice;
  • starch (100 g) is diluted with cold water (2 l) and poured into the broth;
  • add sugar (300 g);
  • stir and bring to a boil.

The finished jelly is poured into molds and served at the table. Those who like it sweeter can sprinkle the dessert with sugar or add a little liquid honey.

This drink is somewhat reminiscent of the old Russian honey broth. And it is prepared according to a similar technology:

  • juice is pressed from a berry (0.5 kg);
  • thyme (50 g) is poured with boiling water (3 l) and boiled;
  • the broth is filtered;
  • add viburnum juice, honey (150 g) and bring to a boil.

After cooling, the drink is bottled, corked and stored in the cellar.


This drink in ancient Russia was always served at the festive table. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, only you need to prepare it in advance, performing the following actions:

  • a berry (0.5 kg) is washed and thrown into a colander to glass the water;
  • placed in a glass 3-liter container;
  • sugar (200 g) is diluted with boiling water (2 l) and viburnum is poured;
  • put for a week in a dark cool place.

The finished drink is filtered, cooled and served at the table.

Kvass from viburnum

For the Slavs, kvass is considered a traditional drink. You can also prepare it on the basis of viburnum (0.5 kg). In addition to berries, you will also need apples (5 kg) - it is better to take sour and sweet varieties in the same amount. Kvass is prepared in this way:

  • put apples in the barrel first;
  • pour in water (5 l);
  • add sugar (1.5 kg);
  • put crushed viburnum on top.

The container, without covering, is installed in a cold room. After 2 months, apple-viburnum kvass will be ready.

healthy wine

Homemade wines that do not contain ethyl alcohol are not considered alcohol - they are classified as healing tinctures.

To get a dessert drink, take 100 g of ready-made viburnum juice, 0.5 l of water and 350 g of sugar. Then proceed as follows:

  • juice is diluted with water;
  • add ¼ of sugar and ferment;
  • after 3 days, filter and introduce the same amount of sweet sand;
  • the next portion is added on the 7th day and the remaining - on the 10th.

The bottle is placed under a water seal. When fermentation stops completely, it is bottled and hermetically sealed.

The benefits of viburnum - video recipes


Despite the healing composition, viburnum can cause harm.

  1. It should immediately be taken into account that only red fruits are edible - a variety of black viburnum, which is poisonous, is also found in nature.
  2. But even edible viburnum should not be abused - everything is good in moderation. Otherwise, due to the high content of ascorbic acid in the fruits, allergic reaction in the form of an itchy rash on the body.
  3. For this reason, viburnum is not recommended for pregnant women. An unborn child may develop an allergy.
  4. Do not get carried away with berries and hypertensive patients. Even a small amount of viburnum significantly reduces pressure. Going through with the fruits, you can bring yourself to faint.
  5. The berry helps with many gastrointestinal problems, but if the acidity is increased, viburnum will have to be completely abandoned. As well as people suffering from gout (due to the high acid content in berries).

Super berry for health red viburnum - video


Kalina is the tree that is worth planting on your site. The energy emanating from the plant will be a good protection for the house and decoration of the garden area. And the berry will replenish the winter bins and bring a lot of useful and nutritious things to the lunch diet.

The red berries of this woody member of the Adox family are a real health factory. By mixing the bitter-sour juice of the viburnum with honey and water, it is easy to eliminate the virus caught in the winter from the body.

The bark, flowers, seeds and fruits of viburnum have antiseptic, choleretic, diuretic, hemostatic and sedative effects.

Red viburnum berries have a number of beneficial properties for the body.

Where does red viburnum grow, what beneficial features does it have, and for whom are there direct contraindications to its use?

What is useful viburnum?

A wild-growing honey shrub or a branchy inhabitant of household plots - red viburnum, or common viburnum - is common in most CIS countries, except for the southern regions.
What is useful viburnum for the human body?

Viburnum, rich in pectins, whose berries “clean up” cells and blood from toxins and cholesterol, “vitaminizes” the body, saturating it with vitamins C, A, K, R.

