Упражнения на повторение (уровни beginner — pre-intermediate). Уровень Intermediate — переход из количества в качество Упражнения на грамматические времена уровня upper intermediate

Упражнение # 1

Поставьте артикль х / a / an

1. __ fly
2. __ island
3. __ university
4. __ furniture
5. __ passport
6. __ police
7. __ early morning
8. __ church
9. __ biology
10. __ weather

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 1

1. a fly
2. an island
3. a university
4. (/) furniture
5. a passport
6. (/) police
7. an early morning
8. a church
9. (/) biology
10. (/) weather

Упражнение # 2

Поставьте артикли, где они необходимы.

1. … Hotels in … Europe can often be small, hot, and old.
2. He is … unhappy person.
3. We saw … extremely large dog.
4. She told … very sad story.
5. There was no … sun today.
6. I have … good idea.
7. I have … some homework to do for tomorrow.
8. Male has … airport.
9. Say … ‘Hi’ to Kate.
10. I arrived in … USA last … Monday.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2

1. Hotels in Europe can often be small, hot, and old.
2. He is an unhappy person.
3. We saw an extremely large dog.
4. She told a very sad story.
5. There was no sun today.
6. I have a good idea.
7. I have some homework to do for tomorrow.
8. Male has an airport.
9. Say ‘Hi’ to Kate.
10. I arrived in the USA last Monday.

Упражнение # 3

Найдите ошибки.

a) We live near the road.
b) When would you like to stay at an European Hotel?

d) Dan and I often watch musical on TV.
e) Your English is great.
f) I wear wedding ring.
g) My husband tries to go to a bed at 9 pm.
h) I can cook the chicken for dinner.
i) I have no family.
j) Was weather nice?

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3

a) We live near a road.
b) When would you like to stay at European Hotel?
c) I got a new book from the library.
d) Daniel and I often watch musical on tv.
e) Your English is great.
f) I wear a wedding ring.
g) My husband tries to go to bed at 9 pm.
h) I can cook chicken for dinner.
i) I have no family.
j) Was the weather nice?

Упражнение # 4

Выберите правильные предложения — где артикли расставлены правильно.

— I have a lot of music.

— American movies are very popular in Russia.

— He has lovely blue eyes.

— He’s the only child.
— I had a bad Saturday.
— I don’t like sushi at all.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4

— I’ll send you a message tomorrow.
— I’ve seen Niagara Falls many times.
— I have a lot of music.
— Monday was our Labor Day holiday.
— American movies are very popular in Russia.

— He has lovely blue eyes.
— British English and American English.
— He’s the only child.
— I had a bad Saturday.
— I don’t like sushi at all.

Упражнение # 5

Артикли в контексте.
Расставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. Do you know where I left … car keys?
2. I want to change … channel. OK, … remote control is over there.
3. What does she do? She’s … gym instructor.
4. Is there … Internet cafe around here? I need to send … Facebook message.
5. I have … two sisters and … brother. … brother works as … programmer.

6. Now I am working on … two projects, one of which is … Pyramid City Project.
7. I was in Samara … last Summer.. … The summer of 2007 was hot and dry.
8. Mark gets up early. He always listens to … radio in … morning.
9. Today is another … wet day, and I have cancelled … my trip to … Vancouver Island for … lunch.
10. Have you read about … German court sentenced … 88-year-old woman to … six months in … prison for denying … Holocaust? I haven’t seen … articles or … reports about … old woman being put in … jail from … Holocaust.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 5

1. Do you know where I left the car keys?
2. I want to change the channel. OK, the remote control is over there.
3. What does she do? She’s a gym instructor.
4. Is there an Internet cafe around here? I need to send a Facebook message.
5. I have (/) two sisters and a brother. The brother works as a programmer.

6. Now I am working on two future projects, one of which is the Pyramid City Project.
7. The summer of 2003 was hot and dry.
8. Mark gets up early. He always listens to the radio in the morning.
9. Today is another wet day, and I have cancelled my trip to Vancouver Island for lunch.
10. Have you read about a German court sentenced an 88-year-old woman to six months in prison for denying the Holocaust? I haven’t seen the articles or reports about an old woman being put in jail from the Holocaust

Упражнение # 6
Скажите по-английски следующие предложения, не забывайте про артикли.

a) Я пришлю тебе email завтра.
б) Я видел Ниагарский водопад много раз.
c) У меня есть много музыки.
d) В понедельник был праздник «День труда».
e) Американские фильмы очень популярны в России.
f) У него прекрасные голубые глаза.
g) Британский английский и американский английский.
h) Он единственный ребенок.
i) У меня была плохая суббота.
j) Я вообще не люблю суши.

Упражнения для изучения английского языка онлайн - отличный способ освоить основы английского языка самостоятельно или под минимальным руководством человека, имеющего определенные навыки. Разыскивая онлайн упражнения по английскому, следует обращать внимание на популярность ресурса и на качество представленных на нем упражнений. Многие сайты подобного типа предоставляют возможность определить уровень владения вами иноязычными навыками. Обычно предоставляется возможность выполнить упражнение с множественным выбором, которое охватывает все основные феномены грамматики английского языка с использованием необходимого для общения лексического уровня.

Существует общепринятая международная система оценивания уровня владения языком . Возможны некоторые вариации, но ее можно представить так и подобрать к каждому уровню соответствующие упражнения

Упражнение для нулевого уровня

Нулевой уровень - вы не имеете ни малейшего представления о структуре, правилах и феноменах английского языка, никогда не изучали его в школе, более того - не знаете элементарного счета и не знаете, как звучат буквы алфавита.

Потребуется около 80 академических часов тренировки английского языка онлайн, чтобы перейти на уровень языка, при котором вы сможете воспользоваться элементарными навыками общения.

Упражнение для Elementary уровня

Это Elementary - уровень, который может сохраниться после окончания школы, при условии, что человек не занимался языком в течение длительного времени. Также этого уровня можно достичь и детям, и взрослым за 80 часов интенсивных занятий «с нуля». Это позволит вам иметь ограниченное представления о грамматике языка, уметь использовать небольшой набор заученных фраз . Пример упражнения:

Нужно иметь в виду, что ребенку может потребоваться меньше времени для усвоения речевых навыков, чем . Может сложиться парадоксальная ситуация, что взрослый, подбиравший онлайн упражнения по английскому языку для начинающих, при их выполнении может начать отставать в усвоении материала от ребенка.

Упражнение для Pre-intermediate

Квалификация pre-intermediate - вводит начала среднего уровня. В этом случае, человек обладает знанием лексического минимума, хорошо справляется с письменными упражнениями, позволяющими доказать владение основными грамматическими навыками, но еще не способен участвовать в спонтанной беседе с иностранцами. Здесь будут хороши упражнения на словообразование:

Tracy loves telling … (DIFFER) between varieties of roses. Her mother has a very beautiful garden flowers and a vast … (MAJOR) of them are roses. Tracy’s mother learnt how to grow plants from her Granny and she developed her skills to … (PERFECT). There are about 200 varieties of roses there.


Упражнение для Intermediate

Intermediate - средний уровень. Степень владения английским языком, после которой обучающегося можно выпускать в «свободное плавание» для дальнейшего развития речевых навыков. Здесь можно взять в качестве упражнения фрагмент для правки письма личного характера, т.е. найти по одной ошибке в каждой строке фрагмента, либо поставить прочерк, если в строке ошибки нет:

Dear Todd.
I haven’t hear from you for ages and at last I am ready to send you few lines about
my life in Texas. Of course, I am going to ask you some questions about our old
school where we spent so splendid time. I know that you works at our school after
graduating from the University…

Ключи: 1 строка - вместо точки после обращения должна быть запятая; 2 строка - вместо hear должно быть heard; 3 строка - прочерк; 4 строка - вместо works должно быть work

После овладения уровнем Intermediate необходима интенсивная речевая практика, заключающаяся в просмотрах фильмов, онлайн-общении с носителями языка и участии в программах по обмену.

Как достичь Upper-Intermediate и выше?

Уровни Upper-Intermediate, Advanced и Upper Advanced становятся ступенями к свободному овладению английской речью, но и они требуют постоянной практики в виде общения с носителями языка, чтения книг в оригинале, просмотра англоязычных программ и фильмов. Многие из достигнувших высокого уровня языка не пренебрегают и тренировкой английского языка онлайн.

Существует много популярных ресурсов, на которых вы можете найти массу полезных онлайн-упражнений английского языка. Мы относимся к этим ресурсам с полным уважением и с вниманием следим за их развитием. Проанализировав бесчисленное количество учебной информации, мы создали уникальный сайт по изучению английского языка онлайн. Приглашаем окунуться в увлекательный мир английского вместе с нами!


Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение среднего профессионального образования Московской области

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__________ (ФИО)


по теме: «Грамматика английского языка в упражнениях»

для уровня Pre-Intermediate

Преподаватель английского языка

1 квалификационной категории

Архитекторова А.А.



Данная методическая разработка предусмотрена для студентов, владеющих языковым уровнем Pre-intermediate, и включает в себя грамматические упражнения для работы по темам – юнитам как на уроке, так и самостоятельно.

Методическую разработку можно использовать как основной материал по отработке грамматических тем, так и как дополнительный материал.

  1. Юнит 1. Употребление времен: Настоящее простое, Настоящее длительное, Прошедшее простое.
  2. Юнит 2. Употребление времен: Настоящее простое, Настоящее длительное и have (have got).
  3. Юнит 3. Употребление времен: Прошедшее простое, Прошедшее длительное.
  4. Юнит 4. Употребление артиклей, исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.
  5. Юнит 5. Употребление Будущего простого времени и going to, like doing/would like to do
  6. Юнит 6. Употребление степеней прилагательных.
  7. Юнит 7. Употребление Настоящего совершенного времени.
  8. Юнит 8. Употребление модальных глаголов: must, have to, should.
  9. Юнит 9. Употребление Условных предложений 1 тип.
  10. Юнит 10. Употребление used to.
  11. Юнит 11. Употребление Страдательного залога.
  12. Юнит 12. Употребление Условных предложений 2 тип.
  13. Юнит 13. Употребление Настоящего совершенного длительного времени.
  14. Юнит 14. Употребление Согласования времен.

Unit 1 Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

Open the brackets and

  1. Yesterday I (to ask) my friend not to ring me.
  2. He (to write) a letter now.
  3. My parents (to live) in Bristol.
  4. I (to go) to bed now.
  5. Paul and Ann (to play) tennis yesterday.
  6. He was much better than me, so he (to win) easily.
  7. We can go out now. It (not to rain) any more.
  8. Water (to boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
  9. Catherine (to phone) me last night.
  10. You (not to eat) lunch this week. You want to lose weight.
  11. How nice to meet you! What (you to do) these days?
  12. It was warm, so he (to take) off his coat.
  13. We usually (to grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we (not to grow) any.
  14. The moon (to go) round the Earth.
  15. Mozart (to write) more than 600 pieces of music.

Put the question to the following sentences:

  1. Marion is from Spain. (Where?)
  2. They usually work till 6 o’clock. (Who?)
  3. She spoke English very well. (How?)
  4. We are making a difficult task now. (What?)
  5. Our company moved into a new office. (When?)
  6. He has 3 cars. (How many?)
  7. They don’t do it properly. (Why?)
  8. He gets up at 7 o’clock every day. (When?)
  9. The weather was stormy yesterday. (What?)
  10. He didn’t see the end of the film. (Why?)
  11. She is at home now. (Where?)
  12. He doesn’t love her. (Who?)
  13. We are learning new words. (Who?)
  14. She is reading an interesting book. (What book?)
  15. They are coming on Monday. (When?)

Translate the sentences:

  1. Что она учит? – Она учит стихотворение в этот момент.
  2. Вчера мы были в кино.
  3. Мы редко ходим в театр.
  4. Посмотри в окно! Идет снег.
  5. Я сделал домашнее задание, а затем пошел гулять.
  6. Дедушка всегда сидит в кресле и слушает новости.
  7. Что ты делаешь в субботу вечером?
  8. Их семья уезжает через две недели.
  9. Что ты думаешь об этом виде спорта?
  10. Они обсудили мою книгу на прошлой неделе.

Unit 2 Present Simple, Present Continuous; to have/have got.

Put the verb in the right tense:

  1. Julia is good at languages. She (to speak) 3 languages very well.
  2. Hurry up! Everybody (to wait) for you.
  3. (you to listen) to the radio? – No, you can turn it off.
  4. (you to listen) to the radio every day?
  5. The Nile (to flow) into the Mediterranean.
  6. Can we stop walking? I (to be) tired.
  7. She (to look) for a place to live.
  8. Usually I (to enjoy) parties.
  9. The train is never late. It always (to leave) on time.
  10. The water (to boil). Can you turn it off?

Are the underlined verbs right or wrong:

  1. Look! The man tries to open the door of the house.
  2. I usually go to work by car.
  3. You must go now. It gets dark.
  4. They dance very well.
  5. We are swimming in the river every summer.
  6. We swim now.
  7. He doesn’t know this rule.
  8. It is winter.
  9. They are coming in 3 minutes.
  10. He sings a new song at this moment.

Make a negative and interrogative form:

  1. I have some free time.
  2. They have got many problems.
  3. We have a beautiful house.
  4. She has got a typical family.
  5. They have got some troubles.
  6. He has a younger brother.
  7. I have a boy friend.
  8. We have got 2 tickets.
  9. You have an old book.
  10. You have got several decisions of this problem.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Я изучаю английский язык.
  2. На каком языке они говорят сейчас? – На немецком.
  3. Вы пьете кофе утром?
  4. Он никогда не просыпается рано.
  5. Послушай! Как хорошо она поет и играет на пианино.
  6. Что она делает сейчас? – Она спит.
  7. Куда ты идешь? – Я иду на работу.
  8. Она делает зарядку каждый день.
  9. Он редко ходит в кино.
  10. Моя мама не готовит обед в этот момент сейчас.