In addition, the health benefits of red viburnum fruits are due to the content of:

  • tannins with anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic action;
  • flavonoids that enhance enzymatic activity;
  • saponins, which give the body the ability to adapt;
  • organic acids - linoleic, acetic, valeric, which have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties;
  • lipids involved in the synthesis of proteins and hormones;
  • minerals - iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium, etc.

You will learn more about the benefits of viburnum from the video:

Although the berries ripen in August-September, they are harvested after the first frosts, which do not reduce medicinal value fruits and add some sweetness to them.

In early spring, when viburnum blooms, its bark is harvested, the preparations of which are used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. For the preparation of disinfectants for acne and furunculosis, viburnum leaves and flowers are stored. Their decoctions also “spur” appetite and sweating.

What helps viburnum?

Viburnum seed coffee: an unusual drink with healing power

Viburnum seeds contain a large supply of antioxidants. Getting into digestive tract, they "bind" the spent "slag", simultaneously activating the intestinal muscles.

Eating up to 10 seeds a day, you can normalize the intestinal flora.

Roasted to the color of coffee beans, ground viburnum kernels are brewed like coffee.
A decoction of unroasted seeds is used for gastrointestinal disorders in children.

Viburnum juice from seven ailments

Juice from viburnum fruits diluted with water helps to reduce pain and heal the mucosa when ulcerative lesions stomach and duodenum, has a disinfectant effect, is useful for intestinal colic and atonic constipation. With gastric or intestinal polyposis, it is recommended to take it to prevent malignant changes.
Stimulates the juice and the work of the heart muscle.

How to make juice from viburnum you will learn from the video:

Useful properties of viburnum with honey

In autumn and winter, viburnum with honey will help fight back seasonal ailments.
Kalina red, whose juicy berries strengthen immune system children and adults, very useful for colds.

There are several recipes for viburnum with honey:

  • To relieve the baby from coughing, rub 100 g of fruits with 200 g of honey, hold for 5 minutes on low heat. Children under 7 years old are recommended to take the cooled mixture of 1 tsp, older children -1 tbsp. Take the mixture 5 times with water;
  • Kalina with honey, prepared according to the following recipe, will help to cope with a cough caused by more "deep" ailments respiratory systemflu, bronchitis, bronchial asthma or pneumonia. 2 tbsp place the berries in an enameled container with a lid, steam ½ liter of boiling water; wrap in a towel and leave for 12 hours. After squeezing the berries, strain the finished liquid, combine with 4 tbsp. honey. Drink a third of a glass of warm "potion" every 8 hours;
  • Speed ​​up recovery and green tea with viburnum. Mash 2 tbsp. berries, mix with tea and let it brew a little, then add 1 tsp. honey - a real cold from a panacea. Interacting, these ingredients cope with a whole “bouquet” of other ailments: tone up circulatory system and increase hemoglobin, contribute to the outflow of urine and the elimination of unfavorable microflora in case of "female" ailments of inflammatory origin, normalize sleep and relieve neurosis.

Kalina from high blood pressure

Prepared in a special way, viburnum is successfully applied against pressure. How does viburnum affect - increases or decreases pressure?

Juicy berries contain essential oils, which have a mild diuretic effect, due to which excess fluid leaves the body, and the pressure gradually stabilizes.

How does viburnum indirectly affect blood pressure? Vitamin C supports the antihypertensive effect by healing cracks in the capillary walls and preventing their clogging with cholesterol deposits.

For more information about the effect of viburnum on blood pressure - see the video:

How is pressure viburnum used - how to cook it:

  • Method 1. To get a juicy homogeneous mass without seeds and skins - fresh berries - 5 tbsp. knead and rub through a sieve. The juicy mass must be mixed with 200 g of honey. Store in a refrigerated place;
  • Method 2. In 160 ml of chilled water, dilute 85 ml of viburnum juice (see previous recipe) and dissolve 1 tbsp. linden honey;
  • Method 3. Berries - pour 3 cups into a 3-liter glass container, pour boiling water. Close the jar with the drug with a lid and leave for 4-5 hours in a warm room. After the time has elapsed, strain the infusion into an enameled container, rub the berries through a sieve and mix with 0.5 kg of honey.

The therapeutic mixture for pressure with viburnum is ready, how to take it:

  • The mixture prepared by method 1 is taken in a long course, before meals, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day;
  • The drug prepared by method 2 is drunk for 14 days, dividing its volume into 3 servings, observing a break between each - 8 hours;
  • The infusion prepared by method 3 is taken for 3 weeks, before or after meals, 1/3 cup, 3 times a day.

Sweet jam, cake and "fire tincture"

Dessert can be not only sweet, but also healthy - those who once tried jam from red juicy berries know about this. How to make viburnum jam, what are its benefits and harms?

Cooked viburnum fruits contain a considerable amount of pectins and tannins. Mixing 1 tsp. jam with water, you can relieve heartburn, manifestations of gastritis, ulcers and liver diseases, and in winter - colds and flu.

Jam Recipe:

  • Rinse with cool water and put 1 kg of fresh berries in a saucepan;
  • Bay ¼ l of boiling water, put the berries on a small fire - after a few minutes the berries will “give up” the bones;
  • Rub the cooled berries through a sieve;
  • Grind the mashed berries with 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • Put the mixture in a saucepan, add water and, stirring, cook for 15 minutes;
  • Roll hot jam into sterilized jars;
  • Store in a refrigerated place.

Watch the detailed video recipe:

Due to its medicinal properties and a small number of contraindications, viburnum has been the most popular filling for pies for decades. It is also added to stewed pumpkin porridge.

Viburnum has also found its application among manufacturers of "fiery" products.

So, LLC Tula Distillery in its product "Vodka Kalina Krasnaya" includes the aromatic alcohol of viburnum fruit drink.

An alternative to it can be a tincture on viburnum, prepared with your own hands:

  • Pour peeled, washed with running water and dried berries into a 2-liter glass dish;
  • Pour in vodka so that it completely covers the fruit;
  • Insist for a day in a closed container; add the remaining vodka to the berries.

Medicinal properties the infusion will take 2-4 weeks after infusion in a refrigerated, ventilated room. The longer the shutter speed, the more effective it is at hypertension, respiratory infections, nervous disorders. The main thing is not to exceed daily dosage- 50 g!

Medicinal properties of the bark and inflorescences

The medicinal value of viburnum bark is due to its sedative and antispasmodic effect, but to a greater extent - to a significant content of glycoside, which promotes vasoconstriction and increases the tone of the uterine muscles - viburnin.

Preparations of viburnum bark prepared in one of two ways are used for uterine, pulmonary or hemorrhoidal bleeding:

  • Take 2 tsp. dried bark of viburnum in a glass of water, boil for ¼ hour. Take a decoction of 2 tbsp. 3 or 4 times a day;
  • 2 tbsp bark pour 1 tablespoon of 40% alcohol and place in an unheated dark room for 7-10 days. 10-15 drops of filtered tincture and drink before meals 2-3 times a day.

In May-June, viburnum flowers are harvested, a decoction of which enhances the separation of sweat, is effective for broncho-pulmonary ailments and diathesis.
Viburnum flowers, like berries, are beneficial to the body

It also helps with bleeding. To prepare it, poured with a glass of water 1 tbsp. dried raw materials to sweat in a water bath for 10 minutes.

There are contraindications

It is important to remember that viburnum is a natural source of organic acids and other compounds, and therefore there are contraindications to its use.

And although they are not always absolute, care should be taken:

  • Hypotonic patients. Red berries are able to reduce consistently low blood pressure even more;
  • With a tendency to thrombosis;
  • With gastritis with high acidity: berries and juice will “irritate” the stomach even more;
  • For gout and arthritis. Organic acids and purines, which are rich in red berries, can aggravate the symptoms of joint ailments;
  • For kidney ailments and urolithiasis.

Wanting to protect themselves from the “winter” cold, expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to use viburnum during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, especially with the threat of miscarriage, due to the tonic effect on the uterine muscles, viburnum is contraindicated. However, after the first trimester, after consulting a doctor, it is permissible to add a handful of berries to tea 2-3 times a week.
Tea with a few viburnum berries will not hurt expectant mothers

But in the process of childbirth, doctors traditional medicine sometimes they recommend an infusion or decoction of red viburnum to relieve painful contractions.