Unit 3 Past Simple, Past Continuous

Put the verb in the right tense:

  1. We (to leave) the party when he (to arrive).
  2. What they (to do) when you (to see) them?
  3. When he (to come) to see me I (to have) a bath.
  4. I (to read) a book when I (to hear) the noise.
  5. We (to sit) here yesterday when he (to pass).
  6. When she (to drive) a car, she (to feel) headache.
  7. They (to have) supper when he (to visit) them.
  8. When my aunt (to go) home, she (to lose) her purse.
  9. I (to choose) a present when my friend (to enter) the shop.
  10. When the teacher (to come) into the class, all the pupils (to write) a test.
  11. When they (to play) in my room, they (to find) my notebook.
  12. The young people (to dance) when I (to come) to the party.
  13. Her son (to fall) when he (to climb) up the tree.
  14. The telephone (to ring) when I (to leave) the house.
  15. When he (to do) his homework, he (to make) a lot of mistakes.

Open the brackets, define the tense:

  1. The pupils (to discuss) this problem yesterday.
  2. The pupils (to discuss) this problem the whole evening yesterday.
  3. She (to learn) a poem at 5 o’clock yesterday.
  4. She (to learn) a poem when her mother came in.
  5. They (to play) tennis 2 days ago.
  6. They (not to discuss) this question last evening.
  7. I (not to see) him yesterday. I (to see) him 2 weeks ago.
  8. Whom they (to speak) to when the telephone rang?
  9. She (not to sleep) the whole night yesterday.
  10. Yesterday I (to ask) my friend to help me.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Вчера в 6 часов я делал уроки, а мама читала газеты.
  2. Когда он пришел домой, его семья обедала.
  3. Когда мы вышли из дома, шел сильный дождь.
  4. Когда я встретил ее утром, она спешила на работу.
  5. Что он делал вчера в 7? – Он работал над докладом.
  6. Кто помогал тебе убирать в комнате?
  7. Он спал, когда к нему пришли друзья.
  8. Ты нашел грибы, когда гулял в лесу?

Choose the preposition in/at/on and translate the sentences:

  1. ___ Monday I was doing a difficult work.
  2. ___ 3 o’clock he came home.
  3. It was cold ___ September.
  4. She was born ___ 1967.
  5. We discussed this question ___ 7 o’clock yesterday.
  6. ___ Tuesday they were playing from 2 till 5 o’clock.
  7. ____ weekends they had a good time together.
  8. ____ holidays we usually rest.

Unit 4 Articles, countable and uncountable nouns.

Put the right article:

1. There are ... flowers in the vase. ... flowers are beautiful.

2. She wrote ... letter to her friend. ... letter was long.

3. This is ... good ... book.

4. This is ... girl. She is at ... school.

5. My ... brother is at ... work. He is not at ... home.

6. This is my ... sister. She is ... pupil. My sister is ...good pupil.

7. He likes to read ... books.

8. My cousin is ... teacher. He is ... good teacher. He works at ... school.

9. She has ... long ... black hair.

10. I like these ... apples. Give me these ... apples, please.
11. We live in ... beautiful city. We like our ... city very much.

12. I am ... doctor. I work at ... hospital. ... hospital is large.

13. You have two ... books. Give me one ... book, please.

14. He has no ... pencil.

15. My brother"s ... watch is bad .

What nouns are these: countable/uncountable ? Complete the sentences:

air country day friend meat language letter patience people space

1. There are seven ……… in a week.

2. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat ……….

3. I am not very good at writing ………..

4. Last night I went out with some ………. of mine.

5. There were very few ……… in the shops today.

6. I am going out for a walk. I need some fresh ………..

7. Tom always wants things quickly. He has got no ………….

8. Do you speak any foreign ……….?

10. Our flat is very small. We haven’t got much ………..

Put in much, many, a little, a few, a lot, lots of :

1. He isn’t very popular. He has ……… friends.

2. Ann is busy. She has ……….. free time.

3. I am free. I have ………. to do.

4. There were many presents. There were ………. them.

5. This town is a very interesting place to visit, so ……….. tourists come here.

6. They haven’t …….. money. They can’t buy it.

Put in some, any :

  1. I have met ……… people.
  2. He doesn’t have ……… real friends.
  3. Have you got …….. idea what to do?
  4. There are …….. cookies left. But there isn’t ………. cake.
  5. She didn’t have ……… computers games.
  6. He has ……. books.
  7. Could you give me …….. examples?
  8. There were …….. potatoes left.

Unit 5 Future Simple, going to, like doing/would like to do

Put the verb in the Future Simple:

1. I (to watch) television tomorrow.

2. He (to see) them next summer.

3. We (to have0 a rest in a week.

4. They (to come) back next week?

5. She (to spend) holidays in the country.

6. You (to open) the door for me.

7. We (to leave) this place this evening?

8. How we (to get) there?

9. She (to go) to school next week.

10. When you (to go) to the cinema?

Complete the sentences using will or going to:

1. A: Oh, I’ve just realized. I haven’t got any money.

B: Well, don’t worry. I (to lend) you some.

2. A: I have got a headache.

B: Have you? Wait there and I (to get) an aspirin for you.

3. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B: I (to wash) the car.

4. A: I’ve decided to repaint this room.

B: What colour you (to paint) it?

5. A: Where are you going?

B: I (to buy) something for dinner.

6. A: I don’t know how to use this camera.

B: It’s easy. I (to show) you.

7. A: What would you like to eat?

B: I (to have) a sandwich, please.

8. A: Did you post that letter?

B: Oh, I am sorry. I (to do) it today.

9. A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it?

B: It looks as if it (to fall) down.

10. A: Has he decided what to do when he leaves school?

B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. r a week He (to have) a holiday for a week and (to do) a computer course.

Translate these sentences:

  1. He likes walking with his friend in his free time.
  2. Would you like a cup of tea.
  3. I’d like to try this coat on.
  4. I like drawing. And what do you like?
  5. What would you advise me to read?

6. He really likes swimming.

7. I’d like some information about hotels, please.

8. They like listening to music.

9. Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?

10. I’d like to help you.

Unit 6

Make a comparative and superlative forms:

  1. Shot, long, wide, dirty, clean, dark, light, thick, thin, cold, dry, weak, tall, strong, heavy, happy, big.
  2. Beautiful, old, bad, great, poor, large, poor, careful, narrow, hot, dangerous, young.
  3. Rich, interesting, expensive, comfortable, intelligent, strange, difficult, hopeful, cheerful.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Лучшее время года – лето.
  2. С каждым годом она становится все красивее и красивее.
  3. Ученые использовали лучший метод.
  4. Он самый старший из всех студентов.
  5. Его рассказ интереснее, чем твой.
  6. В нашей фирме работает самый молодой служащий.
  7. Их место удобнее моего.
  8. Возьми этот чемодан. Он легче.
  9. Мы прошли самыми узкими улицами города.
  10. Том выбрал самую трудную профессию.
  11. Какое животное самое большое?
  12. Они выглядят счастливее сегодня.
  13. Он думает, что английское произношение труднее русского.
  14. Погода намного хуже сегодня.
  15. Это упражнение самое легкое.
  16. Его английский лучше моего.
  17. Этот вопрос труднее, чем предыдущий.
  18. Его машина самая новая.
  19. Ее платье дешевле.
  20. Зима – самое холодное время года.