Remember not only the benefits, but also the dangers of viburnum for health - like any product, red berries should be consumed in moderation, otherwise oversaturation of the body with ascorbic acid contained in them can lead to allergies and harm even healthy people.

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In Russia, viburnum grows almost everywhere. Kissel and jam are prepared from it, pies with viburnum filling are baked, kvass is put, the fruits are used for sauerkraut. Various parts of viburnum have useful properties: berries, flowers, seeds, branches, bark. Cooked folk remedies successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory and digestive system. Viburnum berries are treated nervous disorders, they help to cope with the inflammatory process.

Composition of viburnum

The fruits of the plant contain vitamins A and C, tannins, pectins, important for effective cleansing intestines from accumulated harmful substances. The phytoncides included in the composition effectively destroy microbes.

In fruits, there is a mass of phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese, copper. The leaves and berries contain acetic, valeric, oleic and formic acids.

The rich vitamin and mineral composition is especially useful for the prevention and elimination of loss of strength, beriberi.

When to Harvest Berries and Other Plant Parts

The plant prefers moist deciduous or pine forests, plenty of shade. Grows among shrubs, along the water. Some gardeners grow it on their "hundredths".

The bark is harvested in April, shortly after sap flow, young shoots - in early spring. The flowers are harvested from May to June when they are in full bloom. The time for picking viburnum berries comes in September and October. The fruits are cut along with the stem to keep the soft part intact.

The most useful is the viburnum, collected after the first frost, when the medicinal properties of the berries seized by frost are maximum. In addition, frost reduces bitterness. To eliminate bitterness, the fruits can also be dipped in boiling water for several minutes.

The collected berries are laid out in an even layer and dried in a cool ventilated place for 5-9 days. The final disposal of moisture is carried out in the oven at a temperature of + 50C. After the leg can be removed.

Dried viburnum berries retain their beneficial properties best in clean linen or gauze bags placed in a dark, dry place.

Also useful viburnum, harvested in the following way. Fill a third of a clean jar with washed berries, pour granulated sugar to the top. The lid must not be tight. Six months later useful product ready.

How to prepare and store viburnum juice

Wash and dry the berries on a towel, gently wring out. Do not press too hard on the skins, as they give maximum bitterness. Mix the resulting juice with sugar in equal parts.

Arrange the finished product in glass jars. Store closed in the refrigerator. The longer viburnum juice is stored, the less bitterness it contains. For long-term storage, grind the juice with sugar to a jelly state. In this form, it does not deteriorate and does not ferment even at room temperature.

Boiled viburnum juice is prepared from 1 liter of water, 1 liter of berries, 200 g of sand. Wash the fruits in cool water, add water and cook in an enamel saucepan over low heat until they become soft. After carefully squeeze the juice, let stand. Add sugar, slightly warming the juice for faster dissolution of sugar. Strain, bring to a boil, pour into clean jars.

Recipe for general tonic

Kalina is useful for strengthening, preventing colds. Take 100 g of berries, along with the peel, 200 g of aloe leaves, peeled walnuts. Pass through a meat grinder, add 200 g of butter and honey.

Take during the day for 1s.l. after meal.

Treatment of a cold with a decoction of viburnum bark

Viburnum bark is useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases. Brew 2s.l. bark with a glass of boiling water, soak on low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Add 7-10 drops of oil, 1 tbsp. honey, stir. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.

Another remedy made from viburnum berries and bark against colds. Mix 1s.l. bark, half a glass of viburnum juice, 1 tbsp. thyme, pharmacy, mint, honey, brew a glass of boiling water. Darken in a water bath for 5 minutes, insist, strain into a glass container. Take half a cup half an hour before meals. It is useful to add a little fresh juice or viburnum berries to the remedy.

Viburnum bark helps to cope with fever. To prepare the infusion 2-3s.l. crushed bark pour a glass of cold boiled water, insist 8-10 hours, strain. Take 1s.l. half an hour after eating.

Treatment of viburnum inflammation of the lungs and bronchitis

Useful properties of viburnum berries help to cope with pneumonia, contribute to liquefaction of sputum.

Heat a glass of honey over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Rub 1s.l. berries, pour them with hot honey. Wrap well and let it brew for 5-6 hours. Accept remedy 1 s.l. 4-5 times a day.

You can simply boil 100g of berries in 200g of honey over low heat. Take a healing remedy for 1-2 sl. several times a day with warm water.

Another recipe for the treatment of viburnum is bronchitis or pneumonia. Mix 1 s.l. bark, coltsfoot, mountaineer bird, elderberry flowers, brew 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take 3/4 cup half an hour to an hour before meals.

Viburnum with honey is useful in eliminating strong bronchitis. Brew 100 g of berries with two cups of boiling water, simmer for half an hour over low heat. Infuse for 30 minutes, add half a glass of honey, mix. Take 2 s.l. half an hour after eating.

Infusion of viburnum is useful for chronic cough. Mix 1s.l. fruits, viburnum berries, chamomile, elecampane. Boil 1 liter of boiling water in an enamel bowl, simmer for 5 minutes. Insist 5-6 hours, strain. Store in a well-closed glass jar. Take 1s.l. half an hour before meals.

The benefits of viburnum in the treatment of angina

When it is useful to gargle with an infusion prepared from a mixture of viburnum flowers and berries, taken in equal parts. Brew 1s.l. mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist, well wrapped, 3-4 hours, strain.

Gargle with 1/2 cup of infusion. Take orally 1-2 s.l.

Kalina is used in compresses on the neck for sore throats. Grind the berries, pour warm water for half an hour, add honey, mix well. Apply the composition to a clean natural cloth, fix on the throat, wrapping several times. The treatment lasts an hour, the compress is applied twice a day.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension

deal with painful sensations an infusion of 3-4s.l helps in the heart. viburnum berries, brewed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse the fruits for 4 hours, strain. Take a glass 3-4 times a day.

Kvass from viburnum and is useful for expanding blood vessels. Rub 250-300g of beets, boil in one and a half glasses of water. Wash 300 g of berries, boil for a few minutes in a glass and a half of water in an enamel bowl. Mix decoctions, add a third of a glass of sugar and bring to a boil, let cool. Store in a glass container in a cool place. Take cold.

An infusion of shoots of viburnum is useful in case of hypertension. Mix in equal parts motherwort herb, valerian root, chopped shoots, 2 tbsp. brew mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 2-3 minutes. Take for hypertension in small portions throughout the day.

Another prescription for hypertension. Get juice from half a kilo of viburnum berries, pour the squeezed fruits into 100 g of water, boil for 5 minutes, strain and mix with the juice obtained earlier. Add 100 g of sugar, mix and wait until it cools down. Add 1s.l. honey. Take 2 s.l. half an hour before meals.

Viburnum juice is useful property to eliminate a constant headache. Take every day 1-2 glasses of viburnum juice, adding honey to taste. To simultaneously cope with inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, dilute the juice with a decoction oatmeal.

Medicinal properties of viburnum in liver diseases

A simple healing remedy to clean the liver is prepared from viburnum berries and honey. Rinse half a kilo of fruits, cook in an enameled container until soft with the addition of a small amount of water. Then wipe through a sieve and mix with 250g of honey. Take 2 s.l. in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime for 14 days.

To improve the composition of the blood, it is useful to prepare another remedy from viburnum berries. Boil 1.5 cups of crushed rose hips in 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, add 1-2 tbsp. , 5s.l. , insist 8-10 hours, strain. Grind 1/2 cup of berries, 1/4 cup of sugar, add to the infusion.

Take half a cup an hour before meals for 3 weeks with breaks every 3 months for two years. Blood improves, stones dissolve.

It is also possible to get rid of stones in the urinary and gallbladder with the help of viburnum seeds, if you swallow one 10-15 times during the day.

Cholagogue infusion is prepared by mixing viburnum berries, mint, birch buds in equal parts. Brew 1s.l. collection with a glass of boiled water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1s.l. after meal.