Complete the sentences:

big crowded easily high important difficult

peaceful serious simple short

  1. Unfortunately her illness was ……………. than we thought at fist.
  2. This way is the ……………..
  3. I want a …………. flat. We don’t have enough space here.
  4. This exam is the ………………..
  5. Health and happiness are ……………. than money.
  6. The instructions were very complicated. They should be …………….
  7. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was …………… than usual.
  8. In some parts of the country the prices are the……………
  9. I like living in the country. It’s ……………… than living in a town.
  10. You will find your way ……………. if you have a good map.

Unit 7.

Read the situations and write sentences using the Present Perfect:

get break go up grow improve


  1. Mike is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He …………………………
  2. Margaret can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. She ………………………..
  3. His English wasn’t good. Now it is much better. He ………………….....
  4. Tim didn’t have a beard last month. Now he has it. He……………………
  5. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. I ……………………
  6. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. It ………………………

You are writing a letter to a friend. Use the words given to make sentences. Then write your own letter.

Dear Chris,

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

  1. I / buy / a new car.
  2. My father / start / a new job.
  3. I / give up / smoking.
  4. Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil.
  5. I / have / a dog.

Put the verb in the right tense:

  1. We just (to come) home but our children (to come) home an hour ago.
  2. He (to travel) around Europe last year.
  3. I (to leave) home early yesterday.
  4. You (to write) a letter to your friend today?
  5. She is free now. She (to pass) her final exam.
  6. David (to start) school in 1994.
  7. They (not to see) me last week.
  8. He (to work) here a month ago?
  9. John (to be) to London before?
  10. We (not to know) about the disco last night.
  11. I (to read) already this book.
  12. Somebody just (to break) my window.
  13. It (to stop) snowing an hour ago.
  14. She never (to drive) a car before.
  15. The wind (to stop) blowing and the weather is getting warmer.


  1. Ты уже прочитал эту статью? – Нет, я только начал читать ее.
  2. Когда он приехал сюда? – Он приехал сюда вчера вечером.
  3. Он никогда не видел это представление.
  4. Мы купили эту квартиру месяц назад.
  5. Она была во Франции? – Нет, она никогда не была в этой стране.
  6. Вчера они были у доктора.
  7. Я не видел его около месяца.
  8. Вы уже видели этот фильм? – Да, я видел его на прошлой неделе.
  9. Когда она вышла из комнаты, она выключила свет.
  10. Он живет здесь с рождения.

Unit 8.

Translate the sentences:

  1. I have to get up early because my train leaves at 7.30.
  2. He doesn’t have to wear a suit to work but he usually does.
  3. She can’t go out with us this evening. She has to work.
  4. I have to phone my sister.
  5. Paul has to leave us soon.
  6. They have to go somewhere.
  1. I mustn’t be late.
  2. You mustn’t talk in the theater.
  3. They must do their lessons.
  4. It’s too dark outside, he must meet her.
  5. You must listen to the teacher attentively.
  6. You must bring it.
  1. She should go away for a few days.
  2. I don’t think they should get married.
  3. Do you think I should apply for this job?
  4. You look tired. You should go to bed.
  5. Should we invite Susan to the party?
  6. He shouldn’t work so hard.

Complete the sentences with must or have to, should:

  1. When you come to London again, you ………… come and see us.
  2. Paul doesn’t like his new job. Sometimes he ………….. work at weekends.
  3. I’m sorry I can’t come tomorrow. I am really busy. I ………… work.
  4. I’m in a difficult situation. What ……….. I do?
  5. I have a very bad cold, but I want to go out with you. - I think you ……… stay in bed.
  6. We haven’t got much time. We ……….. hurry.
  7. I’m not working tomorrow, so I …………not get up early.
  8. In Britain many children …………… wear uniform at school.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Я должен сделать доклад.
  2. Ему пришлось вернуть билеты.
  3. Ты не должен врать нам.
  4. Тебе следует подумать, прежде чем ответить.
  5. Ей придется выбирать самой.
  6. Он должен делать зарядку ежедневно с тех пор, как он поправился.
  7. Им следует пригласить ее в гости.
  8. Я не должен соглашаться на его предложение.
  9. Вам следует упомянуть об этом в докладе.
  10. Ему не пришлось работать ночью.

Unit 9.

Open the brackets:

  1. When I (to see) him, I (to phone) you.
  2. If he (to decide) not to do it, he (to be) right.
  3. As soon as we (to know) results, we (to inform) you.
  4. I (to give) it to him when he (to visit) us.
  5. If the weather (to be) fine, the plane (to leave) in time.
  6. Jack (to miss) the train if he (not to hurry).
  7. They (not to swim) if the water (to be) cold.
  8. I (to go) to the country if it (not to snow).
  9. They (to wait) until we (to come).
  10. When my mother (to hear) it, she (to be) glad.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Когда я приду домой, я позвоню тебе.
  2. Если я увижу его завтра, я отдам ему эту книгу.
  3. Он обрадуется, если мы скажем ему об этом.
  4. Мы поедим в Париж, если купим билеты.
  5. Он позвонит, как только у него будет время.
  6. Они согласятся, если мы пригласим их в театр.
  7. Когда мне понадобится помощь, я попрошу вас помочь мне.
  8. Если он не устанет, он выучит это стихотворение.
  9. Мы пойдем на концерт, когда я буду свободна.
  10. Все будут удивлены, если он не поступит в институт.
  11. Завтра мы зайдем в это кафе, если не будем спешить.
  12. если ты не позавтракаешь, ты пойдешь в школу голодным.
  13. Когда она будет готовиться к докладу, она будет работать в библиотеке.
  14. Когда он придет в школу, он будет внимательно слушать учителя.
  15. Никто не будет с тобой разговаривать, если ты будешь грубым.
  16. Я позвоню тебе, если у меня будет время.
  17. Если это платье будет стоить слишком дорого, я куплю себе другое.
  18. мама будет беспокоиться, если ты не придешь вовремя.
  19. Если зима будет холодной и снежной, они будут кататься на коньках и лыжах.
  20. Что ты будешь делать, если такси не придет?

Translate the sentences:

  1. If she finds out the truth, she will be very happy.
  2. I’ll visit him in the hospital, if I know about his illness.
  3. If we don’t like his suggestion, we’ll tell him about it.
  4. If John wants the advice, he’ll ask you.
  5. They’ll find the solution, if they understand the problem.
  6. If Beth goes to her native town, she will be happier.
  7. If you don’t agree with me. I’ll go to the director.
  8. What will you do, if he tells you to leave?

Unit 10.

Complete these sentences with used to …and with a suitable verb. Then translate the sentences:

  1. Dennis gave up smoking two years ago. He …………….. 40 cigarettes a day.
  2. Liz …………….. a motorbike, but last year she bought a car.
  3. We came to live in Moscow, but we ……………. in our village.
  4. I rarely eat ice cream, but I ………….. it when I was a child.
  5. Jim …………… my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more.
  6. It takes me 40 minutes to get to my work since the new road was opened. It …………….me about an hour.
  7. There …………… a hotel opposite the station, but it closed a long time ago.
  8. When you lived in London, you ……….. to the theater very often.