Kalina for diseases of the digestive system, stool disorders, hemorrhoids

Berries and seeds of viburnum are useful in eliminating pain in the stomach, intestines, help to cope with indigestion, or duodenal ulcers, constipation and liquid stool.

Fresh berries are useful for gastritis with low acidity. Brew 1-2s.l. fruits with a glass of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, strain. Take 2-3s.l. half an hour before meals 5 times a day.

To cope with indigestion, apply viburnum seeds, brewing 1 tbsp. a glass of boiling water. After half an hour in a water bath, the broth is allowed to cool, filtered. Take in the morning and evening an hour before meals, 2 s.l.

In case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chop viburnum berries, pour them with cold boiled water at the rate of half a cup per 1 s.l of fruits, insist 10-12 hours, strain. Take 1s.l. one hour before meals.

For constipation, it is useful to take 40-50 berries every morning with a little honey. Viburnum seeds are also useful, they need to be ground in a coffee grinder and brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. powder in a glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes, the constipation remedy is ready. It is taken 1-2 times a day with sugar or honey.

An infusion of viburnum berries with honey at the rate of 2 tbsp helps to cope with loose stools. fruits in half a glass of honey. Wash the fruits, chop, mix with honey. Heat in an enameled container over low heat or in a glass dish in a water bath, stirring constantly. After 10 minutes, remove the remedy from heat, let cool. Take 1 tsp. several times a day.

As a prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, brew 4 tsp. viburnum bark with a glass of boiling water, sweat in a water bath for 10 minutes, let cool and strain. Take half a glass in the morning and in the evening one hour before meals.

In case of bleeding in case of hemorrhoids or painful heavy periods, grind viburnum bark into powder, pour the same amount of alcohol. Insist 3-4 days in a dark cool place, strain. Keep cool. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Elimination of nervous overload and overwork

Kalina is useful for relieving nervous tension, causing quick relaxation. To prepare the infusion, brew a glass of boiling water 2-3 tsp. chopped bark, add 1 tbsp. lemon balm. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour, insist an hour. Take 1s.l. one hour before meals for a week.

Another recipe for overwork and elimination chronic fatigue. Mix the crushed bark of viburnum and chamomile, taken in equal parts. Brew 1s.l. mixture with a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, strain. Take at night for 1-2s.l.

Skin diseases

Useful properties of viburnum berries are used to get rid of boils, abscesses, eczema. Compresses from viburnum juice lasting 1-2 hours are applied to the affected areas 1-3 times a day. After 2-3 weeks of treatment, a week break is made, after the treatment is repeated. To achieve the result, 3-4 courses are needed.

In case of eczema, it is necessary to take up to 0.5 liters of viburnum juice per day. You can prepare an infusion by brewing 2 tbsp. crushed berries with a glass of boiling water. Strain after half an hour. Take half a glass an hour before meals.

Kalina is useful for external use for the speedy healing of sores and wounds. Grind 1s.l. berries, pour half a glass of boiled water at room temperature, leave for 6-8 hours, strain. Add to the infusion 1s.l. honey. Fix on the affected areas for 1-2 hours in the morning and evening.

At excessive sweating legs or arms heat 1s.l. viburnum bark with a glass of water, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, strain. Wipe feet and hands several times a day.

Malignant formations

Viburnum juice, mixed in equal parts with honey, is used in the treatment and prevention oncological diseases. Take 3 s.l. mixture 4 times a day.

For a similar purpose, it is useful to brew 1s.l. viburnum flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take a glass half an hour before meals. It is believed that this remedy, used after taking medication, enhances their effect.

A malignant tumor of the mammary gland is treated with lotions of fresh crushed viburnum berries.

Harm and contraindications of viburnum treatment

  • In case of hypotension, viburnum can be harmful because it lowers blood pressure, especially when taken in the form of juice with honey.
  • You should not be treated with viburnum hyperacidity gastric juice.
  • Folk remedies from the bark of viburnum are harmful with increased blood clotting, a tendency to form blood clots.
  • Treatment with viburnum should be abandoned for gout, arthritis, urolithiasis, and kidney diseases.
  • During the time it is necessary to exclude the prolonged use of berries.
Modified: 02/18/2019