Translate the sentences:

  1. We used to live in a small village, but now we live in London.
  2. They lived there 4 years ago.
  3. There used to be 4 cinemas in the town. Now there is only one.
  4. There were many people in the street.
  5. She used to watch TV a lot.
  6. He was watching TV when the telephone rang.
  7. I used to live alone.
  8. You used to think I was unfriendly.
  9. Diane used to travel a lot.

10. He used to play tennis but now I don’t play very often.

Unit 11

Rewrite sentences using the Passive Voice.

1. She has put her keys in her pocket.

2. Who has written this letter?

3. We didn"t recognize Alex.

4. Tom gave us a completely false idea.

5. Where have you bought these flowers?

6. He always invites us.

7. Last year we rented the cottage from this couple.

8. Paul Hogan plays the leading role in this film.

9. My younger sister borrowed my book without asking.

10. She always criticizes the way I dress.

Translate the sentences:

1. Меня уже предупредили об опасности.

2. Нам сказали, что экзамен начнется в одиннадцать.

3. Менеджера можно найти в кабинете.

4. Письмо написано и отправлено.

5. Нам сказали, что оценки уже поставлены.

6. Его карьера началась пять лет назад.

7. Когда подадут обед?

8. Ученикам еще не объявили результаты экзамена.

9. Мама говорит, что все нужно делать вовремя.

10. В каких странах говорят по-английски?

11. Он думает, что его решения нельзя обсуждать.

12. Меня спросили об этом.

Rewrite sentences into the Active Voice.

1. I am sure I will be asked by police about this accident.

2. His honesty was acknowledged by all.

3. The leading role will be performed by my favourite actress.

4. The article has been altered by Nick.

5. His decisions are always approved by her.

6. The city was attacked by the enemies.

7. The window has been left open by somebody.

8. His adventures were described in his book.

9. The equipment has just been delivered.

10. My departure has been planned by me before.

Unit 12.

Translate the sentences:

  1. Возможно, она сейчас на работе.
  2. Они, возможно, сейчас работают в саду.
  3. Может, ты потерял ключи на улице.
  4. Она, возможно, учила английский в школе.
  5. Возможно, я потерял их номер телефона.
  6. Они, возможно, работают в саду.
  7. Возможно, они в театре.
  8. Завтра может пойти снег.
  9. Возможно, она звонила вам.
  10. Возможно, они ждали чего-то особенного от этого концерта.

Translate the sentences using Second Conditional :

  1. Врачи помогли бы тебе, если бы ты слушал их рекомендации.
  2. Если бы ее муж был тут, она бы была счастливой.
  3. Если бы она работала более усердно, она бы зарабатывала больше.
  4. Если б у меня было время, я бы мог рассказать тебе много интересных историй.
  5. Где бы ты хотел жить, если бы ты не жил здесь?
  6. Если б у меня было больше денег, я бы дал тебе немного.
  7. Если бы он знал иностранный язык, он мог бы сменить работу.
  8. Если бы лети были тут, они помогли бы родителям.
  9. Если б мы увидели их завтра, мы бы отдали им ключи.
  10. Если б ученик был внимательным, он не сделал бы столько ошибок.

Unit 13

Translate the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Я просматриваю статьи с шести утра.

2. Он играет в футбол с детства.

3. Она разговаривает по телефону уже почти час.

4. Как долго вы изучаете английский язык? - Я изучаю этот язык уже три года.

5. Они уже полтора часа обсуждают этот вопрос.

6. Дети смотрят телевизор уже четыре часа?

7. Он думает о ней целый день.

8. Как долго она ждет автобус? - Она ждет его уже четверть часа.

9. Мы обсуждаем план работы с пяти часов.

10. С какого времени вы работаете в библиотеке? - Я работаю тут с утра.

11. Ребята ссорятся уже двадцать минут.

12. Как долго дети играют на улице? - Они играют с десяти утра.

13. Сегодня с утра идет дождь.

14. Он живет в Лондоне уже 10 лет.

15. Кто из ваших служащих работает на заводе с 1970 года?

Open the brackets in the Present Perfect or in the Present Perfect Continuous:

1. She (to be) ill since last week.

2. He (to know) me since childhood.

3. I (to try) to understand you for half an hour.

4. He (to be) in Kyiv for three years.

5. She (to look) for her key since she came home.

6. They (to be) here since two o"clock.

7. My sister (to sleep) for ten hours.

8. We (to be) married since 1977.

9. How long Mary and Ann (to know) each other?

10. We (not to see) them for three months.

11. His car is very old. He (to have) it for many years.

12. It (to snow) for four hours.

Unit 14

Упр. Раскройте скобки, выбирая нужную форму глагола.

1. She realized that nobody (will come/would come).

2. We understood that she (sees/saw) nothing.

3. He said he (will arrive/would arrive) in some days.

4. My mother was sure I already (have come/had come).

5. I didn"t know they (are/were) in the room.

6. We supposed the rain (will stop/would stop) in some hours.

7. He said he never (has been/had been) to Kyiv.

8. We wanted to know who (is singing/was singing) in the next room.

9. I always thought he (is/was) a brave man.

10. When I saw him, he (is working/was working).

11. We know she always (comes/came) in time.

12. They thought he (will have finished/would have finished) his work by the evening.

13. She said she (has/had) a terrible headache.

14. We supposed they (will send/would send) us the documents.

15. He said he (has not seen/had not seen) us for ages.

Упр. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в нужном времени.

1. Her brother said he never (to see) this film before.

2. He came home and listened: his son (to play) the piano.

3. They didn"t worry too much because they (to lock) the door.

4. I asked her when she (to give) me this book to read.

5. We wanted to know if they (to enjoy) the meal.

6. She supposed she (to like) the hotel.

7. I am afraid they (not to come) yet.

8. He wanted to know if the station (to be) away.

9. Eric doesn"t know who (to phone) him at five o"clock.

10. He admitted he (not to be) here for weeks.

11. She apologies she (to arrive) so late.

12. Jean promised she never (to speak) to me again.

13. Andy said he just (to buy) a new car.

14. My mother decided that she never (to drink) coffee late at night.

15. I hear you already (to find) a new job. Hi. We were sure our children (to sleep).

17. I didn"t think they still (to discuss) this problem.

18. It is remarkably that you (to come) at last.

19. My doctor thinks I (to be) allergic to pineapples.

20. Sophia knew her aunt (to be) glad to visit her in two days.

Translate the sentences:

1. Она сказала, что будет рада увидеть нас вновь.

2. Он сказал, что знает, как я себя чувствую.

3. Я сказал, что он только что вернулся из командировки.

4. Мы не заметили, как дети вышли из комнаты.

5. Она пообещала, что пришлет нам письмо.

6. Он не хотел верить, что они не понимают его.

7. Он не сказал, что не любит ходить в театр.

8. Мы надеялись, что он уже вернулся домой.

9. Она сказала, что живет в Киеве уже двадцать лет.

10. Мой брат сказал, что не согласен со мной.

11. Мы хотели знать, где он и что он делает в это время.

12. Все знали, что она поедет в командировку, но не знали, когда она вернется.

13. Я не мог понять, почему он не пришел. Я подумал, что он болен.

14. Мама сказала, что она вернется до семи вечера.

15. Никто из учеников не знал, что он такой сильный.

16. Он сказал, что занят, что он работает над докладом.

17. Моя сестра сказала, что никогда не встречала эту женщину раньше и ничего не слышала о ней.

18. Мы были очень рады, что они не заблудились в незнакомом городе и пришли вовремя.

19. Все думали, что лекция начнется в десять.

20. Мы не надеялись, что увидим его снова.

Open the brackets using the Past Perfect:

1. I (to translate) the text before the bell.

2. She (to do) her lessons by the evening.

3. He (to clean) his room by five o"clock.

4. We (to speak) to him before the meeting.

5. Mother (to cook) dinner by seven o"clock.

6. Her son (not to do) the home task by nine o"clock.

7. She (not to make) a dress before party.

8. What they (to do) by three o"clock?

9. Who (not to write) the exercise before the bell?

10. Why you (not to sweep) the floor before your mother"s coming?

11. Your child (to go) to bed by ten o"clock?

12. You (to reach) your house before the sunset?

13. They (to receive) the telegram by that time?

14. Why they (not to have) lunch by twelve o"clock ?

Translate the sentences using the Past Perfect:

1. Мы сделали уроки до прихода отца.

2. Я поужинал до девяти часов.

3. Он не выучил стихотворение до вечера.

4. Они развели костер до заката солнца.

5. Дежурный вытер доску до прихода учителя.

6. Я не перевел статью до утра.

7. Дети заснули до десяти часов?

8. Почему он не отослал письмо до праздника?

9. Кто закончил работу до шести часов вечера?

10. Мы проснулись до восхода солнца.

11. Я приготовила пирог к приходу гостей.

12. Игра началась раньше четырех часов?

13. До трех часов я просмотрел все документы.

14. Почему они не пришли к обеду?

15. До 1990 года он был врачом.

Как выглядит английская грамматика по уровням?

В этом посте подробно обсудим, какую грамматику проходят на разных уровнях изучения английского - от начального до продвинутого. Увидим примеры этой грамматики и проведем небольшой тест.

На всякий случай напомню, что грамматика - это всего лишь один аспект изучения языка. Нужный, полезный, да. Но далеко не единственный.

А как было бы хорошо - выучил грамматику и, считай, освоил английский))

Английская грамматика по уровням

Вы увидите, что частенько на разных уровнях повторяется одна и та же грамматика. Подробнее о том, почему так происходит, в . Вкратце же:

  • не все грамматические конструкции усваиваются с первого раза (повторение - мать учения)))
  • на низких уровнях явления рассматриваются отдельно друг от друга, а на более высоких уровнях - сравниваются между собой
  • по мере улучшения уровня английского выясняется, что у каждой грамматической конструкции есть нюансы и тонкости, о которых коварные преподаватели до поры до времени молчат, чтобы не создавать путаницу

Английская грамматика по уровням - в разных учебниках - выглядит примерно одинаково. Поэтому за основу возьму один из самых популярных учебников - English File.

Кстати, эта английская грамматика по уровням может быть своего рода тестом. Загляните в любой раздел и посмотрите - понимаете ли вы предложения с примерами грамматики? Но - что еще важнее - используете ли вы такие конструкции в речи? Если нет, возможно, это пока не ваш уровень. Если да, перейдите в следующий уровень и проделайте то же самое.

Английская грамматика по уровням - короткий путь в нужный раздел:

Грамматика уровня Beginner / Starter

На уровне Beginner проходят основы основ - самые простые конструкции. Одновременно - и самые важные, потому что на них будет основана вся сложная грамматика более высоких уровней.

На этом уровне много внимания уделяется формам - опять-таки, чтобы достичь определенного автоматизма в простых вещах, вроде I am, you are, he is. Грамматические конструкции на уровне Beginner в основном рассматриваются отдельно друг от друга, чтобы избежать путаницы сравнений и нюансов.

Какую грамматику
проходят на уровне
Beginner / Starter

Пример грамматики

I"m from Russia / You"re in class 2 / He"s 30 years old.
I"m not from Moscow / You aren"t late / He isn"t French.
Am I late? Are you from the UK? Is he French?
How are you? Where is he from?
Единственное и
a book - books
a watch - watches
an umbrella - umbrellas
this, these
that, those

What"s that? What are those?

he - his / she - her / it - its
Притяжательное "s
Maria"s children, John"s birthday, my parents" car
It"s a fast car - This car is fast
They"re expensive shoes - These shoes are expensive

I have breakfast at home / She lives in a flat.
I don"t go to work by bus / She doesn"t have a pet.
Do you understand me? / Does she work here?
Where do you live? / When does she start work?
(adverbs of frequency)
always, usually
often, sometimes,
hardly ever, never
Вопросы с be и do
Where are you from? / Where do you live?
can, can"t
I can play the guitar / I can"t sing. / Can I park here?
like, love, hate
с герундием
I like swimming / I love reading
I hate doing housework
Present Continuous
I"m driving to the airport at the moment
What are you doing?
There is / there are
There is bar in this hotel but there aren"t any restaurants.
Past Simple:
was / were
regular verbs
(правильные глаголы)
irregular verbs
(неправильные глаголы)
I was born in 1988.
Where were you at 7 o"clock last night?
I arrived in Stockholm early in the morning.
What time did you arrive?
I bought some souvenirs.
What did you buy?
Present Continuous
для будущего времени
I"m arriving in Venice on April 10.
Where are you staying?

Грамматика уровня Elementary

Уровень Elementary очень похож на предыдущий уровень. Скажу больше, частенько вместо Beginner мы с учениками беремся сразу за Elementary, просто чуть более тщательно его проходим.

Грамматика Elementary практически один в один повторяет грамматику предыдущего уровня.

Какую грамматику
проходят на уровне

Примеры грамматики
to be: am / is / are
My name"s Anna / You"re early / My email address is...
I"m not English / It isn"t far
Where are you from? / What"s your phone number?
How old are you?
I - my / you - your / we - our / they - their
he - his / she - her / it - its
Единственное и
a book - books / a watch - watches
an umbrella - umbrellas
a man - men, a woman - women, a person - people
this, these
that, those
What"s this? What are these? How much is this bag?
What"s that? What are those?
It"s an empty box- This box is empty.
They"re cheap / quite cheap / really cheap
наклонение (imperative)
Open the door / Sit down / Turn off your mobile.
Let"s take a break / Let"s go to the cinema.

I wear glasses / They drink tea / It rains a lot
I don"t have children / They don"t live here / It doesn"t work
Do you live in a flat? / Does she speak German?
What time does it open?
Притяжательное "s
Justin Bieber"s sister, George Clooney"s father
Whose bag is it?
Предлоги времени
и места
at 7am, in the morning, at the weekend, in March
on Monday, at school, in the park
always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never
every day, twice a week, three times a year
can / can"t
Where can I park? / I can"t hear you.
Present Continuous
What"s happening? What are you looking at?
Object pronouns
I - me / we - us / they - them
he - him / she - her / it - it
like / love / enjoy
don"t mind
hate с герундием
I like / love / enjoy reading in bed.
I don"t mind cooking.
I hate getting up early.

Are you a fan of any band?
When do you usually listen to music?
Past Simple
was / were
regular verbs
(правильные глаголы)
irregular verbs
(неправильные гл.)
Where were you?
I was at a party last weekend / They were angry
They chatted and listened to music.
What did they do?
I wore a black dress.
What did you wear?
there is / there are
some / any
There"s a dining room. There are three bedrooms.
Are there any neighbors? There are some paintings.
there was / there were
Was there a mini-bar in your room?
There were 3 other guests.
Исчисляемые и
an apple, a banana
some sugar, some rice
We need some sugar / There isn"t any milk.
How much / how many
a lot of, some, none
How much free time do you have?
How many friends do you have on Facebook?
A proton is heavier than an electron.
Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks.
good - better / bad - worse / far - further
It"s the longest river in the world.
It"s the most popular art gallery in the world.
Going to для планов
I"m going to travel round Europe.
Going to для прогнозов
You"re going to like it.
speak fast, know him well, drive carefully
с инфинитивом
want to talk to you, would like to learn to cook
need to stop
I"m a student / It"s the oldest university in Europe.
Present Perfect
I"ve seen Harry Potter but I haven"t read the book.
Have you ever eaten sushi?

Грамматика уровня Pre-intermediate

На уровне Pre-intermediate уже начинают сравнивать разные конструкции между собой и выяснять нюансы. Почему где-то лучше сказать I study economics , а где-то - I"m studying economics .

Какую грамматику
проходят на уровне

Пример грамматики
Порядок слов
в вопросах
Do you speak English? What languages do you speak?
Did you go out last night? Where did you go?
Present SImple
She has a lot of hobbies. We don"t get on very well.
Present Continuous
John is wearing a suit today! He usually wears jeans.
Past Simple
Where did you go on holiday last year? We went to Italy.

When you called me, I was talking to my boss.
although, but, so, because
Going to

What are you going to do when you leave school?
We are going to be late for work!
Present Continuous
для будущих

I"m meeting Joe at 3 o"clock.
When are you coming back?
Relative clauses
This is the restaurant where they make great pizza.
Present Perfect
yet, just, already
I"ve just started a new job.
I"ve already seen this film. / Have you finished yet?
Present Perfect
и Past Simple
Have you ever been to Mexico?
When did you go there?
something / anything
nothing (where / one)
Did anyone phone? No, no one.
Is there anywhere to park?
и наречия
Driving is more dangerous than flying.
I"m as tall as my brother.
Can you speak more slowly, please?
It"s the best film I"ve seen this year.
It"s the worst meal I"ve ever eaten.
how much / how many / too / enough
will / won"t / shall
спонтанные решения
обещания и т.д.
Shall I open the window?
You"ll like it.
I think I"ll go home now.
I"ll always love you.
Try not to talk about politics.
I came to this school to learn English.
Be careful not to drive too fast.
Употребление -ing form
Waking up early in the morning makes me happy.
He left without saying goodbye.
Модальные глаголы
have to, don"t have to
must, mustn"t
I have to get up at seven every day.
I don"t have to wear a uniform.
You mustn"t leave your bags here.
What do you think I should do? You should see a doctor.
First Conditional
(первое условное)
If I miss the last train, I"ll get a taxi.
mine, yours, theirs, ours
his, hers, its
Second Conditional
(второе условное)
I"d do more exercise if I had more time.
What would you do if you won a million dollars?
Present Perfect
for, since
How long have you lived here?
I"ve known her for 15 years / since we were children.
present и past
Nowadays a lot of toys are made in China.
This morning I was woken up by the neighbor"s dog.
used to
She used to wear glasses.
might She might come with us, she"s not sure yet.

into, out of, over, along, across, through
So do / am / did I
Neither do / am / did I
I"m married. - So am I.
I don"t know him. - Neither do I.
Past Perfect
The show had already finished by the time I arrived.
Reported speech
(косвенная речь)
He said that he was hungry.
She told me that her car had broken down.
Вопросы без
How many people came to the meeting?
Who invented the radio?

Грамматика уровня Intermediate

На уровне Intermediate тоже сравнивают уже знакомые явления между собой и, конечно, изучают новые.

Какую грамматику
проходят на уровне
Пример грамматики

action / non-action
I never cook vs What are you cooking?
I have a dog vs I"m having lunch
I think it"s a good idea vs I"m thinking about you
will / won"t
going to
Present Continuous

I"ll help you. Do you think it"ll rain? You"ll love this film!
I"m going to buy a new car. Barcelona are going to win.
They are getting married in October.
Present Perfect
vs Past Simple
I"ve been to London before. He hasn"t found a new job yet.
When did you go there? How did the interview go?
Present Perfect
Pres. Perf. Continuous
for, since
They"ve known each other for 5 years / since 2010.
I"ve been studying English for 10 years.
How long have you been waiting?
Степени сравнения
(comparative adj.,
superlative adj.)
My brother is a bit / much taller than me.
This chair isn"t as comfortable as that one.
It"s the most expensive city in the world.
He"s the smartest person I"ve ever met.
I saw a nice house with a fancy porch.
The porch was decorated with plants.
can, could, be able to
I can sing. I could swim when I was 4.
I"ve never been able to dance. I"d like to be able to draw.
must / mustn"t
have to / don"t have to
should / shouldn"t
You must wear a seatbelt / You mustn"t exceed the speed limit.
Do I have to pay now? / You don"t have to come.
You should stop smoking / You shouldn"t drink so much coffee.
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Past Perfect
When I got home, my family had dinnner.
When I got home, my family were having dinner.
When I got home, my family had had dinner.
vs used to
I usually get up at 6am.
I used to get up at 11 when I was unemployed.
The Passive
(все времена)
A lot of films are shot on location. The film is being shot.
The film has been shot. The film will be shot on location.
might, must, can("t)
для догадок
She might like the idea. This must be difficult for you!
You can"t be serious!
First Conditional
Future time clauses
The boss won"t be happy if you are late for work again.
As soon as you get your exam results, call me.
Second Conditional
What would you do if you met a celebrity?
If I were you, I"d buy a new car.
Reported speech
(косвенная речь)
I asked him if he wanted to join us.
She told me she had lost her wallet.
Gerund and infinitive
и инфинитив)
I"m not good at remembering names. I don"t mind getting up early.
Shopping is my favorite pastime. I don"t know what to do.
My house is easy to find. Try not to make a noise.
Third Conditional
If I had known about the party, I would have gone.
I eat a lot of chocolate. She earns a lot. We have plenty of time.
There aren""t enough parks. There"s too much traffic.
Relative clauses
That"s the house where I was born.
Question tags
They live in New York, don"t they? You aren"t angry, are you?

Грамматика уровня Upper-intermediate

К продвинутому уровню Upper-intermediate обычно наступает просветление основы основ уже пройдены. Остается их немного повторить и приступать к интересностям и тонкостям грамматики.

Какую грамматику
проходят на уровне

Примеры грамматики
Question formation
(порядок слов
в вопросах)

Are you talking about me?
What are you talking about?

What time does it open?
Do you know what time it opens?

Auxuliary verbs
I like dogs, but my wife doesn"t.
- I loved the film! - So did I.
- I"ve finished. - Have you?
the ... the ...
The sooner, the better.
The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
Present Perfect vs
Present Perfect
She has been writing novels
since she was a student.
She"s written 30 novels.
Adjectives as nouns
Adjective order
в качестве
порядок прилагательных)
The Chinese invented paper.
The poor are getting poorer.
They need to create more jobs
for the unemployed.

I bought a beautiful Italian leather bag.

Narrative tenses:
Past Simple,
Past Continuous,
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous
We had been flying for about two hours
when suddenly the captain told us to
fasten our seat belts because we
were flying into a thunderstorm. When
this happened, most passengers
hadn"t finished their meals yet.
so ... that
such ... that
There was so much traffic that we nearly missed the flight.
It was such a great show that I want to see it again.
Position of adverbs
and adverbial phrases
He walks slowly.
I"ve almost finished.
Ideally, we should leave at 8.
Future Perfect

Future Continuous

They will have finished painting
the house by Monday.
Don"t phone between 6 and 7, we"ll be
having dinner then.
Zero and First
Future time clauses
If you haven"t been to Paris, you haven"t lived.
If we are lucky, we"ll have sold the house by Christmas.
I"ll call you as soon as I"ve talked to the boss.
Unreal conditionals
If you exercised more, you"d be much healthier.
He would have died, if he hadn"t been wearing a helmet.
с wish
I wish I was 20 years younger!
I wish I hadn"t bought this car! / If only I hadn"t bought ...
I wish you would stop calling me at night.
Gerunds and infinitives
(герундий и инфинитив)
Remember to lock the door VS I remember locking the door.
I stopped to smoke VS I stopped smoking.
Used to, be used to,
get used to
I used to live in the countryside. I was used to the peace
and quiet. I can"t get used to the noise of the city.
must have been / done
might have been / done
can"t have been / done
It must have been difficult for you.
They might have left.
I can"t have lost it.
Verbs of the senses
(глаголы восприятия)
It smells good. It feels comfortable.
You look tired. Sounds interesting.

(пассивный залог)
+ it is said that ...
+ have something done
My car has been stolen. You can be fined for making noise.
The church was being renovated when I last saw it.
The criminals are believed to have fled the country.
I need to have my car fixed.
Reporting verbs
He persuaded me to quit my job.
She apologized for not being on time.
Clauses of contrast
and purpose
(придаточные предложения
и цели)
I went to work even though I wasn"t feeling well.
Although I was tired, I didin"t want to go to bed.
In spite of / Despite the fact that she"s 85, she"s very active.
I went to the bank in order to speak to my bank manager.
I wrote it down so as not to forget.
whatever, whenever
Have a seat wherever you like.
Whatever happens, stay calm.
and plural nouns
(неисчисляемые сущ. и
сущ. во множеств. числе)
I need some advice. I"ll give you two pieces of advice.
It"s made of glass. Can I have a glass of water?
The hotel staff is very friendly / The hotel staff are very friendly.
The police are canvassing the area.
All fruit contains sugar VS All the animals in this zoo look sad.
She wanted to study either physics or mathematics.
My father is in hospital. They"re building a new hospital.

Грамматика уровня Advanced

Какую грамматику
проходят на уровне

Примеры грамматики
Have - auxiliary
or main verb
(have как
и основной глагол)
Do you have any money on you?
Have you got any cousins?
I haven"t a clue.
Do I have to pay now?
I need to have my eyes tested.
Discourse markers
and linkers
(союзы и связки)
Despite / In spite of her age, she"s still very active.
Despite / In spite of the fact that she"s 85, she"s very active.
I keep checking my email in case there"s an urgent message.
They say it"s never too late to change your life.
We decorated the house ourselves.
Past events:
habitual or specific
Привычные и
единичные события
в прошлом
I"d wanted to buy a new car for a long time. I"d been saving up
for 2 years and when I finally bought it, I was over the moon.

I used to have a car but I don"t anymore.
Every night my mom would tell me a bedtime story.

и употребление
Let"s get a taxi. / It"s getting dark. / He might get sacked.
I need to get my passport renewed.
Get Jane to call me.
Discourse markers:
adverbial expressions
As a matter of fact, I don"t like football.
On the whole, I believe women are better drivers than men.
As far as the price is concerned...
and deduction
Догадки и
I must have forgotten to lock the door.
You might have been injured.
It can"t have been easy.
It ought to have arrived by now.
(изменение порядка
слов в предложении)
Never have I heard such a ridiculous argument.
Not only is he attractive, (but) he"s also smart.
Little did I know.
It appears that the situation is going to get worse.
There seems to be a mistake in the bill.
There is thought to be some tension between them.
Unreal uses of
past tenses
If only you hadn"t forgotten the map!
I"d rather you left the dog outside.
It"s time we stopped arguing.
Verb + object +
infinitive / gerund
We expect the bus to arrive at 7.
I want Real Madrid to win.
+ mixed conditionals
They won"t get a table unless they"ve booked it in advance.
Provided the bank lends us the money, we"re going to buy it.
If I"d listened to your advice, I wouldn"t be in trouble now.
Permission, obligation
You don"t need to take a jacket VS You needn"t lock the car.
You aren"t supposed to park here.
of the senses
You seem to have made a mistake.
I saw him cross the street VS I saw him crossing the street.
Complex gerunds
and infinitives
She thanked him for having helped her.
By the time I"m 30, I hope to have started a family.
Future plans and
My brother is due to arrive at 8.
I am about to get promoted.
The Prime Minister is to visit India next week.
- You must see his latest film. - I already have.
He did it even though I told him not to.
- It wasn"t my fault. - Well, if you say so...
compound nouns
I borrowed my mother"s car / She"s at the hairdresser"s.
She"s got ten years" experience.
Can you remember the name of the film?
I opened the car door, got in and fastened the seat belt.
Adding emphasis
Cleft sentences
What I need is some rest.
What happened was we left our umbrellas in the taxi.
The reason why I bought it was because it was cheap.
Relative clauses
My brother who lives in Australia is a programmer.
My brother, who lives in Australia, is a programmer.
I haven"t seen him for 2 weeeks, which is a bit worrying.

Вот и вся английская грамматика по уровням.

Неужели после уровня Advanced английская грамматика заканчивается? Нет, конечно)) Если смотреть на уровни, есть еще уровень Proficiency, но линейки разговорных курсов действительно заканчиваются на уровне Advanced.

Возможно это потому, что:

  • даже амбициозному пользователю английского языка редко когда нужен уровень выше Advanced (не говоря уж про среднестатистических изучающих, которые останавливаются в районе Intermediate)
  • на высоких уровнях люди уже умеют находить нужные аутентичные материалы самостоятельно и самостоятельно же организовывать свое обучение
  • на высоких уровнях многие задумываются о более практическом и прицельном использовании английского - например, подготовка к международным экзаменам (IELTS, TOEFL и другие) или специализированные курсы по профессии

А тонкостей даже после уровня Advanced еще много остается!

Как вам английская грамматика по уровням?

Получилось с ее помощью определить свой уровень? Поделитесь в комментариях!